't 'r 1 i Bl THENEWMEX CAN Santa Fe, N.M., May 14, 1973 LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT 255 Schools 220 Empl. Information 221 Help Wanted STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANTA FR IN THE PROBATE COURT In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament of J. Herbert Conry, deceased. No. 4930 NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the purported Last Will and Testament of J.
Herbert Conry, deceased, late of Santa Fe County, New Mexico, has been produced, read and filed In the office of the undersigned, and that the Honorable Arthur Ortiz, Probate Judge of the County of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico, has fixed the time and place for proving said Will for the 29th day of May, 1973 at ten o'clock In the morning of said day at the courtroom of the Probate Judge In the Courthouu of Santa Fe County, In the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico. WITNESS my hand and seal of uld Probate Court this 24th day of April, 1973. a Carolina R. Gonzales Clark of the Probate Court By 4 Elizabeth G. Martinez Deputy (SEAL) (Legal No.
In Summary, the ordinance amends the official zoning map to rezone the following described area In the manner stated In the title. VISTA DEL SOL, UNIT NO. 12 The foregoing subdivision of that certain tract of land situate In Santa Fe County, New Mexico, being and comprising a portion of Section 10, Township 14 North, Range 9 East, New Mexico Principal Meridian; uld tract of land being bounded on the North by Rodeo Road, being I den tlfled as Unit 12, Vista Del Sol, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds is follows: Beginning at a point on the section line common to Sections 9 and 10; uld point being the northwest comer of the lands herein described, being also an Intersection of cenar lines of right-of-way of Camino Carlos Rey south and Rodeo Road; from which the section corner common to Seclone 3, 4, 9 and 10, a USGLO brau cap, burs No. 00 deg. 4048" 197.54 feet, thence; S.
10 deg. 1.39 feet along the centerline of the right-of-way of Rodeo Road to an Intersection with the centerline of right-of-way of Camino Carlos Rey north; uld centerline of Rodeo Road being he common boundary of Units 13 and 12, Vista Del Sol, thence; S. 80 deg. 1334.59 feet, along the uld centerline of Rodeo Road and the common boundary of Units 13 and 12 to the southeast comer of Unit 13, thence; S. 80 deg.
22'55" 1335.07 feet, along the uld centerline of Rodeo Road to the northeast comer of Unit 12, Vista Del Sol; uid comer being an Intersection with the centerline of right-of-way of a dedicated street, thence; S. 00 deg. 721.43 feet along the centerline of uld dedicated street to the southeast corner of Unit 12, thence; N. 89 deg. 2444.70 feet, to the southwest comer of Unit 12; uld comer being on the section line common to Sections 9 and 10 and the centerline of right-of-way of Camino Carlos Rey, thence; N.
00 deg 1122.27 feet, along the section line common Sections 9 and 10 and centerline of said Camino Carlos Rey, to the northwest comer of Unit 12, uld comer being the ume and place of beginning of the boundary of the lands herein described, uld tract containing 55 895 acres, more or less. Published by order of the Santa Fe City Council dated 9th May, 1973. Bonnie Lopez City Clerk-Treasurer (Legal No. 9302 Pub May 14, 1973) 163 Lost and Found REWARD: young female dachshund lost from Rodeo Road area. 2-2525 or 471- 3798.
SHETLAND SHEEPDOG (Miniature collie) Dale Bellamah area, 2 months ago. Reward end or expenses. 983-7935. LOST: 4 year old Siameu Male Cat. Near Kaune Elemental School -area.
Reward. 988-1128. 171 Moving Storage STORAGE UNITS Individual rooms each with outside entrance. Sizes 4' 5' to 12' 24'. LOCK IT, YOU KEEP KEY.
POCO STORAGE, Box SPILLERS-BEKINS. 982-9944. 173 Personals CRISIS INTERVENTION CENTER Need help with a personal problem TBephones open 24 hours a day Call crisis CENTER, 982-2771 RIDE NEEDED to Phoenix, Arizona around the 18th of May. Leave meuage at 982 4451 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Ask for Arms or Pam. ARICA TRAINING coming to Santa Fe. Write Box MY-3 The New Mexican. WANTED, reliable person to drive car and camp trailer to East. References required.
FRANCIS AND LUISA). SUMMER VACATION Colorado Rockies. Completely furnished studio condominium with fireplace. All recreational facilities. Golf-tenqis-swlmming-ridlng-flshing, etc.
Weekly, monthly. Alb. 299-4314. AFRICA INSTITUTE offers scientific methods for expansion of consciousness. To contact teachers In Santa Fe, call 983-4311.
177 Public Notice JAPANESE-AMERICAN RESTAURANT using natural foods. 1942 Carrillos Rd. 983-9928, Now opem Sundays. Lunch and dinner, Sunday brunch. 17 Services Repairs HOME REPAIR Get those needed repairs and Improvements done.
Free estimates, reasonable rates. 983-1519. ALL your services by one man. Ap-pl lances, cooking, plumbing, electrical, yard, horses, driving. 757-4280 DON RIOS CONSTRUCTION.
Remodeling, addition, new construction. Frame block adobe. RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL 753-2738. PERSONALIZED INCOME TAX PREPARATION. Call Associated Buslneu Consultants.
983-1135. 1507 frd St. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Top references tar high quality work. Check with me before going to a studio you will uve 40 to 50 per cent. Ask for JIM 982-3185.
TIME CLOCKS. Service on all makes. All types of time cards In stock. 988-3774. KITCHEN CABINETS and maple and oak counter tops.
Made to order-Other remodeling work-Reosonable. 982-5055. ADDITIONS REMODELING J.J. Whltted Contractor 983-1341 PROFESSIONAL PLASTERING, stucco, cement slab driveways, walls. General repair, new construction.
Call 982-2831, free estimates. NOW OPEN-Scarborough's front end 8, Brake Service. Harkins Oil In San Pedro. 753-7500. REMODELING.
FREE ESTIMATES. Tar and gravel roofs. Aluminum windows, closets plaster and color stucco. Call. Nelson.
983-4311. LEATHER CLOTHES, handmade, your design or ours. Alterations reasonable, fur, leather-Fur Leather, 107 Washington, upstairs. LUGGAGE REPAIR SERVICE. Beckers.
Espanola, N.M. QUALITY DECORATIVE painting. Doors, murals, etc. Custom styling to blend with SW architecture. 757-4178 evenings.
217 Child Care Serv. ROMPER HOUSE CHILD CARE-llcansed. 7:305:30 Mon. Nights. Weekends.
Downtown, near P.O.$4dally scheduled activitlH. 983-8441. DAY CARE-Casa Solans Kindergarten Playschool expanding, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., 3-4 ages. $4.00 dally. Certified Teachers.
983-9001, 983-1722, 983 7052. WHAT FUNI Learning through constructive play Daycare nutritious lunches IW 5. 982-5134. SUMMER CHILD care Canyonclto Montessorl day care. 8 to 5 30 weekdays, monthly or hourly rates 442-2910.
219 Empl. Agencies SINCE 1948 BETTER JOBS AVAILABLE SANTA FE PERSONNEL BATTS BLDG. West Side Plaza. 1. r- SPECIAL PRE-SCHOOL Program for slow learners age 2-4 A MODEL Cltlu Program operated by College of Santa Fe No Cost.
1313 Apache Way 983-1810, 982-5741 UNITED METHODIST KINDERGARTEN now enrolling tor fall session. Hve year old, 5 days a week. Call Clara Stumpff, 983-4403 or church, 982-5397. SUMMER SCHOOL for age 3-12; Montessorl School; ages 3-5; $10 per week; age 4-12; $12.50 per week. 303-Antiques CUT GLASS 24 Ml.
S.W.Of S.F.on St. Rd 10 What-Not Shop Carrillos, N.M. 310-Building Materials ADOBES 4 10 12. 18 cents each or $180.00 per thousand. 753-7841.
VIGASI 4-12" dla. custom cut, delivered Alw fence-posts, firewood. 757-4343. ABODES, TOPSOIL, screen sand, refill, screen und, refill, screen dirt tor laying adobu. trash hauling.
3-2172 or 3-7970. 315 Come and Get It Cute puppiu. Five females. Call 753-4852. SEVEN WEEK old puppiu.
Five, Part Afgan. 982-9725 after 5:00. FREE to good home. 4 all black part Siameu kittens. 983-3502.
after 5 p.m. FREE two kittens healthy and cute. Call 982 2448. ADORABLE KITTENS! 2 longhair, 2 shorthair. Mary 982 3555.
340 Garage Sales GARAGE SALE In Espanola Saturday and Sunday 9 to 5. South of United Furniture. Look tor signs. GRAND FINALE Garage Sale! Today antiques, art, leftover treasures, pll reduced. 575 Armenia.
BICYCLES-ENCYCLOPEDIAS, guitar, autoharp, glau wrought Iron table, chelrs, linens, skis A boots, toys, Mexican tile, Honda 90, Las Vegu Highway sign past Bobcat Bite. ANTIQUES, ORIENTAL fabrics, Silk screen suppllu, cards and envelopes tor printing, Ice crumar, flle cabinet, adding machine. 715 Galisteo Saturday GARAGE SALE: 1213 Lujan. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
MAY 12, 10-2, 702 COLUMBIA (BETWEEN ST. FRANCIS AND LUISA.) FLEA MARKET Coronado Shopping Center, Saturday, May 19, 9-4, sponsored by Junior Women's Club. Call 982-2004 or 982-3075 for space reservations. SECOND TIME AROUND SHOP. Girl's Dub Building on Hillside Avenue.
Open each Thursday morning, from 89 to 12. Clothing, household Items, etc. RUMMAGE SALE. Episcopal Church of the Holy Faith. 309 E.
Palace, Wednesday, May 14, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 342 Arts Crafts OPENING CRAFT shop downtown. Need handcrafted pottery, leather, etc. Consignment basis.
Call Ron 988-1991 after 5:00 p.m. Addreu 715 Gallstoo. TURQUOISE SELECTED READY to mount stones I Have lewotry made with preferred stonu. 471-0429. 352 Livestock-Pasture AGED COW MANURE also good black dirt.
Will deliver. Call 9824)241 or 983-4713. PONY FOR SALE horsu boarded. Six used vlgu. Hal Stacy 471-1823.
TOP BRAND SADDLES Priced to fit your budget also used and pony saddles. We take trade Ins. TEESUQUE MCRCANTILE I SAD0UIT M3-4017 I VERY VERSATILE year old Mare. Excellent all-around horse. $500.
983-4810. NEW CROP alfalfa Hay; several good buys In saddiu. Pancho's, West Rodeo Road. 356 Machinery Tools DEWALT 12" radial arm saw. Like new.
$250. Call after 4:00, 988-3287. 357 Furniture DINETTE SET for ule. Call after 983-9548. FIVE PIECE llvlngroom set.
$50. Couch back drops for bed. Call after 4:30, 982-4929. HERCULON or velvet couch. Now just $158.
Cash or Terms. United Freight Saiu. 903 W. Alameda. ORIENTAL RUG: 8 10, red and blue, worn but well worth $115.
982-3283. 8' POWDER BLUE velvet couch. $100. After 5:00, 753-3444. FOR SALE white French Provincial bed and maltrusn.
Call 983-4444. NEW COUCH, Gold mixed tweed. $125. 982 8774. 90" CONTEMPORARY SOFA $45.
Vinyl rullner $25. Rt. 2, Box 332B, Wnt Rodeo Road. HOUSEHOLD SALE May 14, thru May a.m. to 12 p.m.
442 3442. 358 Appliance USED WASHERS' and dryers. Recon. dltloned; guaranteed. Maytag Shop.
135 Lincoln. 982 5543. KENMORE WASHINO MACHINE. Good condition. Must sell, $25, 983 834, 1972 WASHER and dryer, good selling tor $400.
471-3478. USED O.E. Refrigerator, large. $45. 983.
982-1529. Classified ads i get fast 221 Help Wanted HOUSE CLEANING, yard work. Light and heavy duties. Man or woman. References required.
Apply Box 4991, Santa Fe. WANTED: EXPERIENCED painter and body man. 50 per cent commission. Only experienced need apply. In person.
Capitol Body Shop. 331 Reed. HELP IS ON THE WAY for what's left of your shrinking dollar. Start a uvlngs account for each member of your family at First Northern Savings 5 Loan Association In Santa Fe and Espanola today. First Northern gives you full Federally Insured safety on your savings.
STEADY JOB for reliable cook, male or female. Good wages, paid vacation and bonus. Apply In person at the Plaza Cafe, 54 Lincoln Avenue, after 11 a.m. No phone calls. SALESLADY, EXPERIENCED In Selling better dresses 8.
sportswear. Write Box A-9, New Mexican giving references. SEWING OPERATORS wanted. No experience needed, full time work. Call 9824)338 or come by Pecos Trail Jeans, Inc.
EXPERIENCED LINE Mechanic. 3 years minimum. Newest sbop In town, lots of work. Need knowledge complete mechanical background except automatic transmissions. Permanent -position only.
Contact Jeff Mac Donald In person. Royal City Motors, 1700 St. Michaels Drive, Santa Fe. $3.25 per hr. Servicing established customers.
No Investment, Requirement; neat appearance, car and phone. Part time work avallabe. FULLER BRUSH CO. between 4:008, 4:00 p.m., 471- -1584. WAITRESS, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
471-9931. EXPERIENCED mechanic needed. Benefits. Alternate Saturdays off. Sauter Lincoln Mercury, 1500 St.
Michael's Drive. Santa Fe. WANTED EXPERIENCED mover and packer 442-5343. LAB TECH. ASCP, for 25 bed rural hospital with busy out patient client at Embudo, New Mexico, 44 mllee north of Santa Fe.
Interesting, proficient In modern, well equipped facility. Some knowledge of X-ray procedures and ability to speak Spanish helpful but not required. Salary open. Contact Mr. Martin, Embudo hospital, Embudo, New Mexico, 87531.
Phone 505-579-4255. IF YOU TAKE excellent shorthand, Ilk to Ilka your ob. Call 982-3544. HOUSEKEEPER with transportation, young middle-aged, live-ln, good references. No children.
982-1438. FULL AND PART-TIME male and femalehelp. Will train. Must be reliable-neat, Apply In person. Dairy Queen.
SCHOOLGIRL FOR parttime housework. Honest and dependable. References required. Phone 983-3428. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES: morning and afternoon shifts available.
No phone calls, apply In person only to manager of Ramada Inn. HAVE OPENINGS for two experienced Inside trim-men. Rate of pay determined by ability. Have openings for two experienced framing carpenters. Rate of pay determined by ability.
Have opening for an experienced backhoe operator, minor mechanic ability desired. See Duane Ford, Walton Chapman Co. Builders, 8-5, 982-1918 After 5, 982-8802. WANTED: DOORMAN to work at night, contact bar manager between the hours of 5 and 8. Ramada Inn.
WANTED EXPERIENCED mover and packer 442-5343. TEMPORARY POSITION open ap-proxlmately June 1. May develop into permanent work. Suzette International, 982 8228. HEADSTART POSITION The Taos-Rlo Arriba Counties Community Action Program Is now accepting applications for Coordinator position In the area of Education and Social Servlcu.
Degree In Child Development or related area In preferable but not required. Applications must be submitted to the Taos-Rlo Arriba CAP Box FF Taos, New Mexico. Deadline for accepting applications is May 17, 1973. Please Include resume with application, SALESWOMAN WANTED. Retail clothing store experience.
Part time. Poulbly working Into full time. Send references to Box M-4, New Mexican. WANTED: GOOD secretary, typing and shorthand required. Salary open, 515 Don Gaspar.
SANTA FE MOTOR CO. MCDONALDS Is now taking applications for night help. Hours pm to 1 am or urller. Obtain applications at 3299 Carrillos. Must be 14 years old and willing to work hard.
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OFFICE MANAGER Small research and development com-- pany has Immediate opening tor combination executive secretary and office mane-flef. Duties entail overall responsibility for management of small office, Including purchasing, bookeeping, Implementation and maintenance of office procedures, personnel relations, library searches, and general secretarial work. a This is a challenging, non routine position requiring a confident, flexible person With a broad experience background Send resume to PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY, 2101 Trinity Drive, Sulla Los Alamos. NM 17544 An Equal Opportunity Employer SWITCHBOARD PBX. Permanent.
No age limit. Applications from middle aged and older women also wanted. Write PO Box 773-your name, eddreu, phone, height, weight, date of birth, education, family status. State what experience any kind. Switchboard experience helpful but not necessary.
Will train it Inexperienced. Above average starting pay with graduated ralsn. State why necesury you work and If not employed. SECOND COOK, cook's helper, dishwasher, Apply In person at The Pink Adobe. 404 Old Santa Fe Trail.
10:00 a.m. 12 a.m., or 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. SCHOOL BUS Drivers needed. Men or women.
982-3504. PERSON WANTED to bake plu at home for restaurant 2 or 3 tlmu pec week. Please call 988 3333. WAITERS, WAITRESSES, bus boys. Apply In person.
The Bishops Lodge. NEEDED: co*cktall-Food waitress, bartender, sharp, honest with references. Apply Coronado Bowling Center, 504 W. Cordova Rd. WANTED: reliable help.
Need drivers and 1 stock boys. Inquire at Ponca Wholesale Company at 1235 Siler Road. POSTING CLERK needed for Embudo Hospital. Must be good typist, accurate with figures, experienced In operating posting machine. Ability to speak Spanish helpful.
Starting ulary $1.95 an hour plus excellent benefits. Contact Harriet Brandstetter at 579-4255. MANAGER TRAINEE, waltrus, and cook needed for permanent position. Part time and full time. Plzp Hut No.
1 500 Cerrlllos Road. COOKS, Waitressu, Bus Boys, Dishwashers. Apply In person at Denny's Rutaurant. See Mr. Sanchez.
WAITRESS AND COOK needed at Truck Stop Cafe In Poloaque. Apply In person. LEGAL SECRETARY. MT-ST experience or Interut In learning preferred. Position open July 1st.
Good working conditions and benefits. Sutln, Thayer 8, Browne. Call 9828504. SHOE SALESMAN or woman, someone who enjoys meeting and helping You will be selling the best In quality footwear. You can advance as an Individual, not as a number.
Guaranteed ulary and a liberal commission. Additional benefits for permanent employees. No evening or Sunday Pleau apply In person The Guarantee on the Plaza. WANTED: Experienced ulu person. Full time.
Shop of the Oldest Houu. 215 E. De Vargu Santa Fe. AVON MAKES IT EASY: TO MEET PEOPLE, DISCOVER NEW INTERESTS, -AND MAKE GOOD MONEY TOO! CALL AVON 988-1944 NOW. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS NEEDED for part time work, may develop into full time.
Suzette In-, ternatlonal. 982-8229. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Full and part time. Nut, dean appearance.
Paid vacation. Employee Discount. Woo (worth's on the Plaza. EXPERIENCED FENCE salesman. Apply Montgomery Wards-982-2481.
SUMMER WORK $85 week to start. Mutt be 18 and up. For Interview. 988-1573. FULL TIME DRIVEWAY saluman.
Experienced In service station work. Night and day work available. Apply Santa Ft Exxon, 500 Rosario Street. MECHANIC. Due to promotions and expansion wlfhln our company, United Parcel Service, the nations leading small 'package delivery company It seeking a qualified journeyman auto mechanic.
Should be experienced In diesel and gat maintenance. Must have own hand tools. We offer excellent pay: $4.13 per hour to start, paid group Insurance, uniforms furnished, paid holidays, paid vacation, profit sharing. Apply: Wednesday, (May 14, 1973 between 1 and 7 p.m., 1100 Siler Road, Santa Fe, N.M. $500 A MONTH GUARANTEE Southwut branch of national factory now hiring men and woman for Santa Fe, Lot Alamos, and Espanola.
No experience necessary. We train. Ideal career position for war veterans or summer lobe for teachers and college students. See Mr. Taylor, El Rey Motel, Room 25, Monday, May 14, 1012 orV-0.
EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, good ulary, excel lent chance for promotion. Phone 983-7357. James H. Russell Agency. EXPERIENCED TYPIST-polky writer, good ulary.
40 hours per week. Phone 983-7357. James H. Russell Agency. CAPABLE INDIVIDUAL for automobile parts department.
Experienced preferred, Sauter Lincoln Mercury, 1500 St. Michaels Dr. 239 Instu don TUTORING; MATH, Reading, Plano, Voice or Brass. 983 7953. PIANO LESSONS: New Method: lm-provlutlon, composition.
Interpretation. Beginner -advanced. Low retn. 988 3049. Be at happy at the birds at springtime sell something fast with a classified ad I 247 Sales Agents SMALL BUT Active Real Estate Firm hat opening for Salespeople.
Excellent Commlttlonplut-Other Benefits. JOE BRIONES AOINCY 101 W. Mercy 988-1411 982-8330 APPLIANCE AND TV Saluman, top commissions, top volume ulu floor. Producer can make very good money. Good Housekeeping Shop.
982-5588, Phil. AAA NEEDED Membership Salesman EARNINGS $6, 000-SI 0,000 ANNUALLY EXPERIENCE Helpful, but not necessary We will train WHERE AAA 811 Cerrlllot Road 9114413 An Equal Opportunity Employer 253 Situations Wanted QUICK, RESPONSIBLE service for yard work, babysitting, driving, tutoring, office, shop, etc. SQT. John's College, Student Employment Office, 982-3491, ext. 22.
Monday-Frlday. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Emergency calls will always be accepted by switchboard. SUMMER POSITIONS wanted.
Find Responsible, Intelligent workers through the St. Johns College Student Employment office. II a to 1 m. 982. 3491.
Available to work May 21st. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY seeking responsible position locel roforencu. Box 1441, Santa Fe. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE, one child will house sit houu In rural area. Will do maintenance and repair, 10 mile perimeter.
988 1247. 255 Schools A NATIVE Santa Fean wants work writing, reuardilng or teaching (n humlenltln; being a young married man with baccalaureate. 988 3793, be: Alfonso Trujillo, Ralph Rivera, John Florence, Cayetano Chavez, George Romero, and Desiderio Roybal. Berardinelli Mortuary. GARCIA, Phil.
Family Rosary will be recited this evening at Berardinelli Mortuary at 7:30. Parish rosary will be recited Tuesday evening at 7:30. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church.
Interment to follow in National Cemetery with full military honors. Berardinelli Mortuary. BALDWIN, Robert. Christian Science Committal Services were held at 10 a.m. today at the National Cemetery.
Mr. Baldwin, a former resident of Santa Fe, passed away in Hemet, California. Arrangements through Memorial Chapel. NEAL, Walter 57, passed away in the Los Alamos Medical Center Friday following several months illness. Mr.
Neal had been a resident of Los Alamos for the past 24 years, first as an employe with Zia Company and until his retirement with the University of Calif. Member of the Masonic Lodge in Chicago. He is survived, by his wife, Ruth, one son Gerald Neal of Los 1 Angeles and one daughter Phyllis Thompson of Albuquerque, grand daughter Vicki Tompson of Albuquerque, two sisters, Mrs. H.H. (Kathleen) George of Seattle, Washington, and Miss Gwen Turner of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Father in law, Mr. Fred J. Koehn of Chattanooga, Tenn. Graveside services will be held at 2 P.M. Tuesday at Guaje Pines Cemetery in Los Alamos with Fr.
Milton A. Rohane of Trinity On The Hill Episcopal Church officating. Friends may contribute to the Cancer Research Department at the University of New Mexico if they wish in lieu of flowers. Arrangements through Memorial Chapel. HOAG, Earl 73 passed away in Los Angeles, Cali-' fornia, Saturday morning following several months illness Mr.
Hoag, retired, had -lived in Los Angeles for the past 40 years. A veteran of World War II, he is survived by one brother Edwin Hoag of New Orleans, one. sister Mrs. Harry W. (Sally) Coles of Santa Fe, six nieces and nephews.
The remains are being sent to Santa Fe for services and interment in the National Cemetery at a time to be announced later through Memorial Chapel. MARTIN, Mrs. Barbara passed away at her home, 104 W. Alicante Rd. Sunday night following several weeks illness.
Survived by two sons, Chester Martin and Robert H. Martin, both of Santa Fe. Arrangements pending, to be announced later through Memorial Chapel. HEDRICK, Arthur Clark, 81, passed away at his home in Fairview Saturday night following a lengthy illness. Mr.
Hedrick had lived in the Espanola community for the past 42 years. Veteran of World War I. He is survived by his wife, Frona, three daughters, Mrs. Burrell (Ollie) Sloan of Las Cruces, Mrs. Jerry (Dora) Morris of Las Cruces, and Mrs.
Jimmy (Barbara) Ellison of Tucson, Arizona. Three sons Arthur H. and Robert of Albuquerque and Alvin C. Hedrick of Farmington, two brothers, Arno of Espanola and William C. Hedrick, two isters, MS.
William Cheatum of Espanola and Mrs. Rose Shiplet of Espanola. Seventeen grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church of Fairview at 1 P.M. Wednesday with the Rev.
Mervin A. Tennyson officiating. Interment will follow in the National Cemetery with Military honors at the graveside. Arrangements, through Memorial Chapel. KANEY, Mrs.
Helen S. 74 passed away in St. Vincent Hospital Saturday night following a short illness. Mrs. Kaney cams to Santa Fe with her husband in November of 1972 from Blackwell, Oklahoma where she had lived for 40 years, their new MARTINEZ, Amedo, funeral services were held at 11:00 this morning from the Sacred Heart Church in Espanola.
Interment followed in the Espanola Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Walter Gonzales, Joe Chavez, Isauro Madrid, Frank Serna, Archie Montoya, and Harold Montoya. Blocks-Salazar Mortuary in Espanola. HINDS, William funeral services wer held Saturday afternoon from the church of Christ in Chama with Reverend Middlebrook, officiating. Interment followed in the Chama Community Cemetery.
With his brothers and family friends serving as pallbearers. Blocks-Salazar Cemetery in Espanola. THANK YOU The family of the late Carlos Manzanares acknowledges with grateful appreciation your kind expressions of sympathy, your beautiful floral offerings, and Spiritual Bouquets. We wish to thank the Reverend Fathers, Lorenzo Ruiz, and Armando Martinez. Mr.
Gumersindo de Vargas for the beautiful eulogy, our relatives, neigh- bors, our many friends as all those who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement, On the death of our beloved Father. The Manzanares Family. NARANJO, Gaspar. Funeral services were held this morning at Westminster Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Miguel Lopez and Rev.
Epifanio Romero officiating. Serving as pallbearers were Dennis Chavez, Isaias Ortega, Anselmo Ortiz, Adonias Herrera Charlie Montano, and Genaro Naranjo. Mr. Isaias Ortega was the soloist with Mrs. ONeal accompanying.
Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, with Mr. George Gonzales delivering the eulogy. Blocks Mortuary. RIVERA, Augustin 0. Omitted from the previous obituary is a sister-in-law, Jesse 0.
Rivera of Santa Fe. The remains will be taken at 6:00 to the Cristo Rey Catholic Church where rosary will be recited at 7:30 by the Union Protec tiva and again at 8:00 by the parish priest. Funeral mass will be celebrated tomorrow morning at 9:00 from the same church with interment following in the National Cemetery. Arrangements through the Espanola Funeral Home in Fairview. MONTANO, Magdalena (Nena), 64, a resident of Canjilon, passed away at the family home yesterday morning following a sudden illness.
Mrs. Montano is survived by her husband, Isidoro Montano of Canjilon, three sons Florencio Montano and wife Loma of Layton Utah, Emilio Montano of California, and Prudy Montano and wife Sally of Alubquerque, one daughter Rosalie Bustos and husband Dan of Espanola, three sisters Anita Romero of Salt Lake City, Utah, Sylvia Martinez of Canjilon, and Margarita Vigil and husband Antonio of Chimayo, twenty grandchildren and many other relatives. Rosary will be recited this evening at 7:30 in the Chapel of the Valley of the Espanola Funeral Home. The remains will be taken to the Funeral Chapel in Canjilon at 12 noon tomorrow where rosary will be recited at 7:30. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday morning at 8:00 from the San Juan Catholic Church in Canjilon.
Interment will follow in the National Cemetery in' Santa Fe. Arrangements through the Espanola Funaral Home in Fairview. EIGHT-DAY MASS An eight-day mass for the repose of the soul of Frank Ortiz Davis will be said for friends and relatives in Galisteo, New Mexico in the Our Lady of Remedies Church at 10:00 Tuesday morning, May 15th. RODRIGUEZ, Helena Parish Rosary will be recited this evening at Berardinelli Mortuary at 7:30. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m Tuesday at Cristo Rey Church.
Interment to follow in National Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will home being at El Castillo Retirement Center in Santa Fe. Mrs. Kaney was a member of P.E.Q. Chapter and in Blackwell had been active in Red Cross work.
She is survived by her husband, John, one sister Dorothy Meany of Des Moines, Iowa. The remains are being sent to Forreston, Illinois today services and interment in the family plot there. Arrangements through Memorial Chapel. LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT NOTICE OF SALE On June 7, 1973, at 1509 Paseo de Le Conquistadora, an Austln-Healy belonging to Oavld L. Gray will be sold lor a Mechanic's lien In the amount of $1120.
In summary, the ordinance amends the official zoning mao to rezone the following described area In the manner stated In the title: Beginning at the Northwest comer from which manhole AA-78 bears 29 deg. 53 1, 012.9 feet; hence 28 deg. 07' 124.54 feet hence 52 deg. 53' 400.0feet; hence 14 deg. 44' 254.7 feet hence 40 deg.
00' 280.32 feet; hence 52 deg 30 142.85 feet; hence 13 deg. 23 354.2 feet to he point of beginning. All as shown by a survey of Jack G. Home, datd April 4, 1973. Published by order of the Sank Fe CIV Council dated 9h May, 1973.
Bonnie Lopez City Clerk (Legal No. 9301-Pub. May 14, 1973( NEW MEXICO STATE LAND OFFICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION OF STATE LANDS LEA COUNTY Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands Santa Fe, New Mexico Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress, entitled Enabling Act for New Mexico (34 Stat. 557) approved June 20, 1910, the laws of the State of New Mexico, and the rules and regulations of the State Land Office, the Commissioner of Public Lands sublect to the conditions hereinafter set out, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at 10:00 o'clock, A.M., on June 28, 1973, at the front door of the County Court House In Loving ton. New.
Mexico, sublect to existing rights, easem*nts, rights of way or leases, and also sublect to the right of the Com-mlssloner of Public Lands, which Is hereby expressly reserved, to renew and extend any existing water easem*nts or leases, and the rents and revenue, therefrom, If any, the following described state Institutional lands, to-wlt: (Possession of these lands may be obtained as of October 1, 1973, and future annual rentals and payments on existing grazing lease or leases. If any, may be collected by the-purchaser, unless already paid to the State). All other rentals or payments, If any, are reserved to the State. SALE NO. 5770: A tract of land containing 13.004 acree, being a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Township 19 South, Range 34 East, N.M.P.M., In Lea County, New Mexico, and more particularly described as follows 41 Beginning at the northwest comer of said Section THENCE South 89 deg.
3V East, along the north boundary of said Section a distance of 2041.94 feet, being a point on a curve originating at a point of curve bearing South 89 deg. 31' East, a distance of 1075.18 feet, and North 0 deg. 29' East, a distance of 100 feet, the same being the northwest boundary gf New Mexico State-Federal Highway No. 42 and 180; THENCE southwesterly along said-boundary, a distance of 1424.38 feet, through 15 deg. 59 01" of circular arc, having a radius of 5830 feet, and having a long cord bearing South 71 deg.
52 West, a distance of 1421.11 feet; THENCE North 84 deg. 58' West, along the northeast boundary of New Mexico State Highway No. 529, a distance Of 255.8 feet; THENCE North 52 deg. 28' West, along said boundary, a distance of 314.49 feet; THENCE North 0 dec. 34' Ft along the boundary of said Section 5, a distance of 307 A feet Jo the ooint of Beainnlnq, AN a tract of land containing 1.781 acres, being a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 19 South, Range 34 East, N.M.P.M., In Lea County, New Mexico, and more particular described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said Section THENCE South 0 deg.
34' West, along the east boundary of said Section 4, a distance of 307.4 feet; THENCE North 52 deg. 28' West, along the northeast boundary of New Mexico State Highway No. 529, a distance of 47 feet to a point of curve; THENCE northwesterly along said Highway boundary, a distance of 430.74 feet, through 23 deg. 34' 54" of circular arc, having a radius of 1532.5 feet, and having a long cord bearing North 44 deg. 15' 27 West, a distance of 424.29 feet; THENCE South 89 deg.
11' East, along the north boundary of said Section 4, a distance of 420.41 feet to the point of beginning, according to Plpts of Survey prepared by John W. Weft, dated August 3, 1972. The total acreage contained In this sale Is 14.785 acres, more or less. The above described lands are located approximately 14 miles West of Hobbs, New Mexico, on Highway No. 42 and 180 and New Mexico State Highway No 529.
Said above -described lands have been appraised at $300 00 per acre, and no bids for a less amount will be accepted. Those desiring to qualify as bidders will be required to deposit with the Commissioner, or his agent conducting the sale, $310.00 to apply on cost of appraisal and advertising; plus, tan (10) per cent of the appraised value of the lands, and the sum of $34,193.00 which Is the appraised value of the Improvements, unleu bidder be the owner of uld Improvements. Any person desiring to qualify as a bidder must qualify before the bidding in such sale has been completed. All deposits shall be In cash, certified or cashier's check or bank money order, and made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. All deposits will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders.
At the time of ule, the successful bidder will be required to pay ten 10) per cent of the amount bid (leu his deposit), the first year's Interest atl per cant on the deferred be lance, plus the actual cost of appraisal and advertising. The balance of the pur-chau price will be payable In thirty (30) equal annual and consecutive Installments with Interest on the balance at I per cent per annum. Both principal and Interest to be payable In advance of the anniversary date of the contract commencing with the first anniversary date of the contract. The State of New Mexico reserves all minerals of whatsoever kind, Including und, gravel, oil and gas, and the right herein to execute leasee for geothermal resources, development and operation, together with the right to uu so much of the surface as Is reasonably necessary for the production and conservation of minerals ana geomermei resources, and the right to grant rights of wav and easem*nts for the purpose of production, development and operation of geothermal lees as. The right to relsct any and all bids Is expressly reserved and no ule shall be effective unleu and until approved In writing by the Commissioner of Public Lands.
Detailed information concerning this offer of sale, the lands Involved, the lm-provements thereon, If any, and other matters related thereto may be obtained by writing to the Commissioner of Public Lands, State Land Office, $anta Fe, New Mexico. Dated at Santa Fe, New Mexico, this 3rd day of April, A 1973. Alex J. Armlo Commissioner of Public Lands State of New Mexico (SEAL) (Legal No 9201, Pub. Apr.
14, 23, 30; May 7, 14, 21, 28; JunfJ, lh II, 1973) 1 CHEVRON STATION for leau, at the Us Alamos Inn, Los Alamos, N.M. 471-1818 or 982-3134. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN EARNING $1841. PER MONTH PART TIME WITH ONLY $4900. TO INVEST, (FULLY RETURNABLE UNDER CONTRACT)? CALL COLLECT: MR.
MORGAN 984-394-1787. PARTY INTERESTED In selling thriving little restaurnt on Canyon Road. Includes leau, equipment, reputation, clientele. 9824)185 or 982-2885. GOOD BUSINESS BUYS We advertlu for buslneu owners.
Deal direct with owner. Write for details giving phone number. Business Advertisers, 2303 No. Loop, Austin, Texas 78754. DISTRIBUTORSHIP YOUR VERY OWN BUSINESS We need a Distributor to handle established dealers who will be retailing our products.
Those products are manufactured by a SO year old leader and one of the best-known manufacturers in Original Equipment Manufacturing of automotive parts. This business can bo operated out of your home on a part time or full time basis. EXTREMELY HIOH RETURNS ON THIS EXCITING GROWTH BUSINESS We have made provisions to guarantee the success of our distributorships. Consequently we require a man or woman with high ethical standards, good credit and a minimum of $1,700 cash secured by Inventory and servlcu for this prestlgous position. If you meet the above requirements and would like to build your own bulsness with limited outside activity and no personal selling write today before your area Is closed.
Allied Industries, Internationel 351 Lawndale Dr. Dept. 4NM, Salt Lake City, Utah 64115. (Include phone number). CSIIS CUSIXESS! 'Santa Fe other Interests' for ule of established busband-wlfe business.
Excellent Income. Total Inventory and long leau. Priced to ull at S7SM cash. Investment realized 1st year. For appt.
after 4 p.m.i 983-2147. Serious parties only. 163 Lost and Found LOST: FEMALE Irish Setter A black puppln. Penitentary Hl-way area. Rewardl Phone 471-2470 LOST: BILLFOLD Pleau keep money, send billfold and papere to John W.
McDonald, 413 Ivy Truth or Con-soquencee 87901 or call Walter H. Kruh-min, 982 3340. $100 REWARD for (he return of a very small 7" high male dog With long hair which covers his eyes. Ust In the vicinity off Upper Bishops Lodge Road. Grey-white in color.
Has a blue rhinestone collar with tags. Hair tangled and very muddy. Answors to the name of Call 983 4477. FOUND; 1 pair of keys. Identify.
Call i i I fr 1 POTTER-PATTtRSON PIRSONNIL 1944 Carrillos Rd. Call 984-2871 4 I.