WAXTEIV KE.I) rsTATE Country auad IUrh Property, WANTED TTOCK RANCH. WITHIN 190 frara JU A. lo ISlO.ouU. pu-ttcuiar, TTR-Vta, llw Ooleraco Pasadena. yeZsTzi-GOOO RANCH.
SAN IninvvT TIC ley baa income here ac.i ys-, Bob. in xenanf, UP to So hwsml jiB, few ouly. Answer, addreaa A.N. but 868, TIAILi fPillNU 8T. BRANCH.
fiASTKrv OR ACRES, HAVr! fvs payable per month, i. rfliSiMQ. liD BroauwaJ. Lm fngele. Cal.
Eatra auic Morthern Pr.perty, WAJfTFO--RAoTRrlN. 1b exohano 'or beaneifnl rak Cwri neas in Pasadena. PacticAliJ now. lceal locaUoa. Pri-a 3i.lKM.
01mw, lit B. Coloratto Pi a sea. TWO-THIRDS OF TOTAL IS RAISED Oversubscription to Fund Now Predicted. Denver and Memphis First Cities Over Top. Pacific Division Lacks Only $1,131,003 of Quota.
A. P. SWTHT WIRE Washington, May 2J. Ap- proximately 120,000,009 w'af gub-cpfberl today to th American Red Crosa'a (ccorid wap mercy fund, bringing; tha subscriptions reported up to tonight to a total of Four mora working daya of the) F-main and oiliclals were confident to-niirht there would KB large over-Bubscrlptlon. Greater New Tork's subserlptlon reported totaled against lis quot of J25.000.000.' The Atlantic division outnlde of Greater New York, lacked onlv about of reaching Its $10,000,000.
Large subscriptions reported In New York today were: Carnegla Trust Company, American Telpphone and Telegraph Com-" pany, Consolidated Gau Company, $100,000, and the Central Trust CompHny, $92,000. Three hundred and forty-thre national banks reported to tho controller of the currency today that they had made donations to the fund, their subscriptions totaling $531,000. Other banks were expected to be heard from before the end of the campaign, the total subscriptions from this source being1 reckoned at several millions. Memphis, was reported today as over Its quota, Its subscriptions being $173,793, and Its quota $125,000. Many other large- cities are near the top.
Subscriptions by divisions as announced tonight follow: Atlantlo, Including Greater New York, Central, Lake, Gulf, Mountain, New England, Northern. $2,363, t0; Northwestern, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Potomac, Southern, Smith-western, foreign, $721,. 040. $8,000,000 TO GO. I BY A.
P. NIGHT WIRE.) NEW YORK, May 23. Increased by a gift ot $1,000,000 from the Car-negle Corporation, New York City's total for the second Red Cross war fund was tonight within $8,000,000 of the city's ofllcial allotment of 000.000. BIG AVERAGE PREDICTED. BY A.
P. NIGHT WIRE,) BAN FRANCISCO, May 3. Total subscriptions to the American Red Cross war fund drive In the Pacific division amounted to at 8 o'clock this morning, John B. Miller, chairman of the drive, announced tonight. The quota for the division, which Includes Arizona, California and Nevada, la $3,730,000.
This leaves $1,131,003 be raised In four days. This taxk will be accomplished and with substantial oversubscription, campaign officials predicted. Arizona's subscription up to this morning amounted to $158,983.67. with a quota of $200,000. Nevada's total was $42,321.91, with a quota of $75,000.
California's total was $2,897,691.95, with quota of $3,455,000. According to Miller, many chapters already are over the top and several are more than 100 per cent, over. A sack of flour sent out from Fan Francisco by Islam Temple, Shrln-ers, to be auctioned among the different Schrlners' temples In Amer- lea for the benefit of the Red Cross, has been sold in Oklahoma for more than $50,000, according to advices recolved tonight by John D. McGil-vray. Potentate of Islam Temple.
This made a grand total of, which the suck has brought for the Red Cros, McGilvray said. UTAH NEARS TOP. (BY A. P. filtlHT WIRE.
SALT LAKE CITY, May Utah's Red Cross Campaign Committee reported a total of $436,05.1 tonight, with contributions pouring in from all elections of the State toward a quota of $500,000, COLORADO GOES OVER. (BY A. P. NIOHT WlllS.) DENVER, May 23. Denver subscriptions to the Red Cross second war fund totaled $557,733, it was announced this afternoon.
The city's quota was $500,000. This alsi Is said to put the Ktate of Colorado beyond Its quota of $1,000,000. pAR rERSi Wanted. WANTED PARTNTB POR A NATUTtOPATfTTO sanatorinra. Money not essentia! if one us-fJeratsnds nuHng.
SOI tROSBY blrs-k, beyond end of Lincoln, ava car line. 1 aioek east, Pasadena. WANTirrv-PARfNER, CHXCE Op UrrTlMB foe reliable hustler. $::50 takes half eatsbllhed tMssinese; tldohite $iv mcntt'ly from stsrt. or money batk.
Call 237 FRANKLIN S.T.. Friday onliN WANTED -LA IIV PARTNER WHO Is ARLB TO do the om. work and invest $l(ssi, Bg returns sbwipitely sure. Addres box 101, TIVIES OFFICE. PA VINO VI "anupactu iuso sol retail busmo Call 201 GRANT R1.DC1.
W'antedT Partner, takino cniRrm bp hskery (Heads'. 7llf BROADWAY, lllendsj. (Hernial 131.0 Bins 258. B. MIDDLEKAPFP.
TJS1N ESS CHANCES. WANTED STOCKS OP MERCHA-NDlffB. ANY Amount, groceries, dry -ts. siwsn. ladles" and gents" furnishings, hardware, maehtne iewetry, notions, offli: mishltigs.
Highest caeil prue pahl for asm Money on cm. aignment. Befor sell or trade sur act esll us It will be your beneet. All ouf business la etrlctlr -infMentlal. f.
CI.VSl'IHED "WANT ADS," WILL BB AO ('KITED UNTIL It M.STI RDAY. IP OB ViEAft Ansrlrs: whst tiav foul A'U res N. aog IS. TIMES OPPK E. L1 NOTICES Of All Kind.
NOTICE OF flEAKfNO BEFORE THB BOARD OP Puhlle Utilities of the City of Los Angeles. In th met'er of application of Ceo. Nieker- son to etteud n-nta I liitsrurhau brtwssa Ls Angeles and Van Nuya over and along certsia hti'-t, in the Citv of Lis Ance'ca, In a. with n-i fer 21 i. Secttn 3-e of the (leneral Laws eg 1U17 of th state of CaH- fomla.
the undersigned hereby fives notice to all partis, st interest 1 Thst he did on tha ISth rler of Wsr. 1DIS, file with th. Board of Public Utilities of the cue of Lis Angclr, in soplicstioo ft a permit nreler ssid llcneral Lsws sn.I Uie tsrm snd of Onlinance No. 87. sill New Series of th (Pr of Angeles, to ois-rat a Interurbsn ftair between Angeles and Vsn buys and over and along Highun.l Hoiljwood Bejie em ave.
and Wibhir Blvd. 2 Thst the asid Board of pilhHe Utllltiea In scconlsme with law. hold a hcsHng on ssi i Piiitcatlon at lis tJlh-e, R-a St. i ity Hsll. In, Amrek.
Cshfomis. st 2 p.m.. M.ov, AA. STi.o. 1Pl, for Hie itirpivse or ascertaining or the necessity snd vcnvcuiii.e of to. miulre the tseusui of lite p-rmit p- fog tiMisiu, Cf*ckiial U.soi.aja, WntesL For Sal. POK UTJt-JJ Apr-ROl'SB OP $0 BOOMi, Kiis erter. am oompeiird 1 bar Lo Angara. 503 DELI A BJlrO, POS ETCHAVrra: 8-TEAB I EASE, A OOOD 4- atorr aiWnn.nt.K.n,u il.w. at sil th large stores, using tn frun 10 to per misith; want bungalow.
CLAl.XE. A2210, Xlaia 4u4v. or l.ea. FOB LEAVCB eTIRnoM APT-HOT SB, .11.1 -n ci'eaa retiv. box S22.
TiMli Si RlMl ST. BRANCH. Wanted. WANTTD APtRTTMEVT BITLDtNO AM fumiturs to iil pay with my S20-acre improyed rsncl, Address Org 7u. TIMES SI'RlNii tT.
Will sell light manufacturing busmen; artistic line; rongetuai; protected hg V. 8. cotrigbt; will KrJ- K. wttt WO. Adtireas Si.
Pol 8, TIXIT.S OKI ICR. WANTOi Oil MoiTlTwlTH OR WITHOUT servtces, A I trtrcstinfi-t. fiHM Y. 1551, CS1XESS CHANCES Of Many hinds. CROCKETT A MARSH 40K HAAS BUM.
S-'O tl.EAMNU clearing $250 nio. living-rooms, baRaia. 1,1.1 NERV, uew stock, food busiiu. fl-4JARAOK, tls storage, receipts l.Mars vru-AXTZINO, big rcpts. $1250.
sa-sst piNU, HAIX, 7 tables, $500, stick, snap, 'tiskl Pl.t MHlNil, wnrsing 7 men stesdy TKtNslljt, atiwai. ropt 'V5 day up. xtun binhf BY clear $250 no, tn'estlfaM. 20O0-- 1NTEUEST LNKEBTAKINII Bl flna outnt, want etp. man: fine profisition.
FOR eachXnoh 1 HAVE; A CONPBcrPIONERY STORB IN TI1R ITEART TOWN: VALl'H 30.00O: WILL TAKE BI-1AL K-TATH INI L.lH.tNX:E. IP YIKt ARB UNia-POOR AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO 1 WITH WIH PROPERTY, HKBB IS YOt 11 CHAXITB, ADDRESS IKAX 4t, 11MKU BPBIXt ST. BRANCIL For pprnisiiinos business'. close to Lie Angeles, 50ta population, good surrounding country, or will trsds for food email ranch, preteriti'y in of near Neuvo or Heuiet-fitock and flstures will invoice about $0000. Address bot 2-10.
TIMES OFFICE. FOR RALE F11J.Y Et(HFPED GARAGE, ONE of ths best locations in the eity. Stock aad Rttures will invoice around $5000. Other business demsnds my attentten. Adilresa 1, box 1KI8, TIMia OFFICE.
CAFE MAKING (iuOO PEM MONTH NET. Ml'Sr sell qiiick, poor healtia. Best minlnf town In Ariaona. No res.nahle offer refused. Buy this for actual cost of fixtures, equipment and stock on hand, PhonaFAIR OAKS FOR (ALB MUXixTliV "bTOBE.
TLOB-TTi transfer point, estaltlished 8 yeara: newly fur nislied and decornted, one year ago; living apartment! in rear; must leave city; will sacrifice. Address JnTIMER SPR1NO KTJBHANrlt, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWni'BE TO HANDLE tiie sutonistic steam spray oil burner for cook stoves, ranges, furnaces, fireplaces, etc. it burns crutls oil or stove distillate at much less cost than sny other fuel, call ami Investigate at 822 8. KPBING ST. See demonstratiog.
GOOD HCSiNFSs PRol'OilflliN t6 mTanT IN-terested in foundry and iron works, legitimate snd worth your time. Business expansion, need temporary, AiMreaa N. bog 3ua, TIMiSS SI'RINll ST. BRANCH. FOR I.yl'HTED PAfRt! and tins centrsl location: very low rent; estabilstied 5 years, good chance for one vino wants so isu; pnes ngot, t.sji MAlSjrr UoTlD BUSINESS PROPOSITION TO MAN INTKB- ested in foundry snd lorn works; legitimate snd worth time, business eiisinsion, noed ttm-poisry Addreaa N.
box B02, TIMr. Sj'Rlj0 ST. BRAM H. FOR 8.ALB (ABI.NET AND JOBlilNil SHOP, tools and business, she- a Ford roadster; good businssa; established eiuht yeans, too old, must quit, 1548 M0ILN1.NG.S1U COURT (street.) risone llolly ond TODAY BIUQ ST SNAP IN TOWN, $475 FOR 8 fiool tables, compute; big stock of cigars, tobacco, cigarettes. National total adder.
Regent showcases, wall case and chairs; best oftr must he sold. Ptrt.lciitjra, 211O4O; SOUTH 218. FOR BALK A EQUIPPED lA'NCH tOUNT-er at a real haorain, a smsll amount of essh will tiandle this place. Impure sfc LlflHTMMl RACER tony laiaua -unco, ttroouuo Beacn. FOR SALE A COMPLETE LAUNDRY' At CITY, doing business over $4000 a month, with lot and house.
sle About one-half the yahw. If you nisli. we caa loaso jou. Address box 71, TIMES OJT'ICE. vSxk TABIJS.
FUL1.Y eouipiied, location at harbor, with ship yards l. cnnstniclcd: owner dniftcl. sacrifice for cash or na'ie acicnse, taiiiv wkiiv ut, 33, TIM EH OFFICE, CLEABS $40" VVEEK.LY. BUTTER. E0U8, pRKEKK, liicklea bneinens.
lsnm aasortod aioek, eonntar trsde, center Isnreo rlowntrwn market. $050. BUHINEMS LWESTSIEN'P B. Ppring. i'iiKirit)V fiimi'rnv iillocERV nave peer insiniccu 10 01 bum eery, corner W.
Itfferson snd Ia Bail sL, tn toii hisrhest, bidder. For iniorniation ot for key call at 1710 S. FI.OVVER. YEAR'S CONTHAlT UK II WILL aiCW r. mnrtnth StCfldr Plan WOO CStl buy Nash trick and cspsWe.
H. UARF1 Troy Motor Sales 1224 S. Flower. FORT SALE VULCAN I7.INO AND TIRE PTOBB. Close in, ooing ouior, 'v1' for sellirg.
Act uuick. AdUriiSf box 4J, TIMES OFFICE. fSm. termsTtake's fountain and m-ni t.ii.m.s henrt of shiioniua district, apiendnl bsrg.nn. genuine mnney-uiaktr.
316, 8. Spring. BUSINESS I.NV. CO. CltiAIt STAND IX) IillllY 0 500 ROOM UOTEI.
ele.uing $12S monthly; rent m-g icnse; eiors, tobaceo. candies, gum. poet cards; price Call (lot 8. HU ro K. WILL SACRIFICE MY $1700 STOCK OP ffTA- ple grueenes.
with rvtures iree. iv cash; other business Intcrcts nmke this necessary; doing $15 a dsy. WIl.HnRK 4112. SODA FOUNTAIN, CANDY AXD 1,1 XCH TtUSI-nees. atltoinlng large (heater.
Will clear $150 monthly profit, trie soluble for man or lady. 20(1 DELTA JILIM1 42(1 8.JiPRIN(l. AFTlflT iuf "HAVB TBI ED WA "pbssL bio tn make money out of your hustnms. and ymt cannot, call and me, AIR, BLVTIIB, mil American nana nms. tliTTiLCHA.NC.E--C,Ron':h' AND t.tTlKET, stock ttnd futures about iwssl, doing fine bueliiosi, conalili-r dear property, for pari NUGENT, S22 8.
Flower st. Main SWiO. NiitMrri'lTABi; BUsT-liera; lust the thing fnf man and wife, estslv Usher! businaas. Aiidmss box Id, XIMW (M'EII ft. SISOWAK1 'iBTAND WTli'SI TRANSFER -ner.
Jlno sUnd for lady. Big stock, never on th DiAlket More. See MEIU'U. SALES A EXCH. fill belt Bid, 2 8.
ftintig. lOW ORIK'ERY, AMONG APT. -HOUSES. $ti5()IHOi'E1lY, one-room, good buslneas. $UW (UIOCERY.
school store. Teut la gro. 307 HIREIINIAN Ulillll. FOR CANDY, CIGAR. hmch and fountalp store, adlmns Ihestsr: nu.y corner, easy terms.
1123 STORY BLDG. F1.107. DELICATESSEN STAND. CENTRAL MAR- ket; to neht parts eaa make more uum e.c, per week, owner. RI'SSEIJ, AVE.
SarTWIN IN A BAKERY AND iu.Nrintoovf suitable for msn snd fife. Grab It. BUSINESS Merrllt Bldg. $125 AND fxY'lfcE, CASH (UIOCERY. fJoixO $30 day.
Itent $24, litlpg-rooma. gnrsre; Doe ineatjim. Hibernian BMg. POOIi'TARIJS FOR "hALK lilt EXi IIANi.E. TI1F, beet paving 12 tab, pvnm in leva Ang-'es; our-ner aaventh and Main, ludv w.
aEVESTH. STAIBA.NT AT Al'HIFlCli. Positively rest buy, dry. Bee SMITH MAKE OFFER. 807 W.
fcd. GROCERY bV.SINEKS, sPLRNDiD STORK AND neislJ'orhord. clou in; im going back East will give some term. AATC. YOUR OWN PRICE TAKE A RESTAURANT PUR-roundnd by hotels and apsttmeuts.
No comp'ii tlon. Bent $11. Call mornings. 1108 OFi'ROIA ST. BEST RESTAURANT IN CITY.
FOR SAIJI. Paving propo-Hion. IVsonal reason. Must sell once, HOME iMWl. Call proprietor, HAtP.
DBAPTKIr HAVE FlVrtf) aamicy. luiiulr R0SI.V1IJ.IS GAR.ACB, Bose FOR SALE-NaPs, LWaiiiirOM, iWFBlNij and eiear stand! nnint Iwv avid iplick. call at PARK LUXCHIUKpM, Wnahloaton snd onnri. FOR PTtM-lT AnS fisturiw, $11110. flood loi'fltlon.
largo lhoij-ftiom. Rent $15 mrinlh, tskc-Jri groceries 75517, lpVOll WANT'TO "XofATE OR ii LI. "ill si. ness aufwrtmrltv sue BUREAU, 3U Merritt Emhth and Rrosiiwsv. HUB AND VULt ANIZlN'l SHOP, 1 sTABLlslIW) trade, $2200 will handle, this an.
ether value in tires. JIOLLYVVOOD 3I02. UNUSUAL (HAM Frill HtNANII VVlfE TN booming grocery, wtest market, basket dc-llvsry; stork invioce: Svturea low: no y-4l2. foirTAT-F-CAt iiofNO G(')(iD Bl'siXESs; W'lTf. stand inrestiaation.
scats fill ler.ple. Call f. Mala at. VV. A.
JtATTKE agents. POR BALE rtlioP. POIND FINE TlT'sT. new, clesring ivr week. hesr testustlon.
8310 S. fi ttf PEDRO pr. WANTED IVIIl SHIRT-maker IB San Ml-Sro. None these, Hare suit. sbi -re, low teat.
Addles IIUIXANU HOTKL, Ssnugo, FOR BALE FOR CASH OnIT. ffRfK Filin0- iof rtod busineal in town seven mttee fnrfu fo Ansrles. i'l a slssut Addres T1VVJ jomcr. PoITmLB NKABLT NEW" liflVM4M cleatiilig shop Slid tlliures; good cbsms Uv rosa situ wife: st hslf invoice. Tske ftell r.
"THE Wis-tgsre. SI. wfT.L takb Voir WEUrpAvKn nmlnPsB, msnnfsctormg food pivshtct Big nosslhilitiest must sell on -count other business. oner Room 4'M HOTEL KtMiiN'A, I'O VI A SAI I'PPKii e-nfei ti'Stery store, soda foooiaut. dro re, Bftires at Malh-va, all foe $ii PECKHAM Vol Nil.
7IM Hibernian ll.dg. Pico Foil SALF-'-VKIStlNrt AMi'l LKAXLXli'WiOP if Knj- Aaa I1CO mi. A Fop Sale and fCxt'haur. ron 8ALR pes. phopt, row trrs BEACH Vnr Krii f.nil FiohMt4L For Sftlft.
MLS OR EXCBAN08 FINS -R00M CW-tt at Van Parlt, close to eaa. F'ntlj tnr-ntshwt. $notQ. ownor. 1233 CITIZENS 6ANK BUM).
Main MLB OU fc'Xt' BANalJ MCDLRN 4-RfWiiSl orean front liout and lot at Rrh. make low figure fnr Fhma fWNFR, Wilahlxo ot aUdiYM Tul So. Uvrmdo ciiy. RoraoM Bftclh BALK BKRMOSA BfcACH TNCOWT. CT1- trtTiT orttvit OVV.NEa, IMjx ID, fsona -nua- barrAin.
Manhattan BMrh, "HTT rWTAO OR TACANT BEArH pivpfrtT prrfptTMl. fr flaU; aJiw $3700; pre-aula $o0 uoi iuooma ISA mo. COUNTRY PROPERTY For Pal and For Sale. fob $jMrnn ckancr of tour urt. UOIMI TO 0i TL-KtSnAV.
MAY 28; ABOUT II AW ttiiAb VAtX'K: ABSoLH'KhY tlia PWtTTIKST and lifctff -ACRB TRACT ia tii cuunty 'VJ mia et, of Ta AnpH, (la than inuir ritle.) on pared ani linhtwi (Mate liif.way,) at west city limita of Pomnno First Prfncrfv ft'ncM and aurrmmfirrl by Mrfca )t(M HKUUK -tha most bMiutifiil In county. Ti'jR it beaai iful Jand and general cnlii i'ma laigy nimiuy frf water irriKatiriK: aipo lirownrp isa((r wmifj aJ bwlld-lntrs. Two block from car Ime; fifteen Jmiu-uns" walk biiainea ctntcr, (mltab)a for a bf-anflful urnaJl ranch immf or for gtrifral Bta, alf-tlfa, poultry, etxr. Thia jwtiO-Hy, baa coat owner $700 an acra rr-fum-n one year iro. fVjryoration now howevnr cUnnlnj? out ail Tftl and tltla Brand vU' poaitlvrlv muet ha Md immwliately rrStard-Icma ot iarnftft Tha ownnr ill ba premi? at IVjmfma, all day Tufsdajr, May 2H, v'ntch tiire the property wW le sold, tha bt (ifTcr ii low is 111,000.
Oood terma Think of it, tiiia uu.imif.''nt lar'fr tra'-t, rTfect in Itvatiem and phvwoally r.i';li(ti hy roaa btvlae, tnwn cmiienlcBcen, tJia rritra of ra farutnig land tmt io tha Pomona Uwm leara 'AngelMi from Fif'h and ahont rvcnr iW) rr.inntf-j and ptj? at the prnwrty. hkh lo'ati immdiately aftw erffmn railroad Jfarlt, mttTiuc Pomona. Tb- Old Rnsa arm.) Any furtfifr Priiifnlnn 1psji-pd ran be otainH from r. Mowlam), wt lfl Lo ABgdiaa, or at W.
tfith PJa-a. FOR tsALIC OR EXC ll A XGK A 6-BOOM MOD- trfl bunftalow -atid garage, 2 acre, all at tn Vslenda oranira and otlter family fruit tren. 8 yra old, in Una condition: nill rarry ronaidpr-aliia fnt it tietvt year. Went aoil planted potatoea and one block to boulevard and A rrd car; walking dUtatira to Ijatlfifu1 Hy of fianla Ana, Orng wranty, tt fruit bplt in rVinihpm rnliftiryiA: ruanpn lor Wautinff to dWjwsa of tha ilacs. old affft.
Prira S41100 chwr, $1000 atih or tka amall honw and lot or vaoatit. wt as flrat jayznent, tcrma ran na r-ranged. Wiiia or call 1814 W. HICKEY ST. Pmt iiMfpaa K.F.D.
8. Rnx 4X, ftinta Ana, ral. FOR SALE ONK OF THB BKMf AUlONf StfH- amslon in Paso RoDiew for aaia, pi acraa good almond lnnd. 20 acres planted thta far. All auMifided In trai't from 20 to AO acres, Oood profwmtion fnr Ha wifft 71 arrt aold, fl at'wa of old tmwi on rrritperty boartng now.
HrHtfin for spIHrB, elder partner retiring from acUre burinesa and I am not financially' aitttated to rarry on ama alona. Will handle tract for purfhasn1. Price $71 iwr lialf cawli. M. K.
WKKl, 004 ft Spring it. FOR SALS Uft-ACRB RANCH IN A KKAt, farming Kfi'ti'-'n. trlose to grato highway; fnt-lew and brl plimate in the state; any ammwt water le cheaply deployed; land iitat'(e aitnnnrts, lmmn, oranffen. walntita, iw.iltry, twu; about eft mi I acrt cosr in beans; 100 (mm It Arcf ira; W) milra frwin ocean two lea from flnf nchooU. dep-H and buainesa.
Quick deal at MSS per arre: 80 aires in bean, half caah. Addrr owner. P.O. BOX 1038. city.
FOR SALE 70-aTe alfalfa ranrh, new, moflera 7-toom rJantrred IicUm. elect modern bath room, barm, et eleririp rmmp plant; acres a'fnlfa. 1and aiwltrtely leveled; an Ideal raurh pf real merit; loratpd in best neiirhixirhnod roimtv don over no this y.m want a rea ranch. Kot to bo con.jtareri it mot places tou aakod to buy. l.
COWAN, iJ8 Van N'ujs BJdft. FOHTgALBOa FXCHANOB 2l ACRKfl WIT8 new ft -mom claasv bungalow, elegit rie light, ettv warce larcft barn, chicken ard. mirtll Itasfnre, electric rumping plant, inaide city limiw RiieiTide. Will wll on easy terms, or -chan as euuity for four drite truck. Tii ia junk.
Address If, box 547, TIMES SPRING. BRAXCIl. FOR ACiiK BfT ATaMONP LAND Pah Roblea alua'ind district 210 cr planted djnining niece this vear. in.1, acre till 100 auite-1 for almnnda, balance, for other fruit, Prrce If 50 per acre, Tcrrna if de-rtred, M. B.
WKEI1. 004 3. Spring L. for'aix-omplktks" I.1S00, I'ninfifrtRMe hmve, ham. ftn fatrmtw pumping plant, choice family orcliard, -Jam garden, big crop of potatoes, horse, htiiEgy.
wagon, aplendid Jrtrflfty row, leew, and all implement. Going to Idaho ana mi is a grnmne C. B. Anangim, ranr. BALR "SPLKNTiin, BKARINlj WaLNTT'T FOR 10, SO, iiQ or 49 arrea with anundanca water and beautifully situated suburban to A.
nd beaches, near Anaheim, Orange county. C. MbKt.r.nju.naneim, uaiii. FOR RALE lALL 1KI11GATEI) FAKMS. BAN Jnaquin Valley, iraprofed an'l nnimoroved, Mty teimj.
Siill adapted to general farming, alfa'fa, corn. bng. oaimng, take good rar pmnrties part parment. Tall or write CO-OPKRA- T1VK u.m 1 ni invf-srinfnf. ni ig.
FOR PALlv 40 M'lWX LA KT6l' Y. RU 'Jt-ai for alfalfa, grain, cotton, etc; price g(5 pt acre eaily worth dnnble, 5L DOYLE, D13 Black Hldg. Main Ro7. FOR PALP KOH PAN JOAQI IN VAIXET BAR- ffalna 'n ranenm. large ann Finau, and m.
Wp rtfiBHr on tbem. S27 Ptirr BMf. TOU 1) i'HB TVE'T Or" new nous, bam. SO atanrhinnA Tank pumjiln plant, in wheat to a followed hr mm. MUS arf.
Ptt rt-f'riM. D. roWAS. BSVM nut Bldg, ASm. rtlR BALK SOUTHERN PACIKIC RAILROAD land.
h. rallfomta and Ne'ada fnr alfalfa, fruits, rcBetaMes and frazinff, RfsonnW prloea. Ktrv AnWr POR SALE 20 TO W) At 'RES TRACT OF FT.AXT- ed or umilantod almond land At Pao to per acrt on tenna, M. S. WEED, R04 Spring St.
rritrsALEid to fit) acres, miles south city limits. Loa Angela. $1200 per sere, 1-8 rs fwtmft. OR sl.K-f VCRIFICB KSTATK AT BEAI1IONT 7-A. n-sr.
apple orcnimi. ouujii osooj For KmnaMft FOR PXCnANHH HAVH RFVpwAL pRfrP- erties in New Merino, yaines e.ten,, elrme tn Kl I'uso, that I will ochange for either ranch or city properties here; what nsro your Hnhmlt. Owners only. C. HUA CIS Ceres ate.
Phone Pico 14U7. FOR KXCHAXGE- WHAT n.sVE IOC. IS BMAMi i im aenss Antelorss valley. Itu- proyed? Plenty water, fully equipped. Adilrem bill 657, TIMES XPRINQ tfT, BHANCH.
'iLtxmj Iim-ACRB ranch. (Rrcrt- aide.l 20 aerea bearlnj fruit trees, all fltfOO; niaVo effer. citr or suburban residence, PHOENIX, 2nl Grant BWg. fur pxciiXnok si M-irs. wtuwn and lieaches at CHINo, hrjiiie and bsm, Hint wstsr 11ft, close in; want at'artmrnt-houso, price P.
B. CBAlTEli OntArio, CU Cnnada, POtl MT.P PstCrTANOR CAlA7)A WflPAT (armi. BAAUUR at OLSON, G31 Security Slug. Vallrp. FOR KICHANfiK COACUKIJ.A VALLET, 1M-proved rnnclies for Improved citv property.
Bll, IW and acres, water developed And ready for crop. 10 to S300 par acre. Address tool 2S. TIMES OFFICE. Ban Fernando Taller.
FOR SA7.E ONLY $05 PER ACRU SAN PEBNANDO VAJJ.KV RANCH. 120 A'-rea near Burliank and lnkershiin, Bear Lanktrahlm water, in 12iwh (lire tlimugh landi would make dandy fruit, sl-ialfa. dairy or gurden truck ranch; buy this snd subdivide; sell ssisU tracts to $500 per scrvt. See owner, 713 JI. W.
HELLMAXT BUJ A1300. FOit IN AT Ml bean and All around rnrmitig land in Hnn vviv risnilo Vslley. ohenp Irriustiotl rate, Owens Rlvnr water, per Ann and UP. Terms. Investinate before bnvlng elsewhere.
Owner. Jtoy KvntAL HI.I1U., Kiitu sua Aiatn forenoons only. FOR SALE Ji3 ACRES raRWEvi'oTiTTT'. mcellent soil, aijiifdiict water, apeciai price for immcdlat asle, $350, per sere, no commis-ainn. s- my atUirnty, C.
Is CHANDLER, 43 Investment Bldg. FoTi(LV4JOflil LEVEL CNIIER CtlC tlrstion and Irrigation. $300 per sere, snd np; nothing bettef 111 vslley: it will pay you to in rcstlgat this. Owner. 433 A BILL ST.
anta Onr. POR BALE-RANCH El. DOMES, A CRTS. FSfl list. WlUuN taota Crua, Cal.
Tain Vrd Vally. POH S4T.P TWFNTT ACTtES, 21, rtLES PROM lll 'lis, liaif in P'tiiis, fina lan.l, pi-titv of water, itise, well. Must sdl one. Price $700 down, bslsu- my terms. W.
P. BLAIR, Bbthe. Ul JOL'NTAIN-CAXVON riTOP'TV rur nun-, iinnsi'ry jiio. Hilt SALE AT iiiMim! esnvon ptnnt. Powers A IMHOAIN, HEAl'TiEl PL'R-home.
4 lots, gsriue. VVilp-r id fruit trees, locstrt 12 linlos -s; Hsverlv o'e Blvd. Terass, fuoo l's MAIN DIM. IUAS ia Juhaa st. Moaey.
IHaaseaiita and Jrsry. JfOXtT TO LOAN ON DUMO.NIrS A NO JEVTIT.RY. 1 to 1 per cent. Aoaoiotfiy no other ensrfea. Diamonds 1.
1 in vsiir n.n aealerl Dackaf Ia deposit isult until redeemed, l-urnlture, ptanoe. autoe tn etoraae. RehaOie. 20 years is oueuw. liana refeieacea.
Boslaeaa stritij A21'rj. TBEO. i. WWJl. Main vWii.
4'lri Inyeataert 8th and Broadway. OtAVIOND LOANS. lJtvt INTT.lU.sT. BF.PS. FlTlH-UttGHUN.
$1500 years, 7 per on fine modem Sroom bungalow on Echo near Pasadena lot 41UHB. Value n000. $15008 years, per raodeea R- room colonial house oo banta Crua a Cahrillo ave 8an Pedro, en lot 40il50. This piuperty is in the moist of improvements folnf nn ot fsa rcdro. Would rsut lot tott swnta.
Value jsotW. AlATTHWS MATTHEWS. flfi ni.le Pico 1380. WANTED $1250. Til HER YEARS.
ROBEUT MARSH A 2A) JlAllill-STBONtJ BLHO. 10175; PICO 2412. WAXTia fs'ioy. loan fob ioooo dwelling, on ISO ft. frontage, lust north of pad l'ni at.
and car line, on paved 4th are. $20,0007 per cent, on 150 w. Pico eorner int. hatlnf a buUdlnf. insured for lil.f)CKA P.
A. PATTEJB 12AT Hasa Wdt Main g.M0: PH4H5. WANTED 44250, PilfrT 7 PER Wiishir home, new white plastere.1. 2 -story reeulence, hardood tlnisb, oak floors tiirougtiout, garage, lot 6'tl5t. lalue principals nisi g.
HIIJ Room 700. 142BH; B'iwyTHT. 7 PER ON FINE TWO swiy eielit-rnnat botue. lot 50il40; Oneont Ps'k, 6-ilh Pasadena, vame t60t'. FRANK S.
HsH, 4iH MauouolitaB Bldf. 1045 or Broad- av WAXTKf MOXEY. HAVE A DOZEN" SMAiX nrst liens, per rent, farm Biortgags. ij0 to $S'sJ. All first-eiasa.
Will discount ao a to par 13 per cent, or better. On at all. PRESTON, 83a Johnston Bldg. A4194. VV A.NTE1J LOAN OF $1500 O.N fMOO, PlVaV DKim sil modern bungaiow in Monica Canyon, now clear and rentlug for $25 a auntn.
Will iviv 8 par cent, interest and 3 per cent PARKER. Main 6790. WAKTBD 26' ON BRICK AND CEilENf atoTe, 80r95. in food town, close In; rented 3 per month. Address M.
bol 37, IlMli H'HINO ST. BRANCH. WitAmsw, a years. per on Pasarlons business comer, lot 0Oil2fii oash mine )00. UDWV.
SSMk a B. CARPENT.WI, 5-l9. WANTED fio.OllO AT 1 t'ER'tENt. 1EB on gilt-edge chattel mortfafe Priu" cioal and interest guaranteed by ine. a20 CONS.
SEALTYJBMio, WANTED 4l mi PEB THREE- YEARS, fin two story house and double farage, hlgle clsss locality, lot 60J170, total rslue $12,500 Oilt-edje rcuritl. MB. HARPER, 210 guoset Place. 6837i. WANTKJl--lit5il, 7 PER FtR-St MORT-gsgii on my home in aouthwest.
Ha eommia Hon. PH0XEihiVi3. WANTED AT 7 PER ON 6-BOOM bungalow, ralne Principals only. Ad-dmj! C. OH WASH IN OTON Bl ,10.
15818. IKAafs AT 7 PER from private party, on tt-room bungalow, Al ee-iditlon. Owner. VERMONT 701 WXvfilD FOR BIIORT TLMB; SFJCI.TIITY Al; will ixiy I pot cnuL muntli. Phon WESfP 43 or 2414S.
WAif YEARS, PER CENT. NEW modem, double bnngalow, 8 rooms: rented tfi per mo. HnUywoohCai 20-1i8 or wllHIRE.6Si tt AT 7 PEB FOR THREE years. 5155 S. 8L Andrews Place.
F1NS8. Tl fORTGAGKS, TRUST DEEDS jrSiiJJEjvrl FOR BALE PALE IN D. RATKRirPTCT COCRT. giit-etlgn that mortaga sells for $2100. rndivifled interest in $0000 mtge.
on splendid alfalfa ranch in Antelope Valltcr, two miles east of Lancaster. Proisny Sold 3 years, ago f-r $5000 cash, balance mortgage; ranch produced. 800 tone last year. Tl imMtgsge is being aoid at this tremendous discount for the rfnson that bankrupt pledged asme bt-fore bank-mptcy, and said pledge loan must be met wiUiin ten daya to protect the remaining equity, S.U8 vrtli he reprtcd Ixi tlie oomt Wedneaaay, May 2, 1018, 83a If. VV.
Bellman the offlr of Hon. Foic Parker, IWei'eo In Bauk- tp5Hinn.r otTWRt aub Tirana hmard, SsME WILL BR CONSIDERED, AND A FINAL DlnPOSITIOM MADE, For further partieulsra ask for Mr. fsmpaelL 1011 a WiM. MOORK, JB, Main 4C224 70 Higglns Bldg. FOR-SALE MORTOAOB FOItrauVst-RE.
V(ill8AiTB AM $5(W SEi'OND" MOHT- gage 2 years, 7 per cent, on apartment-house, value The first mortgage is will give liberal discount for cash or Would take r.esr property for part. Address box 819, TIMES PI'RINO irr. BRANCH, WtNTEnFIRST" MORTOAC.P. FOR BFAiTTTtTt late 1017 Oldsmoliile, Tlu 1400. OSBORNE.
A.H04 Brosdway 2557. MVMlnlrtf. WI.W1LL praCHASS IN QUANTITIES THS lonowiug cres: Msngara, ebmma, tungsten, molyMennra, lorspar j. n. vitis 328 latrestment Bldf.
Broadway 2005 P2SV55. WE Re-M, MANOANE-TD ORE AND PAN tocb itEui iniaiENTs as to quantitt and ORADP. DljilP.rD. IH ANOFXES MANOANESR 829 INVESTMENT LOS ANUELBS. BROADWAY 2ii02 F2055.
WAKf I DONIA' Wall ifttT AiTE "tf 'iMB- lum snd platinum veins. Ailarcea iiriaiaM, "ft, box 152,, TIMES OFFICE, W-A NTED'M AN OA ESFi ORE," 40 PER CENT, OR BETTER. WE WANT TONNAGE ICASr LOAD LOTS.) 434JIERMAIN BTJXJ. AND GOLD BCYMiS. Mines erarained.
702 Sl-RINO OT. A1M82. TTOTEliS, ROOMING-HOUSE! For Sale. Ejrhsmf. Leas.
Wan ten. For Hal. FOR) RALE 44-TtOOM HOTEL, HOT AVD COIJJ water, phones in all rooms, rent $125 clearing $150 mrs. it is located on busy corner, 'A' glvrs 007 9. Hill, room 825.
FOR 8ALB 37-ROOM MOl'EILN Moiise, close in west sole, retit Slis, tun, pnea $1rtlj lerms. BVAN A UTANLEV, 410-4U Orsalt POR BALE 10 ROOM RiiriViiNO-HOI'SE AND Isirber shop, oumpletelv furnislied. cheao rent ami long lease, two n'iTinru .1,. wu. 1.
IW TIME OFFIOI FORAl Ri)0rVABTMFNt HOCKE, POtl blocks wsst Beiailway. rent su, saenne half cash, BVAN WANIXV, 410-411 Orant rt) fALE 10- ROOM. ROOM INC, HOE AND liartver shop, completely iiirnisura, "Jieep rein snd hwig leav, two lumdrsd villi handhf Una. Ad- Hy. tu.v ic, TTtf4 0EFI1 E.
F01t8ALE $4fio B1S ii' BOOMB, floor, running wster, brtos. rent otliv a snap. WITHHoW co.jJFU Hiberaisn Hide tiir? a iSr-avTn eiV-Jo i Oban H448. 218 Mason Uolsl. jroksra.
For l.eavs. POR LEASTS HOTEL OP (14 BOOMS, LAROTE, light sud, airy. Buidem in every partleular: eate.1 in a busy swtion; this is an estieeiaiiy food opportunity and ctw who undenrtsnd the busiaswa f.n make a prtAhle J-of! will ho mads yery good ne ghborhood to draw from nrt every assistance will gives in ttm party who take It over, for full par. Ucnisr call A3210, Wanted. ap4jevsrt irnm vrTATToCf PET.ATi it TELEIilioNIVIl VOIR SI NDAV AOS.
TO TUB EB1UAI VU MSJO s-nwis PIIO 7011. lUiilll. APARTMENT VOVS I- For For Sale. STRtlTIT MOPERAf. CORNTR 31 with pilvste baths.
tc BLAt'TIH le LY Ft nNl'llEII; $250 nut, viltr, a 8 years' hsse; ptiTIVELV makes it the most staple and ilicme luarlng oa the WEST WAIJtlNit IHSTANIE: price only $JtW0; aiu rjiife nun. to rs: -ile party. Tilii BVii(N 10., HOTEL AND APT ll'H'sK BROKER. Delta Spring. TOnnriiT-liEiiEVE i nvK rufjRt bargain in the Wesllak district, or a M-SPL buiidinf, eiegantiv for cort me t'" tot It cheap, but you must butrj.
J. mo.nhoe, limn 7812. llRriA.rCTxMili)'l APT RENT ONl.t flitS Per nudilh; imsi-iie ant price uP. T.7f RlliF.R ttitt "''IK f'" FOR BALE .12 WBT CWpR in rvlttl. rooiO'i up: ''-in clear flwO itm! wrt asT.
trie. Psrticniar. .11 It AM. BANK HI.1H... t2 t.
Foil" APT MOliJE. WIM. KJC- 1 sid at OU W'ir uoou. U-7 ma. Far F.K'banf.
rOR KfrHAWOB I BATE 244 iCM POOT- bill fi miiaa to Qacc-ndida. r-aL. nrtca 413 prr ania. I aUo htr. a 1450 raoruajf.
on bun mw in inf BracX I 1U tra.1. bota inn. for Nfttiraaa lai.d tir clt prHt7. rknd fiiU dawriptwn ia ltlitrv B. it l-ABKta, ON-fM.
Neb. rOK 1TW AIRnt VAJjrsTTA oTt ante aruiaj wile at MnmTi cltj lii ait rilr or Inama. rTrfrr two or trior lawjHrtm for acuity, taJua 4i.v; ln-rom annum; mmn.a- itOOO at 7 pr ran: niX B. H.
i.f AI al. for fexrii ixrifc iwAri'lls bi-sikins ktc 17 frontBW. britk. all fnmltnra and for HKl.uO. IkAanf, lor Improird land with inroniA And a In town or rttjr, for old people, r.
A. KtOITLB, ZZtn HutUU, Ka'tla; WaKbinftoa 10R AND TA-rant prrrirtr. nftwn mirtntea to New Tkjrk Cltv. la rjr, clear raiite want oranire In food location. AdJrraa.
P.O. Bnx2-H. 1V teyN. IroR ANT1 HOU.rworm ineitm. propertiM.
Irom tn C'ii(lcr Chirairo and ririntty to alirmt Aim. abi, Kes or CHUi. 11XJS Citlums" Ka-tjrtai Bank Bldf. fllR 'I'XCHAN'iB 3 LOTS IN VANCOI VER, R. fur pnpertr in Loa Anrel: will Ar aom.
lnrnir. Tiro MM. 218 WKST 1ST ST. SAN DIf.GO PKOI'KHTy For and KxrhnncA. OR BALE 145 AN ACRB Bt'VS LAROB TRACT of laiid, lmproTBd, aiilendidly Iwatwl about ftfKJO aiTtn cropped tills sear.
Balanco paariiro. Ah fenced. bean land. 1-3 easb. Thi prira inefodea alt implement and Alvmt t0 bead earn cartlo and liorxm, old and young.
Bent investment in California. All land pricw m-jat fo higher. Imroreimmt cost Q. 1 WWi'X, Qui Bun nifito. Volt SALK TO CTbOSE AN ECTATK.
29 ACRES (f food land at San Marcos. sn Iietro county. About 10 acres ia moist Isnd. Prien $i0, e-i terms C. w.
JWOKTlMKIi. attoniej lor eaUU. IIM lntrmaUonal Bank BMf. QOVEKNME31T LNDS PHJpnrieahmeiita. FOR SALE aai-ACRB BbVLINltrlSIIMKNT.
G001 ll. leiel, eiiay to clfar 4 miles Victorrlll. cbeap. or exchange; what haro jou? SUMiJl. BOMKs'f F.AI) llVl A( RK LBKjT7so NFA8 iatKtf rancll, rerr pne, aco.
Addreaa hot 403, TIMM el'BINO ST. BBANCR. ror Sale. Ise. Wanted.
TO I.KT NOV.ni7filnfVACREr rissled and anb-irrigated lerel land, aeren mile, ncrUiwut of Visalia. 8000 aerea In frail alfalfa, orchard And Tinefard. Balance In pasture, food feol Uirnuihout Tear. Cah rent. Inqnit, Jg-j- llff11 VlWIh.
Cal. Pim 8A1.1V-40 ACRKB Oil. JjAND, PORDT at a cirscoont nettiEg SO per cent. It rerleemM. Price (WOO.
Addreaa nor 84. T1M1S OPPH'as QIIAXGR, l.EMO.V AND WALXCT if For Sal. A tUtOVB WITH A ITTlTltR POS BALE TOtT CAN T.sKJC A nRfmt TV PPmATTA HlUSANUM.sJUiAWliiiDKN TKBHalRK IT. For thew frOTCA hr been atarted riifht toivard liie riirht kind of futur avientiBisIIr preimred, aoil traded and cuitivflied by experta. finest arAWis orsims and lemon trees, rorrectly apaoecl; vatef 8'im-Mi fmrn nodenrround atroam and distributed by fravity throsiKb.
ooncreta piles. wnh standinpea at eTery tren nw. xi.t trove men will care for jour grove at oust leaving ou fre to look After oiner Intereets. A rrore At PER.SITA HJLTJ la nr tmuuie, and little expense, yeivr adda to th ralu of yonr intestment until your frora beeoruea a Tentable treasure, yieldinr bif prot. Ymj aeld'nn find an opportunity to tais.
over A froy so hifhTy 1miroTed and with iuca. A briflit it any price. AT PER ALT HTIXfl PfTirra ARB RP.AiriN-ARI.B AND T3liii CONTtNlL'NT, "RITE FOR INFORMATION. ea, B. Anaheim, Cal.
FOR RALR ORANOarcBOVB, ACRES, tf-year Wtwibtngtin navels. Best 0-year-old ornntre grove In Kern county, fine eonilition; pumping plant, piped with 8 and 10-inch for itTi-gstion. Why not buy a grove tbat la ready to mase creat returns. ftSOOO to 470'Kt ercm this years. rrica Traders not wanted.
Terroa. S. aJt GEitAito (tbvner.) ocean jpars, cal. FOB" SALE 20 ACRES VALENCIA ORANGE full hearintr. crop novy on trees estimated from $12,000 to Slii.OUO.
Will pick in ten days. One of the most modern and comnteto nonies. uwner naa two will sell one. t. w.
t.u., ananeim, niinSlri--ARBTpAi ill Oianite comity, half mile from Anaheim, Just coining into Ix-iirlng, 8 shares of water stock, fi-room modem bungalow, electric lifflit and gns. enrage, caih yaluation $8000. Owner, M. Ji. Anaheim.
Cal. FOR MI.S-8 ACRES CRANCEST LEMONS, irranefruit. foottulU: eomtortame bouse, bam: fine new. Addrces, B.F.D. BOX 159, I'pland.
Cal For Jiyctinnge. FOR EXCHANGE Fine young lemon ana Valencia grove, ltw, serea; lota of eiieao water; floe soil; about 40 rnilea fnm L. A. Pric (223,000. Want citr In come to full Taiue.
r. r. lift P. Colorado Psssdens FOR EXrHAtiE 2TMCRE, VAU AND trees, largo crop now on trees, food water, close in. Wnt Iienver, Colorado property.
Price clear. Might assume on gocd property, BOX StlO. Upland, CaL REAL KSTATJi M'trXLANEOLS For Sale and Kirhnnge. For Sale. POR RALK WHY WAITT UNTIL SATt'IlDAY NIGHT TO TP7.BPH0NR TOI'R SfNIlAY AHS.
P1I. 700, Willi, fm lacHANCiK FQIJITIE3 VACANT LOS AN-geles; want lxing Beach, Owner. 1180 E. PIKbT Umg Beach. iva uTciwitiK wt abWi-'k artiiiC 420 Btorv buy, sel) or oacllaugo vpncKiy.
rvwil. FOR KXCllANOE TO BhN WHITB TO BBI. sell or exchange property. 304 BRV30N BUs, feevind and Hprinc sta. WAXTEn RKATj kstate For 'nh nnl Otlierwlse'.
For Cosh Not Clnssirted. WANTED FLAT BI'ILPINOS FOR CASH. 7P TOD have a bargain we will give you each for your enuity and ansnme mortgage. Quick action. C1IILD8 OB GAL, 1083 lit.
National Bank Uldg. Mlftrellanefltin. WANTEO HOLLYVVOOn. TROP7CO properties; want Hoiljwood bungshu. prefer oorner.
jiave cnoiea city r-tngaiow, eiear, and cash for right prep'Tty. Want (Jlendsle house with one to fuir lots. Havo 7-rooin hvm. salow. Hollywood.
I4tsm. Also city bungalow for some sort of deal. Hav two clear rsMoor. jora, rrn sjvssi; want snuill house and lot. Tropico-OleniiaJe: even dpsl, though might add little cash.
FRANK FRARY, llAio 3Uf). M7 tmloa Oil Bldg. Hnusea. WANTED mX-SOOM BI NOAIrW, WTPT OR southwest Los Angeles, Hollvwood or Pnsadcna; must have large grounds snd completely fur- nislied, win fire seven acres enjoining tvssco, Kem eounlj. iucomo land, clear, and pay cash difference; cah value of land $1500.
Address P. O. DOt 144. LOH AftOi''lr'3. WANI'ED VVHITB PLAirfEB UonKB, AJtOCT 8 rooms $8(MKt.
pay atvlendid oranao grove 11 aorpa, coming crop enrstcteri ti net $40110 or liettor: fine water iocalitj. fiono per acre. HO Central VV sVKTtMoiEKN it TO T'-'ROOU BUNOVlnvt will irlr good trad In beautiful high stxr arlstfitlv 75-foot WiUlltr lut, clear. Phon Owner, WEST wit. WANTED $500 CASH, 2 I.AROH LOTS.
CLEAR, woith $2400: want clear hous. Address hi, tg 71, TIMES OFFICE, iHAir! soocj," Tt vrn-l run motliia fioWre show atm ralue. PHONK Apt. 1011. 54505.
WANTEO--SitL MODERN 11NO Beach, witbtn four blocks of oeeejie, rsasonsble terms. VTR-M()NT85. vaVNT tnVALL EQUITY MODtrrtN II ROOM bungalow, with gertfe. B27 BLACK BLna. real estate; want lata,, PICO USi Acreage.
rAV7T11-- ACRES OB MORE MEA1 Bom.E- ys-d good eletstlrn, wltllln 10 miles Tj. A. Crsirthows. fl ''V r5? given. P.
0. brrg 141. OUsJsDAIJS, Cel. Income Property, WANTEDTO BI'T APAHTMENT-HrrffrB, pf.AT buildings or 1T "'hef Income property. Must Re cheap.
Write full particulars. Best eeisl. men need not revv w'i; ut, -r yltiies pcsltiop. roB i2S4 aaorninf. Blistrir? rroporty.
WANTED OR POON HAVE CITY: CHOICT ACTtP, age. AddnM bug tf). triMCa) M'UIXO KT. BBANCH. ftuhnrban and Heath Property, rvNTKri WILL TRAHR MY 110 ROOM APART fi fsit house, lor 2 acres near esr line, have with s-otte frus and will a nsMoiHuia auKntut.
(-U 1.1 IXOLLVWOOD Ttm ialb exchange laroT un frootlng two streets, on high knoll overlookinf -Angelas, Beu Cahuenga Blvd. cheap (or rash. Clear. Will not inuu a. ULEASON, 61t c*nt io Ut-in Hollywood: kM.
sUssr tod' ramgalow. end nnr etell furn titngs, 4 rineiudiM 1 breakfast avk. t-rts, be utjnU location, $40 to a psnnaneul OWNER premises today. fos sals if YOU WANT to bit. best.
sell or Tctuag H-llytvood property And want rulck results, p. B. LONcI.EY, BoUS- wood Mvd, Holly, 8Mf: 67H448. TO lET 1 usaraxnd? furafah. Holly-owl a-neirm with 'More perk, lun tennis; $IVOO monthly.
87H97. C-T iOTS For Bala. Ton tixjw 1 THT9 mij AVT) HT, IS TUB PLACE TO BUY THAT Q.UUTR- ACRE HOMEPLAC-, luiwiwr jour opportunity tiny e. frn. When wop ciisSss titn fhinnjnide Garden Axe Addition 'day been ana pped up oa Buy bv to PF twice much th prlc we ar quoting til this sightly district.
Join our Lee auto leaving our office At 10 A.m. on TUESDAY, THURSDAY ANl RATURDAY. Be for yourself hurt what you can buy ber for as Uttl $000 (quarter awe,) email py-iiit down and 110 a month. Or you can out A modern bungalow on quarter acre a low as JJnOO, small flrst payment anil $20 month. Tract, located en, Vermont eve, R-cent car lint, with all conveniences And highest grado of im- Forement.
uet your tickets at one, km 11. IRTH, 84 S. BROADWAY. flOIftT. MATH KiAK.
OFFICE, 14U OCEAN LO.NU for RAiji great nTo BWrK or iixE lOOllBO full bclrtDf fruit, and nowa Italore, with food 5-room houM. beat bungalow court left in t'lAt part of tn citr. 'laif Woo from car linei 2 blocks from rwtntifnJ sJotith Harki aacn" only 100. MWKUS CHOKER. irffcraon at.
110 oowri. fia pr month, per cent interest. Will build foe you on ey payment. Main, 37W. 602 JIAAS BUxl.
TS73S. for RAij-ijyr o.s pbtwfks J-iirada and Kntintain. 5M(ji. wonh a) lot oo JulKt. KM, worth 113)0.
N. BllLN- iiinney Airtmpiit, I'OH HALE lllrill AND SIGHTLY U)T. NEAR Weftlaka Par, half appraised tame. 418 H1BKRNIAM B1.DU 157.11: Pico 77g.
fOR aIJB TToTS. 100 rcET KRONT, 0f jtianitA, near Alolroe are. (Jood bungAlow fotirt S14A0 mvBBSTY. 809 OariMid Bldg. FOR tAtJC son Tm'NK Of It 30O.
Tot on 64th at near MonetA. hilh claaa Work. Km COMPORT, fllit and Monet. fOR lAtK (WOHTH BUYS Sli Po Exclianift. rtrti-to traobj a iw on wrumj tlear Colorado Pasaorna, atreet jvod.
for fond Aiito; Inni. Addrem a. MACBIN, oraio Mnin vwa. Portia, Foil 81IJ0 DWFTJJNG8 AND BnSlVWB FHOP- rtj of ntateH, BlAncliard, Kilbrrn md Khaw, 1n Aittff1, SAwtelle, Smith Pamdena FOB SALE I.NIII'STRUL atTK, Mil45TO 15-FT. all, P.
TntckK in rear. BOIJTfl HbT5 i. TiyDt'STHIAIj PRO I RTY- Vnr hnl nrl Krohantre. For Eicbuiff cieur infltiiitrtal pmperty near rentnu for tfimtr wk of tuin in hons or Duufaiow, au uusuaano. TXCOM PROPEJITY rqi- Sal anl For Kxrbftnfitf.
TOR BXCHANCR UK.0'H) CLMl INCOMES TOR atocii riuich. any win re imm ungon 10 Ar- tWlCUl. MATMKS, Huns tfiflff. 'SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. FOR 8AJJB COITVTRY DTNNKR TOHB (in.
OtfR vrku arriMi tfhla ia your HriUtion to attex4 the neit, ex-cundm. Oarden Additioiv to attend the day in tliia beautiful to fXtoy a dinner and to aea how Bunny-aid folka money and gettir real anioyment ou! life on thesr emf ouarterr- acra home plan You can buy quarter-acre nere ror aa utue aa iv maKins imau hir. and $10 a month. OtuifraLona on quater ckl $J0H and up. ftnall nrst iwy-me-jt -and $'1 or mora a mowth, which, iocludfw witareat, taaci ami iasuiimca, Eicursiona leave ouf office TVESDAY, TAURTAT AND SATLHOAY.
10 a.m. "iet your ticket aa aoon a povilije, For fnrthw aea FflL FIRTH. 34ft Kroadway. t107 Main BRANCH OFFICB, 1CW TC Ocean TAong Beach. FOR ALaVArSiFIOS" oiiB OF BKST EQUTP pd and irraiijfed little poultry ranehea In San Oahnel ValleT, lorati between Alharabra and ionroTla near KtintiDBton consisting of 2 arret, land.
nuHlorn Vaingalow, arae, granary, bmodtf house and colony housea; g. rior. If toii are in tha here' your opt. D. p.
COVCiHRAN. 71ii Van Nuya. AHH10; M. W72, f6 6ALB I27S PJTB ACltR. Fir arret half block off Jjanfeerahrm-Pan Fwi-nan do Blvd.
No wind, no frost; plowed, fenced chicken wire, plenty cheap water, 1 rent pir inch per hour. Big hantflin. Come quick. Easy terma. OWNER, 402 CENTRAL BLIKI.
'fOR BALK KKAT LITTLE At HE PLAfE, Dortheatrt of AJbambra; 4 room honfo. abed; chicken yards; all kinde of fniit In full beariug; trerHfn, grapes. tt; at a acriflce; eav term. Aitfia. i.
a corf bran. Main, fl72. 715 Van Nuya Hldg. lOR 8A1K 81 VERMONT fl AtRKS, UI(iH- ly Improted, modn hmwe, every nly ennveni-ance, all Tarlotle bearing fruit, furniture-, innO-anent horsa, biiprtn', row, chickens, $i'Kf terma, 41H HIUKltNTAN BWW.JWni. Pico 77H.
fok SALW 10 AOIK3 NB.VB ARTWa, ON mleHrdi dandy for ohikoKia. gewta vtr arnaU ilaiiy; amall houw and flowina welli fUOO down, fcalaice $)tm in yoara at per cent, OWMUl. Bon fiHS. Tim en Oftire Umx ngch.iri fOR BALt? ASXt 8 ROOM houae, in tha Palm, an idntl location for hmna, aom fruit tnwa, WOf); amall pHyment down, balance $0 per montlu Call at Wf KP. Fihcr.
WALfcORTC NBAR watr, home covr ami Implemeuta, want city cteer to kwukf. irmi n-jnne a. rwtnmn ackb lMrRoviaiTTt- room houae, chlrVen-houxea, fenced. yiwr Kc aouthneat, $17W. raay temta.
418 1UHKR- MlNfni.r0. JW.M. Pier. 77H. HAIaBPRTARLK'RL 4 ROOMS, at San CabricU Bargain.
Addrea bux i3, orm ic. FOnflALE MAKK OFFER, 2-A(mB HOMB plaoe, tOi 9. Aimansor, Aiuamnra; aire 'deal, 'M bar Interest elsewhere. H. B.
'RLkY. I-QR RALEBY 1 Aritll auburban plar. Two milea eat. Oak KnolL Add reu bog 1T4. TIMES OFFICE.
For Exchanfa. ron wrHAWirco' aor, 4-room moofrx mingalnw, rfutbuildtnus planted to bceta, fniit trees: bouleraid at Bel mower, Cal ao water: ant bungalow in citr dear, B. J. HjTZ, 4-V Juanlta Wllditra lfl FOR KXC RANGE 1 1 ACRlr SO MINirTCS FROM Broadway, improved, plenty of water, for im-pro red ranch In California or Oregon, Address IS, box GO, TIMES Omt'S. 4 fllendala.
rOTI AIt18 OB F-XCHAN0 ic( bungalows, jot acreage. Puumit yt 'fraK KlURlf, 617 Un.on Oil Blg, your wsnta. Main w-, ITufillnrtoa Park. TOU KAIJ) IN CUD A BY, ONB ACRE; 4 ROOM Caltfontia, about 40 frn(t true, chicken aoopai place fenced; water piped oyer ms: piou. A.
CAbfELMAN, 210 OU Btl, Cat TT ARBOR PROPERTY tivj vu Bl ami Ftrhansa- i Tf SaJft. Mil TstcT-nswi to mmo. I.US'Cl' SKRVKI) rRFK. PECK WlfT RASIV TltUT. MAV AnDITIOK, ll'ST PIT ON TUB MAHKKT.
OLott tcj Tirrc NEW mil'VARDl; A.M. KROPilTn DllV rwcli. T1IB IXMHKR VARUS. fTAWTMRD ANI UNION Oil, (OMfArtTes, 0R IFM ARtC rMinrvtn. MDXlrtNN lMr.LAR ARK 11KIS0 slRNT.
A.N is unmviso kapidi.v, lAITi CAN NOW BE IIOI OUI TlLl AVTO B'1 T.FAVM ni'R omcB TUESDAY. TinilslJAV. KATIIRUAK 4MB Ol'NUAY, 1" AM. KO. II.
PElK fit W. SIXTH OITOttTB PARK. pBr urn TS4i ess this port ticket. a rlro. Vt llmington.
rn. HAT. AlRIFIi Wlf CT.fsSW TO NEW plsnf. wofth two t'u I-HiBWN, Ml kill at, ltli' -i STRONd WOUN jM bigiraiT $'3 eek Oftsrsd 4s WA.RA-"' at U100 rash fL rii.ltO, SSD Bl'cf '-U'lll.) FOR FOR ITiM FOR act WA oa a rrty at If ff.r c. L.
all full vt for mi are of no PT. of of Ij ai 4 i K0T1C ClB A MONT LT INCOMB, TLATI I0m MONET WHrTtl WILL PAI I0U AlO.NIllLI AND iCABhIB. BF.TIR.N8 EQUAL ID 20 PEB CENT. tlOOO IAR-NS 101 IBM FEB MONT-, $8000 BAJtNS TO $5a 00 FEB MONTH. $5000 EARNS 100 $353 PEB MONTH.
I WIIA tlMtT UiVK AWAY A CIGAR STORE AND P110I.R1IOM. EACH DOIXO A GOlTO BiSINESN, LONG EoTAliUSliLD, S. W. WEBB, HO MAIN. WANTED A CAPABLE MASTEB PRTNTEH TO Itts sa Interest tn ths lsrgest puNiaiilug ana pnitting n'snt in Imperial Vaiiey, on who ran invs-vt and take full Charge at A good Salary of the entire mixliann'sl department; business ha gTown tn a isilnt where tliis move is asraa-sarv; best, to coma to El iTSitro and look inUJ It thoroughly.
hU CENTRO rBOURESS. 1 Centra, CaL TUUIB ARK HUNDREDS OP MES IV lilS that wuujd buy this store right off tu bat and no advertising would be necessary if they knew just what it ia. It'a a store that baa been estahluihfd Ova years, linens, yarns, whit wear snd srt gissls: It doing a fine business, clearing bif PTOflta, and it could not be bought at all for the fsct that to ownar a young man, must leave sums time withio a atonth fot th training camp. Irt me tell you mote about this eiceptional opportuniUr. KAXXiiAl, ltXiS Tide Insurance Bldg.
1 MOTION I PlcruBBI INVESTOBSI dUlKSI Look into tills ground-fioor oppoiturt. Wx reels finished. Need money to oomplet FriATLBE, INDORSED BT THK STROfiUEUT WOMAN'S ORGANIZATION IN AMERICA. 1'uey am to actively campaign for it ss soon released and their Influene reaches peopl. and haa a punch, ivcent proniot-era ar men of sUndinf snd ability.
Best of references, both morsllv and ntianoially. Full psrtiinlars l57 BOLLYWOOD BLVD. V()R 4'iGAii Bl'SINESS AND" POOLROOM to eloe estate. EircllentlF located oa main business street in Psssdena. Up-to-the-mlnuts slock of cigars apd cigarettes snd high-class stock of pipes, etc.
Fixtures Include showcases, pool tables and all accessories. This business can tie bought for shout half the figure refused by the lite proprietor two years sgo. For psrti'tusrs communicate with TRUST DEPARTMENT. UNION TRUST AND SAVLNU3 BANK OF PAnADLNA. ADMINISTRATOR.
TAKES INTEREST CONCERN THAT will net you $50 fust month and increase $50 monthly shout a year. Thereafter permanent Income of $0000 to $10,000 assured. Money foe into commodity that will tncreas ia rama as the war goea on and is absolutely secured. Hare arranged to sell smaller interests st $100, netting one-fifth the returns slwve mentioned. V'Alue of these securities will triple sgaia 00 dsys.
Sec HAsKINa 427 Org Sistfl snd Spring. WANTWD PARTNTJI FOB H1CH-CUSB DOWN. TOWN CARAGel NOW OI'EN AND IvOINO otxin miiNisi. Aiioiusea i. uox t-w), iis 8l'RINa I.
Btlvey. 124. Oroceiy. cash counter trade, must sell. fMMs Dye works, Ford auto, net $2tsi monUi.
fiiesr Lunch counter, nets $110' week; trial. Bsttcry charglne, nets $300 mo. f.Mtsi flunigo, net $200 month; elchiuige. $S(ss-Beautjul furnishings west aide aitA, i00 2i rooms, hesrt, city, nt $175 month, enst. lll.llOO; netA $500 mouth.
Evchanae, uii-lotlat garage, the Fairmont Garage, corner 7lh and Fairmont Bivciwirle, Cai, ((. 157 by 157Vi: main building 100 by 17; one of ths best In tha SIaIa Centrally located, i blocks from Mivsion Inn, JAttle cash will handle this -deal. Information, sea Trustee, VV. V. ZIMMERMAN, 120U Orange B-lverstde, CaL MORE Bn-IVEsS THAN I PAIf HAN1TTJI WITH MY LIMITED WANT PARI! WITH $5000.
AOURKSS BOA 61M, TiMU ai'iilxu nr. BBA.XCU. IF I CAN GET A GOOD LITTLE BUNGALOW1 without too large a mortpscj aguinst It 1 will trade my splendid iiaylng isinlei'tlonery stor that cost tie $2uofi and la, 1 beiisve, alv.ut tiie bt on in Isia Anitelrs, You can get all the I articulars frota ItATTU.vY, 1003 litis Insurance Hidg. WANTI'TD A MaTwITH $3000 TO lirnuia hi isae iiait-inisresi in a maniuacuirin a patented devic with a great future; advertiser owns control of patent In file States, and needs capital to develop and manufacture; maa with enuring epncnc preterrsu. Aauiesa pox 413, HIINHOVIA, Clll.
AliVvlNoT'ff'T'UjtKI TftKATEH, RENT iie uunirn, oinr-g gitfiq puslnesa downtown district, r-At, met will take $1500 cash, m-ciiiiUng rtmirs. electric piano, two 6A Pow ers; two curtahis; pictures, eiiuiinnejit snd every. tiling ioto, lr Mom Adurass bos 72.i TIM omen, Full SALE (IRllCs-KVAND MEAT MARKKTAl iilsoson and Main: cssh busint-as. wilt sell both. or wiil sell any part of fist urea st your own price; computing scales, butcher's He flnos Class displsv case, grocery display retrigersLir, or will trad for automooiie.
Goud loca tion tor Jspsni-se. Kill BCIIOOf, MAI4.AZINE, MiVB Lis Ango'rs; gis-d pMisitton for iiv man or woman. mouths income sltvo, net uv Owner caUod into military service. Will sscnti'-a for uuick sale, pike Ad ret luti'tt. ysensnge iiing.
BUTTER, EOH AXD CHEESE BUSINESS, Lo. cstcd in a busy downtown Bent only $1 per day. H-celpta $5uo to $100 per ek. This is bargain and will not le-t long, gee ME ill HANTS 8U.ES A KXCH. lll)ejis 420 t.
epnng. POR SAId-i Ksg" AI RANT, IN A VERY CE81B a 01 loeatlim, with reasonable rent snd less, selling on account of spknfe and wanting to leave the city, oil that account will sell wy olican. Is one of tb greatest hsrgsios eves of. fered J. bot5Hh TIMES SPRING ST BRANcR.
ANTED P.VBTV VVlill f'itaiu To TAKB workiog intevcit In the msnufacturipg of ths her.t sellinf services mi the market, la'-ge profits and quick nates. Want to enlarge manufacturing output, maciiinist pirferred. E. jiith ST. i'l vest" inn t-i.
cafk trs anoeles. lusirt, of city, ll'jiior license, clwiricg $5is vrontti f. man with fipon lo tase liar interest quick action reiiurwi. wr B. ill IX ruoia VV ANTED LADY ARTS Eft WHO CAN TAKE AM act ve Part in a ainn drv cleaning mis ness.
cannot handle It alone. Prices hsve fons up and now Is tiie tima to mas some food moaey. Adilrcss J. ho, 207. TIMES OFFICE.
ATTENTION MUs'f jiO' Si ill) TIlTs KWC riefit paying gsag in this eiry. oarnng none. $2250 or best "ffer tske It. Owner called east. He MERCHANTS RU-EI A EXCH.
Ml Delta 42R 8. Rpring, BUS I. NE. LO'f RppftOlTrkONt ubw! for small stotv, gerd a-O'ta house en wsr. $5IS1 rsati.
PSlunce lermA cor. MOTT ST. AND STEPHENSON Bojl Height. Th Mctatuiy Ciiny. AITiVB PARfYvvrfirTiiitFETopiviB TifiSi.
stnd Cloinirs wouut wrnms inreresreo in ieaitl to fwi'fer wholi-sele or mnnufsctiinng; Addres. N. bug JI 1 5. JT I i-S SlHtlNO ST. BRANCH.
DON'T PIIIW'RASTIVATE Tn.mtoNB Tl'B SUNTIAT AD TO TUB TIMES FR1DAI OR EAIILI SATURDAY. 103W; PICO WANTED -TofiuY FOR MOT CASH UP TO sny bn of merchamlis biinoa. flits fi-U pstUculsrS. Address bog 202, TIM His FOR SALE" FlTl'IT AND STAND AT to pii' tf slinoat scats and cash register; im-usiiil msn ami wife or tio ii'en, tail Wall 2i. SANITARY MAHKKT.
affemoofBi. VV Ml i.l 1 1 III WHIt FtRNKf ne. 111 past year; no soiiciuru or cv.l'f VV til leech purchaser the business: $55IN) p-u'iirnl. DELTA HUHL. 42vi8 RPRIN'a F(iiisii iniiivvcTsEs.
soda iw'NtVtNs. Mrgvt stock In ts, West. WIBEB SIIOWCA8JS AND KNin RE a Los Angelea. TO "LET tAl AlXS SUE "pi 1 i iiLTR it TT ft am! e.igs. HOIIVEII MARKET "til at Orand.
iott I'oTnU CAS II LSI per daj. tsil 271U VV, PlrO. FOB -I'oTTVliC llROCEBY" fsin. E.52M.l HT vvi ntullV PlltlKNIX. 2111 litsiit tljlg, spO.
lilt IVM.L IXVliil tiOOO Lt cali.n hot rent. 4IJ. 1HTH fim eti.E -t Al FTtltl V. eKlf DofNO siiuisuuia busniesa, W. tsbYCNm ryo LOAN Moner.
fieiil Eatat and Iniproyementa. QC1CK 1IAMS SECOND M0BT0A08 WONET. tT0t loans, tame tf til AppllcatJon, V) to HOOO. On, to 12 ncmh time. Pirst or aacond mortgafe.
City or conrtry. Ma oommlsjiun. No tail f. Oor awn aoney, Sales. lntit and assessment pall.
WATXBMAN 80t Wercbanis National Bank (rner Sitth and lrlnf eta. WK LOAN Om OWN MONKT ON WAL WTATB, No eomimsaiOQ, Interest And 1 Per cent. Quick notion. TtlR JOHV M. C.
MAURI COMPANT. niim vi) FrOR K. w. HKr.f.VAN ttloa lOL'BTfl AND Will Ml MA ASS07. AlAa t93.
CL1EKTS' MONEY TO LON ON REAL fesTATB at 7 and per rent, and nn. In euros of 100 to fl OOOWK). Mortgafs A-l bomi, purcbaaal. Building loans A specialty. ConeiittiitiMii and appraisem*nt fre.
MATTHKWS ft MATTHEW'. BIO Douglas Bblf. Pun 130. UONKT TO T.04N ON IMI-ROVTO CTTT PBOPrTRTT. Or for buliding, on ea.y terro, of repayment.
ETATK UUTLAL 111.110. A LOAN AboUUUIiON, 722 K. Spnug at. BxanENTfi. nATS IN SLUs Or TO fao.fioo AND CP.
Cali ffir First MorVape. etrabdit Huililiiut ixin A Specialty. Interest at '1. 7 nnd per cent and up. CONSOIJKATEI) MORTC.AUB (XX, 4-1 Wsehincton lll lg.
Pico M1KHKLL COAIPANT. We loan, money on real Batata. fS17. Tnwt A Sarinrs BMf. Bdwy.
W7S. Wilt fiA OtRRTT TO OWNKR8, $2I0S TO city or rancbea. We don't want Tour projierty, just want Interest and will make tbat reasonable, w. a. iiaaai, noom Btlland Hill.242!Bdw.
7S7. ork to lift 2 first or aeosnd mortgado. Money aama dsy. No eominission. title fees.
Contracts and mort gage booirbt. BfXCOMUH, BIB llau cot nor 7th and Broadway, VV. I'()tS7KXTER, 4) wnxox BMW. iein.f snrtrtaape loans. Any reaeonsbie Amount.
Building loans a ipeoialtjr. InvestmentA for clients wisnipg to insKs. loans wtu receive careim por- SOTisl ittentiooi. SONKY TO UAN ON PIRsrr SRCOXO mortgages; omek Rction: rensonablo rates. CHANDLER PASSOC, ff4 Bradbury Bldg.
F3 1 21; Main 571 5. TO LOAN ON CITY AND COUNIitl real ealate at regular lnteret ratis. A21t0. H'CONNlXr, A IRVINE, Pico 227. 835 'ecnrlty Blclf.
OCR Ks-tABLlsnro rta.ndln'6" fraclAL-itatlon in loans keep us in touch with tbe money tnn wi.h. V. A. PATTFB A 1217 Rl.lg., 217 W. 7lh.
Min 8ol0. Fftt.4. JjtAN nlltEtT? TO OWNKKS. Prirat money, sums to suit. Pre appraisem*nt.
KLAKKI.Y IX1AN PhirrTRS. 321 ftory Blig. fan Mi. UONlfY TO LOAN S1COO. rsni.
$2000. FIRST lnorurase, imnroved property. Tif-stion, no eomraission. Address M. hoi 345, TIMES Sl'RINO 6T.
BRAVCH. $12,000, 6 "PER CFNT. O.N RKMI-m'RBS IN- come property, or good ranch. Might diytde, 702 trcst savIxor bluo. 1 "HAITI' TO 'j6xti AT 7 PER CENT.
ANT mist loan it at once, BLAINE, A2210 Mlin 4040. HOVEY TO LOAN AT Cl'RRENT RTF! ON ty or country property. rvit.vMvoKj 10-7 Vsn Nuts Bliig. P121W, Msin 819. MlfyATE MONEY.
84 TO 7: CITY, rrvTNTWt or tnn'amg loans, jASAfivr.i at ioi B. W. llellmsn Bl'fa. aiBTH, stain hCIS. MONEY TO LOAN ANY AMOCNT AT CURRENT rate, on city and Country real estete.
r. ii. EVAIITS, COO Van Xuys Hldg, Msin ism. AlOriB. TO IAN WOO TO WO.fWO.
Lowest rates, eity or eoimlry. money waiting. W. MOYER, 310 Title Ins. Rl.
Ff17. M. I MI. mniTiiHisyr'irmreiTX, country. Tf bsnks can't nniine you.
see me. WM. JOHNSON, 210 Story Bldg. 623, M. Km.
MONEY TO LOAN AT fl AND 7. AT At. TIMES. on mtirored real estate, uoudhh 2004 B. First at.
Boyle 41 WW. TO LOAN $2000 TO Jf.OUO. CTI1HBNT ratm, crcfer ssn Feniando galley. CHAe. B.
Flsi'HUR. Burbanf. Cal. Sunset Btlrbank. 24 J.
TO LOAN TO i ity ot Ksncn loans my speeistry. 14171. 11 524 Spring. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR POPSTKI REAL estate at current rates, hakim. ai.ui..
H. Spring at. Phorts tnrii'e Mam 2Si5. 1'Eit I EXT. MONEY, CITY OR RANCHES.
S. a, MI M. vv. MeiimaB BMg. Hunh K.
Wslker. Jr. 8. Rhea yamest. pTBST MciltTOAnE MONEYT7 PER CENT.
w. KPERRY. mw I'nion Oil Bldk-. HIVE ISW AND $MOO TO LOAN, IP SECl'R-Ity Is good. l'HONB R.
M. CAMPBELL, 510 B. W. I1E1.I.VAN ftinirt isn, nearn. ricy eiaiis, ei 1 1 TfTToXx --MONEY IN SI MS To sfPT BohltoW.
er. BAWSON. MIS Orn BMf. A.tolO; M. 4'ilO.
SILENT, tXi fl. Hil! st. Msin 22211 to loan ji.fKio r.mto. msi, habbt JAt kins, tii'v i nion mi nittg. FllTVATP PiiriTTRiAOiinTO LOAN.
FIRST mtg. on city improypd propetty, CENT. tip. MAKTIX. Bll Wory.
l.VMfltPlco-gaiT. $500 TO $10,000 AT 7 PEB CENT. EDW. C. Cnloo, xvi vv.
uni. f-nlarleii. Chattel and Anlomnblln. ttf MOXEY WHEN YOU NEED IT. Whont HR-NlriRK.
PIANO, HALABT, ETC. fur SKUjity. but on yoor plain note, in the sain manner that a business man gets bin loan Iroat ON A I 20 T.OAM.i. payments on a so loan. .30 payments on a 50 loan .11 payments, on a $100 Other sraonrits at same rates.
Main 2474. OliAllANTEB LOAN CO AMU, Boom 400 Title Insurance Bldf. 458 SSprir.jf at corner of Fifth Jit, JT'Tf KEsT CONFIDENTIAL LOAXs'lN THE CITT. Got the money you need at once. Credit given on your ovn personal statement to us.
The easie-t mot factory plan NO tit publicly mind, so your affair; ro privat- aboltltelv. NO IXIVORERS reoulred so your friends eon't know your business If yen are a lionsekenplng. permsnent resident, come in. get accUainfed: act the money, Mr. Bred.
7U4 SFCI'lilTY BLIlll. Phone U33BO; BdwJ, 11.5. BRITISH A I A LOAN CO. PERSONAL NOTE LOANS $10 to $50. Strictly cor.ndent':!.
costs 75c; $25 costs $1.25. K'ti $1.50: $50 coats $2.50. ATLAS I.O VN COMPANY, I'nl'U oil 7th snd Srrlnf. irrpro $100 on YiirS 'plain xo'ir Salaried pecn'e, enn get it todsr. Bepsy US in weebh' or monthly' pavmerits.
ilI PECI'IliTV B1I0KKHA0E COMPANY, 813 Gross mli n4 pnn sts. TO LOAN ON CBATTEIA 3 Pint CENT. MO. tlnlck loans. Easy pavnienta.
Private, Ws help vnu over lite hsrd places. A4378; BJviy. 653, LOAN 001 Union Oil. ra.ATlTiTTjvYNFM OF FlmNlTt'BE, PlAXOH. rates, cotifl.lcntlal.
quick lervice. PI 708, IlEWAW WAN A INV CO Main 4574, 603 Security 61U 6. miring. Inan. No riniTUriTTi.
i "'ci(. A I. LASKKR StO-SO MatHjtronf Bldf. 1 asTnTi'X-ir is-si AND WOMEN AiIOMVII1IHTU w'ithnnt dtlsy or nabtieMr. HOUl'liBUN cuturr 411 w.
X. DROI LINIlFR20rona.RcaltyBlilg.Jvi'3. COLBTFOUS 1 a lUTSS, lOLBir-OI COMPANY. If 4tllfl, 6(Al 8EC1 RITY B1.IHI. PtBlt Al.TiA RBp CAR, P1HVATB MoN- ey sot HIBERNIAN sin atio soring.
ITrjHRAKrrMONrTTTTnot salaried cneat e.Mu. Diamonds and Jewelry. PROVIDENT PLAN 1 PER CENT. PER MONTH mAMONTvl U.Y PROPEBTT I'ltliVUil VT MtVN AiH lATI'ttf, A LLXtVOLc-Sr AOVlAllU-N, PPRINfl PT. MAIN 871; HhSL Ijvasi ON DIAMONflg tMAMONIVa, Jewrtry silveTwaje nd other srtlcles.
VleogM In vault. CtmrteTy fair trastment. Snd sr, rest vHisinesi nr.h-ls. Ptivste rooms foe pour eoa ta esiea Interest 1 to 2 per cent. No olt, Liberal Inane.
Baler ewes, tunes, tun MvniU clK (00 PHiaeus' Itstiunsl BMf. flftrl snd PI ril A Mi E'V i " TLO NT 1 .1 It EM A i. AoVrto. Vt'is treatment. 402 TRf-T (ilWIil BLIKI th snd "rntig VV, VAHEDON.
Mgr. LOANS 1 TO I'EH EVP, tUiiuoa H- 1-ii with 15 mile, from I elevsti'n lJ feeli branttfui trees. watciLills. awlmming pool; trntns court, ilanemi pnvili.rti, free (lelnery of also beauiitol eahia Ue, chsap. P.
9. CBIFIID. 703 1.