JULY 22, 1919. PART I- 15 (Timed TUESDAY MORNING. RCSIXESS t-HAJTCXaV- grBURIUX PROPERTY nrsixEss chaxce Of Maar KDsaa. AJOXET WAJfTED Aval Estate aad CatHtarafa pOtXTRT RANCHE5 arrila aatel Frchaagw. TO LOA alajaear.
Calm Clt. WASTED -WB WILL NOW ACCEPT IF TO TLDINO HOr, COMPLETELY 1 isi l--s-atio Jk center tf downtown ento i tnct. Pieatv Kit. Snt.l i u-l adiitlJaial sn to be ksaaed oat I OB fAf 4IB4I.TIPIL. HODEBJf BaTrBK BOnN XDCSTRUL PROPERTT oar cuarattteed plan, wbich aeta the inveptoe s.gr.t ir cent-i per ennuat, tnterewt payata rjo.rfjt,a.
iwa KU. Darawov4 BVi. aaa aaafe p. garair, rhfc aea aod abed, eru, L4LGHT.IN $.3 a Bmsdwav. pOrXTRT PROPFRTT rrm ta-.
t. FOB aAUk i ALMOND ORCBABIal ILATED BY THC AUIO.VD OBCRABD C8-. 0' PAaO BubLEs. Ca Are Brw Bubdiviair of the ehtifa eat trtcta ef AL11ON0 land it tb Paeo eV-blea 4ian t. lorau.1 two city taiot-'m of the pared 'TaTE HIGHWAY.
Perfect air. drainage. fc ffrtiliiati.jo. NO IBRIGATION, aiimtni'ing lu hi aiLena of as f-nliard- "gl.O PEB ACBE. OS BAST TEBMI.
Wa will alio eantrart to piant toar OF-oara FtttE DIET amtal Vea ahrtietr on ataiB reaifien. nutry pnncpst rettarswa at soy um r-a FOB BALE GOOD PAYING CITY BAKERY. ALL fH Ma. sisty itali days bhils We ere tetsli. rrssent ewnee ta aise masing B-si easy, ktit meat aeJl.
fog somnleta lalvarBaa- oa balf ccrporation. yesra in easiness, reverence any local bant or Dune or BreoV-reeta, parti u-lant or interview addraaa UU. boat 4m. I1MAJ FOB SALE HAVX TOP 1400 TO) PAT DOWN ON A MODEL At IE CHICaiX RANCH, CLOSB INI a--re ran Blsi-soa si IHn feet aatt or ic-a pnone astc i tx Klsada. aetural tun oil pipe one, near FOB BAKERY LU GOOD TOWN.
MORTGAGE LOAN DfclT, 10T4A 4i a at. Mala SOr. TCH SHoU kMivt AND 1 WANT OL' TO KNOW tiat 1 han-tle loans WITHOUT LOtgl OF TIME AND ANNOYANCE. Suma up to fsjO NOW on FIRSTCUtSS BKAL EeTATX. LEE MF.VEB.
MANAi.nt IXIAN DEPABTMEVT. THE 1111M.F. INV ETVIE-VT COMPANY. Sa-oJ Union Oil Bl-lg Bdwy 3.144. -iSi07.
SHAM IJtt Ut. IOB SAT.E LOT ROiirfl. ri-tAB. PLAT- BKL Ber Tract. Calm r-ty Mil raeap or tada l.r good in auto.
Aodieaa ill. TlUur BBaSc4 OrrlLE. j-stcttaisurm, fur ctuui or escnawee. rletss rile, ao exiv text, miiu re ana eouta-r riah wo, street c.a std. A00 fm vd.
PimI faw Uu.ABu of rfuy. II KOBTH BROADWAT few aaaling tt away. ilea loess, fine for garden pnrpisss for tjo per acre, which corera all coat of aa- rot-ma. tat 106. TlMEd OFFICE.
$iAuu Pi'ttiL HALL. CIGAR STAND; CXNTKB of eitg; beaottful Brtnrea. sleta Baa saauea. itas. i daaUa la Mia Bona- See MIL Eaaia Hark.
aurreying for treea, plasv UAMUl Wfc BUY LEiSt. ON autuWiHlea sod ksaa moxter on auU-nKX-t-se when prtperiy sweurod. "srt uae mote capiial in the busineaa, which pays twttsr tbaa 20 tr cent Compear niaangeii by meet of financial worta aaa respuaalHIity. she have tnetr own us bual ataa Addrets box eV7. TIMES OFFICE, atsun leeted trees, plowing.
ia. be exoeneneed orcnaralata. gain. BEVERLY. $23 Grant dr.
ita 8TB0S DlrVINieriN 1015 Mmt ro BHg. 1278 We will tun contract to care lor tama at BIS iu. 1.1 una to aaniv a nazkA- fOB IkVBn (CBIBBAN (ITT, tC ei PABB. Beautiful Bw f-poeea saodara fjUDgalaa. uv tafxr i aid 1' T.
aitanar abite, g.raaa to autrh luuae. Bra lefrl lot. fruit and auade BUYS CIGAR STAND, LNTBANCB OF LAsUll eave btnlding. Large roomy place, ideal lecse-ticn. nu-uirr particulars see OB SALE OR LEA-E CORNER Oil' iUiai ilnrt.
ftuslitj, auk, 3-ttcry bruk buiid- smoont rspttsi yrwa nsve avaiiaois MttttHtsTs uu ro, sis Cffiwt rTtoE OARtl.E. FULL EQUIPMENT. LATHE, DRILL rt lor atari id acturing of warehouse purvicaes. iMmi X. km TIMES BBANCH Oil-Ilk.
ireea, niga e.aaa in gcerr aav, sear car tine Hill taae tarant lot, lagla Bock aa part pay-treat W. L. MIIXEB, taw, Cartani llui. Bewltsca Oar. j)4.
ANTED MONEY LOCAL MANITACTI B1N0 ctAcera wiabas to secure to be upd la buying taw material tor nasi in mauufartunng acre Ta Loa Ange es: money at all times to be aonia income without changing four raaidence. If intereeted la aa Intea'ment witu at atoored fntora call fur ber inforniatica and deuiia. MIION AUIOND OKI HARO W. WEED, 2111 Mtrcauu place, atu Bii'h and brutdway. Lua A.if dca.
FOB fcALE-OB EX HANGE 10 ACRES FIXI land In .) I 11,1.1 water klU ill pteas, tow car, storage, taeene lour ansa tvusr-Doitig fins Good, reason for wiling. aaap VAN NUY9 TIME AiiENCT FOB SALE. A COOO paying boaness with a aplmtLd future. W. J.
GRANARY. TOOL-UOLsE. GARAGE, libit, AVI ALL UNDER TOUR DIRECTION AND JUST TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Ton ca ravw rttvo wnw nviv Bam OR SAXJE WAREHOUSE LOT. WITH artsy Dae, in imi iif taut Ford w.uwnuua oasriiiis iim enermaa way.
REaLUENCES, APARTMENTS. FLATS, IN SUMS OF S1O0O AND UP. Cash for Brat mortgagee, BUILD1NU LOANS. Interest 7 and par cent CONSOLIDATED MoBlCAUE COMPAVY. Washington Bldg.
Pico 3335. offer. 21344. secured by ran maienai. ete aie wkung 10 pay a good rate of interest and substantial saisrv ta fn-Viu.
Mill invoice Bliuil. Gatsse, lathe; dnll press, rash wfaster, ft. 14 tn rest tttorage; moag ataser; ana tuft-ling. $35si. filewaaia FOB SALE SECOND-HAND FURNITURE FTOBfi Excellent business.
Must be sold by Tiieedsy anon. Make offer. 4H13 CENTBAL AVE. Tuliara ilvuu, noiuage avtiO. hat haia FOB BALB 4 BOOM CALliOBNU BOI'SE, LOT man mating tne lean to ion o.
ss A Idress B. bos fKt. TIMES ti: F1CE uui F. o. Mi nnira, B.
D. bo it4. iltilttj. ar.lm.tid tine. Lraee.
lialed vim Tire atttl vuicamrtng anopi. eieaaag eornar eitaw rer Hl FOB MLE MOAIBE STOXrC RANCH. L1VB fniiL rime, lea the honia tliatlM will buy fT ou. Owner leafing and MI'ST eELli IM- THPATt BAHlisIN. $jai: LOCATION FTNEl rent $Tft; tart swell: lia Baa SPECIAL FUND.
S.i.'iuu. We will nuke ear good kaa. Farm. ami 7 tr cent. Amounts fr.
BliUsy nn to snit. tn, tow rent buaineas Tirw agsucj. Partner wtnted. can't handle aiuoe. $sOO.
Another vuianiaiBg and tire shop. wee btl.liiaaa lllneas cause for seiiina. autaav A bargain. B.tf per acre gbant McCartney company. CitF.
MsjHATfct.t. rutmb tjicnuata tav-w WANTKIs BIOOisj per eewt: rears ea 25 acre Ta-kaua grove at Anaheim. Irecs 5 year i-td and in good condition, well, pumping plant, etc. Cotuenatire talus l.Ti,o"0 A choice loan. Principals only.
R. W. MOYIB. $14 Title lu-atirsnre Bldg Main l.MI. DOWN AND SJS PER MONTH.
ITOTAL COST Pico 8 B3S Merchanta Natl. Ilanlt Blrtr. LET tS ADVERTISE IT FOR YOU. NATION-wide eert'os. OEM.
PUB. Limner qreib, Eaut Liouia rOH PULE ISS fHSrsr OP i BOOMS. Hardwood Snore, ceoienl cellar, garage, beating fruit tree, ahnil'bery. only a Wocka to FOR FALKIWXB. 1(10 ACRES MENITEB TAL- PKTINDAK1 CO.
PituS 15X4, S'-'B-fl Inmrsnce BHg. 0UB OWN MONEY TO LOAN -v, JiBiii ay. i. ti tor larorvttaricn. I.BAVEa COMPANY, TO I- A.
lnlestment tth and Broadway. list yon business with us We will sell It. near Petri. Tanaa. Dais wt.
on- English too Bick WANTED (2 WILL MAKE 5 GALLONS CLKE KC 81 W. iln t. UHlV I ir.lBTNE.tT H' Bl SPLENDID INCOME SACRIFICE. Owner buvuig larger place, telle us to slash pr, 24 rouass aictiy furnished aparttnent-house. vated to steady tenaat and ehowttia biji tnconia.
Details. Xti C1T. NAT. BbX. BLIX1 uLb4lv large holding of 8 per cent preferred stacg IB ino, oa acacia uiaue.
uiw huildini let in Loa AaBelea the value of S10U0. big ia a Bde ast-nBce and cent last Prindpele solicited. Prompt attentioa, WINTER w-rrws-vT rnupiw FOR SALE TWO 4-TON, TWO Jti-TON MORE-land trucks, 2 trailers and mUriiished freight rotite. B'nl ROOM 21. 710 E.
6th et rXCKFTlOAL $21 cm 7 per on dnuWe eteea BW. 60x160 ft. eornar, near 5oth and Venaowt; Leiprored with modern story-and half house, fine F. at PATTEE 1217 Haas Bldg. F1S5.
r- J. i. ITlTZGtBAU). oiur, Weat 2X89. O.
V. tAitLEAlAN KP.Ai.TI Ml. SOO-l-il-- tmrl Blag. Imperial Taller. B33.
1108 Van Nuys Bldg. FOR SALE SHOW CASES, SODA FOUNTAIN. owe of the most complete end up-to-date Baa canneries, located at tbut harbor. East Sea Pedro, (AL Will give a position of go-si caliber is the nusloess st a good salary as well as a posi-tioa on the board of directors. Will accept some coIlsteal or property eschsnge.
Thie is a aVJilie eoncere with real live man in charge ot Baa Gabriel, FOB SALE If) ACRES LAND ON BOCXEVABD, ltitl acres Imnavial Valley. reltttauiHIimeut: largeet stock In the West. WEBER sHowrAtia to t'piJUeO ni.h rn wuii r- rOR CAI.E 4-ACBB OCZASTOrCEAN a tiAii rip a Loo Apgeiee sr. nnuee fiirutihed. clear.
Want bungaiuw. ob sale 30 flu cen om your irwbstment RrHnatfr tnetttn. Witi vcni jft tn-r cent, more tbx. TMtr lt.uk at tin same tar of nwoua TtfOHTOAGES. TRl-ST HF.EDS v- or Sale.
Eichange. VA anted. Bear city. Jtoo. latlewnoal.
ttotte rtcigiiu or nortnwast. no cuninnsai'ia. a-draas bw 332, TlUr.4 BBANCI1 tiFrlCE. roil SALE SAIRK CHICKEN RANCH GOOD district, 4 scree planted to alfalfa. Eroeptioa-ally gwd 8 ro jnv hiiie.
A eacrigt e. Terms grant McCartney company. Pico 302. Merchants Nitl. Bank B'da.
Need money and will sacrifice mistero 4 Bat the deuarttneot Business in other States demand uie mi ui'tta hm. a. liLtUWsjtix tiit-i ecu uildtrag. furnished. aureiiea.
income $100 ay attention. Thie propoaitioa wiu mem enst FOB FA LB BOWBt. AIA HINT AXO BZE1. lOnUi; OTP UT MIA MtfCK USU (MUi Poanaaa. MOi-lf WIPfLAB PLAN IN 101:.
CAl.IFOBSIA AOdrasa 4. bog art. -aiaau ut- FIl E. 1 per cent. WANT 1.11 F1HST MuBTGAGl.s.
sECO.ND mottges, trust tel estate, contracts, mect.aiiK-s' liens, rentals, acconuts snd rlsims of ail kind-. Mv own fiir-ds. Morev at once. No ercrow re-mired. CHARMS O.
NOI'BSE. 53 Central Ids- tvh and M.in Ps. Ph. no lttO ana ait prtcaa, ll yu ara auwn. ih wwer want to get etanad la a Bllla honia of yoor FOB SALE SECOND HAND FUBNITIRB eTTOBI doing good biiaineea tjood reasoa for seiiiaaT.
Addresa 128 ELM. Long Resell FOR SALE MY FIR.ST CLASS ESTABLISHIIENT rA ladhre tailoring- price. Ftrsg offer it 8.H WPS.T STH AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTINfTT TO Pit chase a good i-aying up-to-date. Band Iauadry for caah. Must sell on Account of ill health Addresa M.
box 2l5. TIMES Ot FICE B. UOWETH, mi Bin Bug phr no er.14. FOB SALE 2'4 ACBEB IN POMONA, IMPROVED with 30 fuil-bearuu walnut trees. Modem room houite.
rlorse. lamung iHtpleutents and i300 liki ng loans on real estate, itu-taUiuutia, HOME INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION, of Rediands. 437 UNION OIL BLDG. OB SALE OB EXCHANGE 30 ROOM PI B- FOR SALE HlC.HGH.tDE BAKERY WITH ALL tbe business present plant can handle; buaineae can be doubled in present locality; buyer must be sble to iniest not lee Uisa four thousand dol-lsrs $4uutn raah snd be able to proie bi own. etinie and hi v.
u. auw Market luglewfiod. FOB SALS ONE ACRE, OVEB 400 FEET FBONT-ag, raed atrecl. Clear, f2000 caah. Tela-lhona owner, 18333.
WANTED PRIVATE PARTY WILL BUY A TBUST atsriea snd store. South Park TJKALi EttTATE. MlbCtXL'KOLS roe gala. FOB t.A l.E PBOPEHT1ES FROM fiaoo to 18000 in ditterent pans of the city at foreclosure prices bee owner St 40 SECUB-1TY niJin. Tel I82l.
cutcgena. tsieep. Terms. gkant McCartney company. Pico 802.
638 MercssnU tvatl. Bank Bldg. oeeit or contract, pnone oahva.a ow. HAVJC YOU MONEY TO LOAN! HAVE TOU Brat-class real estste' rn either case, the man to ere is LEE METER, mansffer loao de- par car bams and new rubber plant Clearing -00 per month. Piiie B2.Vf0: mortgage WANTED FIRST MORTGAGE $100, 7 PER CIGAR STAND ON HALS" 0 CITY.
RENT ai-uuy to hsndie a live buetness au year erouuu. -u. to run 3 years. HABBY MILLER, 11 lim. cent, secured, cltg real estate, no com.
rTesent owner baa other he wisnaa partmerit. THB FRANCE INVESTMENT COM-PANY, SI'S 829 Cnion Oil BldB Bdw7. 844. BnflBT. iBiancD.
cieanng to go per day. 1.1 Lax ft EGGERTsEN 607 S. Hill, room 312 sttMud to. For full information amtlv to Mfr. P.
oh sale sacrifice, aut bug. TO LOAN L. FISH, care Sou. Calif. Supply BU-10 a.
FOB 8Ali GOOD PAYING RtlALL ELECTRIcTaL. FOB BALE FOB AUCTION BALE OF BEAL estate see the display adveitisemauu of snctioa In Part 1 of today's Times. Tulare. FTR (ALE TEN TEARS TO PAT Will turn oer 20 to Sl acres oa long lease, low rental, with eacluaive option to buy; rj, Panbworwt Wlnm land. iJ.ntV Water.
loW lift furnished, full, walking distance. $S0OO. Fine CTOtit* AND BONDS a-3 uiu.ii.mh. I im st-, Angeles. Baa Feraaada.
FOB fjALB 40 ACBF WEIX IMPBOTTO, 80 acrra alfalfa, net in hearing Rartlett peara: 7-rrcm bou.e, pu'ikbouse. bant and gaa plant, near arbooU; city water. SS4 fcr tetuia. Saatella. uupruvtu.
near m. sunset BStmu, WB SPECIALIZE IN LOANS. Therefore know of the most desirable funds, F. A. PATTEE large adjoining lute, impnm-d, near in.
C4b nuaness ta i aasoena. store, repair anop and stock. 3SS1, E. COLORADO ST. CAKE ROUTE FOR SALE.
CROSS PROFIt tHll per week. PHONE 237U7. MANUFACTURING WHOLESALE if ruts. w. litvr-i.
fflCIVV YOli stsnle brodncts. used tn every home, hotel avd Mtl.NEV TO LOAN punipege, heart of CaliforiiuVe proaiicrous dairy section, near city of Tulare: woudtrful soil for alfalfa, grapes, deciduous frulu: your opportunity to estahlMb desirable, permanently self auttaining home of your own. Address owner, 510 WEB-BITT Loa Angdra. once building, trade established over 4 years in Itl'Ys in lie KLNTAU sud )MVLTB1AI, itiU-t. betwtxr 7ia ard eaat AilsJia.
Huuimt ON lai'BUVIP CITY FROI'EItTT. for buiMina on easv terms uf retiarment PANIES. HAVING A RECORD OF Ag.MAU ANU AN EnT Oil IMItn MARKET. pAKTXERS FOR AIJ5 1 ACBK. 4 ROOM QABAOB, BO-fout wall, good oil, plratr fnitt, easy terag.
Owner only. ISIS HUBU t-, baaU bo, California and Attauna i eomparatively amatt amount of catklul r.uiiited to tills deal. STATE MUTUAL KUiG. ft LOAN ASSOCIATION, va. ana ean ream.
utu U. M'MJar rrh Main VTAXTEU KE-VLt KSTATB JJTjtraahaaeTjherwtaei, tiisrellaaetiua, WANTED Bl NAlAw AND 2 STOBY BEfl-dtmes, also flate. apartrarnts attd taiant lota In wiUhire, W. Adams and H'Htwuod; hare caph bu.vent; list your property wiih us. J.
B. AI.THOUbB 803-4 Story Bidg. 64170. Bdwg. 62fi7.
WM. I HP-AULe llllnt I.Fs, BONDS AND INVESTMENTS, Pbona 63178. 706 WRIGHT A CALLENDEB I. S. Spring st Monica.
tail TIILeT SAV. BLDG. MONEV TO LOAN IM OWN vittt au erttt.it srat wna nice ctMy e-iuuni couaga rear, lurched. g'Mid income prupfr'y, will nil aay Wot. WANTED "WK WIU.
SOW ACCEWT lrt TO $15. SIOUO TO AT 6 AND 7. BUILDING IOANS KoPEilALLY UESlBED. AMERICAN MORTGAGI? CASH PAID UPON PRESENTATION FOR ALL FOR SALE 10.TT ACBES OF S-YEAB ORANGES and oliva orchanl, sdji inuag the city of "tratimore. between Lindsag and Porterrillc.
ft, from depot; bam. tank and house. 3 houses, power motor, cement pilie line, well ISO ft. deep. A dandy placa for a home and good income.
Price BABRY MILLEB, 114 Elm, Long Beach. na. ifirf aznq. 000 additional money to ba loaued out under our laiaiauteed plan, which net the investor OB BALE CITY PBOl'ERTY AT A PRICE THAT wanted partner, lady or with experience to mauage snd run a hotel. 1 rtoid option to lease 5 years 85-rooin modera bote), elose in, leas would be 1 wnt actire partner for management and to latest not lea than $2500, to help buy furniture: 1 will Invest $5000 or more in caah with you; excellent opportunity but mutt act with Utile delay, or will lose my option on tlte fciuldiiur, Addresa M.
box 11)5. TIMES OFFICE. will net 7 ber cent un Slz.oriu. tinea aaked. cignt to per per annum, latere, patauie WANTED LIST YOUB PROPERTY WITH MB.
I NEED IT FOB WAITING CLIENTS. CARLIN 0. 03 H1GG1NS B1J1G I'D 2C0il otrtr leaaea lor lomr lemi. any one wanuna 404 Metropolitan 5th and Bdwr. 10343.
WE WILL LOAN RO PER CENT. OB MORE ON improved property, current interest rates, for one to ten yean. ELMER f. CBOSUY, 1006 Van Nuys Bldg. Phone 47 monutiy.
unnciit muntei at any lime upon LIBERTY BONDS. A. H. WOOLLACOTT CO. Member Los Angeles and Ssn Fraaciaca Stock Exchanges.
I will tell my 6 aerei, south of VAX MVS. on fchmuan Wag. near Ventura highway, fur 14 per cent, dovn and 1 per cent. numth. It fan about SIM full bearing tren, Vt iteachaa, 1-4 each avricpuy aud Sauubuv plum.
Hater, electric phoned. u.iw tnlll dava' notir Wi arm a rMinoiUiuta coriioratioa, 15 years In rnnineaa, reference any WANTED CALL 63735 AND LIST YOUB PBOP-erty, itouies, lots snd land. OB SALE BUilllaNB PARK BUM from ear. achuola. lucume S75 per month.
im al oaug or ttuns or Brsuaueeu. sor parw-u-lars or Interview addraaa GM. box 408. TIMES LIMITED AMOUNT OF COAST SECUB1TIES Company 18 per eiebt per accttmu- 300U, teiiB it (bslrtxi, tail Owner, BKOAle- nnsnttt uaricas Baa Fernanda Fella. FOR UNIMPROVED.
ALFAtc fa, vegetable lands: orchards, walnut grores; poultry ranches, townsite propertiee, W. STALEY. First Nat. Bank Van Nnja, Cal Phone Van Nan 124. cau evening.
4'hj w. rjtn vht. ax omi. roe Cash Not Classified. WANTfcD HAVE $300 AND SERVICES TO IN.
vet In good partnership proposition, must ba established business, youikr. nisn, good education, some buainess experience. AilUre al, box 201. TIMES OFFICE. FUU muo-r OR KALE 25 PL'B CfcNT.
INVESTMK.NT. 4- EACEP110NAL OPPORTCNITY, PRODUCE Business. Brat daiae now mouthls latire preferred alock for sale. Aiiply MAJUII- STBOJLDO SluOO 30 TO LOAN AORJl flat building, fumiaheu. targe beautiful rnrner FOR KaI.B ONE 50 H.P GAS EMilNE.
ONE Lbnsiuns of $18,000 to $20,000, compelled to ex- tnftm siiuu yeir. hafnnc pnee aoouu, "lOO cai. 2i B. WTO HT. nann- to meet erowine iraae.
reouira aaaitmnat One-quarter caah, balance terms. BU acres: 4 Blake crusher, Dsvia rolls, elevatura, ahalUng ntilliM. Also building if desired. CALL at mireui stsica. City, Country and bldg.
loans. MB. FORTUNE. 60S Grant Bldg. 13881 Ban Joaquin WANTED FROM 10 TO 80 ACRES.
RIPE FOB immedieie subdivision, and building, dose, in on west side, or Hollywood way; prefer principals, C. THOMPSON, 100 Fremont place. Oocjaj. OB SAL INCOJIS PBOPICBTY. SACBIrtrf capital of tlO.ouO with it, services of capable man to take charge of office.
This ie a proposition of mint for a man who playa the game FOB SALE WANTED PARTNER WITH $400. RUSTLER. LE'' Bitimate, no scheme, handle own money; take charge of office: can make SlOtt a month. Address M. box 12, TIMES OFFIt E.
Zliri 1. af.reu lu amautk, cciiviul innw tin, painainai, weiav. FBM KEJAOOa, Via Nua, Ctl. 141. igt cam.
4nat building. aitun PB1VATE FUNDS AT CURRENT BATES. RUn.D- VE. Phon Holla jJV3, UHH N. Wetteru aa.
ing iosns on straight mortgage. rAaNstuBra scAiare. piecaio: money can oe mute, anotuusu S1MI pes Ainu. WITH WATEB. GRAPES, DELlaOLS JKUITS.
riAtRYINn. RICH SOIL, ALFALFA, Van Bidg. 01209. OB KALE CHEAP. t'l BMSHFD BLS- investigation mnrtd.
ti tin intetesia you au- TTOTELS, ROOMlXG-HOrSES --Kne Sale. Kirbaaaa. Lease. Wanted. 75.
TIMES OFFICE. J. tic: tres gaiuw Kuurt. lining u.B. eiJl I a PBIVA1B MONEY.
QUICK SEBVICE. City and close-In country st 7 per cent. CONWAY ft nlJCASNER. 1032 Cit. Nat.
Bt. Bldg AL INCOME I'KilPraTV. UOVL Ufa. FOR SALS 0UB PAYING BRICK GARAGE. IN-eluding msi-biiie ubop, W.
tth, one block es.t from Wcstlake Park, complete modern equipment For Bala. tmproved lands same tract sell for $00 to SSOO per acre. 18 nulea from Freeoo. F. H.
TOLLE, 712 Garland Blilg-, 740 S. Broadway Atinrca j. wa upeii.e,. Honaee. WANTED THOROUGHLY MODERN OR T-ROOM bungalow with garage, lawn, In Wilsiiire or West Adams district, although might consider other desirable location.
Advise clear description aa possible, where located, sale price, terms. $300 TO TO LOAN FOR SALE LOOK AT THIS AND YOU WILL see it as I do. 84 room apts, very ttest ana souls, rent eiiu monta wtia tcsau, uui time. SO Will Lowest rules, city or country, aioney waiung. TJF.ACli PKOPEKTX Tor Bale.
FOB MLE 1347 RIAX.T0 VETN1CE, T-rcom houae, Farad gtreet Telr phona owner, 12335. Benaoaa Beach. FOB BA1JB fOI 4R00M COTTAOFJ. HEB-moaa Beach. $800.
BAIKD. 06 8. HiU. 14tH5. R.
W. MOVER, 31ft Title Int. BHg Main 1S11. sacrince garitge below invoice. Price $3200 er beat lease, only per monta, years to run.
Mi. a lohhv vat.ir. stum beat, very beat jt or TiLblNESS CHANCES-- IV anted. W'AsnrriIICATION FOR riROCEBY ANT) MFiAT msrlwt: mi-lt have ilnog-csHlis: will rathe ttotii tock; wee-tern Uttwtica pcafetrtid. W.
1, JEN-NLNUS 1S1 s-rertch are. WANTED BL'SINESd, ANY KIND AND ANT price. Hav btiyei for sll or interest. BEV- ERLY. 522 Print Bldg.
82H87. WANTED SMALL GROCERY WITH LIVINC-room. for cash. Address it. box 883.
IlMLd BRANCH OFFICE. PRIVATE ESTATE MONEY, IMMEDIATELY efc. Am private party. Address M. box 144.
immeuiaie ca.u oner. eee nr.iu ot uviw. luu W. 7tb. cloie-ln location, west side, now clearing B.i.ttl: will clear $o00 this winter.
Pries is B.otuX. JtUtW arailabc on rust mortgage, to per eenu TIMES OFFICE. WEBKH. S04 Luckenlwch Bldg. STATION OltUi- caah, balance easy, very best lurniutre anu cafpets.
1 thank you. $4000 PRIVATE MONEY, 1 PER WANT WANTED MODERN HOME IN WILSH1RE District, between 3rd and 7th st Must hat'e 4 bedrooms, in addition to Burvants' room. Hardwood finish, ete. Price not to exceed VV, 1 I 1 i.l Al 111, IV, VW D. W.
Oil eUtlon selling cigars, candles, aoft dripka; main boulevard to sen Pedro: established. I. iminuitv. 1. 1.
FOR SAI ELEGANT CORNER ItHlUK. 3 Plon rourtn and pTlng. will pay all cash. Communicate this morning UltNKY TO I1AN AMOUNTS FROM $300 TO Santa Croa. FOB SALE RANCHES, HOMES, ACBBS, FBEE list WILSON Santa Cnu.
Cl 80 miles aouth of San Francisco. blocks west ot Main 17 amale rooms, with hot snd cold running water in every ivow. many veara: encp rent, pest or euuiiimeut, BU.slNEStl INVESTMENT COMPANY, 510 Delta' 4W g. with W. P.
PRESTON, in care of 11. L. COBN- n. Sio.ooo at responatue rates. u.
le rates. ti. stt unu vsn wuys mog. tci. ttfiivsu.
im hattui Klll. SIK1 UlOIlttl. ICBSV. liu- BOROUGH 400 Socutity Blag. BtnrWi ONE flF RENT KQUIPPED GARAGES IN Isms Beacb.
FOB EAIJt LONG BEACH. Bitilneea propcrts'. "Oa ta Pike." $500 pet front foot, including 2-tory building. F. B.
TLBNEB. 119 E. Colorado at, FjkudesA. ntslied iust an. ITeseot owner b's yearn.
Price WANTED WE WANT HOUSE AND FLAT8 IN my, near ousy mil isincry ouuu. WANTED UNDERTAKING BUlalN'ijii IN OB OUT of city, direct from owner. P. 0. BOX 11711, 1st Angeles.
WANTED FOR CASH, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, clothing, dry goods, grocerrie. hardware, any qiiaatitt. H. BLANK. 200 S.
Sub st. Boyle 5.17. WIL-HIRE AND HOLLYWOOD HAVE CASH mini. Ker ONE mil urana are. ti ORCHARD ACRES.
tOO feat west of Univeraal dtr. CITY WATl'B TO EVERY LOT. and up. COVERED WITH baarii walaat, apricot, cherry, puun and puu.0 tieea fBOSTUW Id tba city of Loa Anaelea. milea north of Bollywood.
illKL'Ti: VHOU 4TU AND HILL, Uulrersal City Ptation of PACIFIC ELECTRIC BY. Oslr if tat nd 11 half acrea, PRIVATE PARTY WILL PAY CASH FOB FIRST murlgtures. Addraaa bill 811. TIMES BRANCH OFFICE TVf OUNTAIN, (JANIfON PROP'TY i A For Sale. Evchanie, Ete.
10175 PICO 2412. and a number ol rental oattenett goes who piece, tust ibe placa for a practical auVt mechanic, or battery man. Must be sold witbin 10 diys. SMITH ft E1.U01T, 4US Haas cor. ta and 0 PER CENT.
MONEY. CIT' OR RANCHES, 8 Loeateit in toe center or tne puairw mn t-w EARNEST ft 831 H. W. Helltnsn Bios. Hugh K.
Walker, Rhea Earnest, 14757. Broadway part of tlte bilsiueM district ot i.ss sugetea. A. T. MUNN, 438 8.
Olive St FtucUAieie can Venlca and Ocean rarfc. FOB EIIHANUE OCEAN PABK HOTEL, 8 WANTED OTHERS CAN LIST YOUB PROPEBTY. but do they sell itr We are offering a Quicker service. Have dienta for ranches, apart nienu and homes no houses listed under $o500. B.
W. POINDEXTER, 803 TRUST ft SAVINOS WANTED WILL PAY Hit ,11 EsT CASH F(l of sny descriKion. S. BUSH, 1MH S. Flgue-nj at- Pbone 01 84.
WANTKDr-TO BUY COMPLETE: CANDY MAKlNfJ outBt. W.H.C., 18 Dorothy Venice FOR SALE BO ACRES, Sl(jQ0 AND ISO ACRES mountain land, 40 miles north of Plaita. 500 acres bO miles out. just off San Diego Borne tillable, oak. plenty water, S3W0.
S1300 cash, all clear. W. C. CUTLER, 1327 Louisa at. North Glendale.
Bldg. Phone hums. First mortgage mans, city buy other half If desired. roorna, furnished; aipiendidlg located; cheap yearly rent; 1500 mortttage oa furniture; will or country. Any reasonable smc*nt.
rttA.sn. -hiitcs. p'a naser-uetwuer Blag. IMT COMB FIRST CBOICI (BME BARGAINS- $1250 second hand clothing bulineat. $7o0 Root beer stand.
$1100 Mattery service station. $2000 Near bepr and light lunch counter. $2uoo -I'et stock and dog store. W. T.
F1T7.PATBICK. 605 8. Flgutroa. FOR SALE SMALL SHORT LOAN'S ON REAL FIRST take trade for tlia SlOuO tquiut, K. B.
UitT, 101 Central BMg. BISW. mil tut. tL-uatt i.r. z.
Ground, buildings and furniture. A going prop- or second mortgage, legal rates, aiso buy any Call or ebon for frag UckaU, or Eti.Ala NOTICES notion. Price SsO 00O. Temia if desired. In good paper.
41B SECURITY BLDG. FOB SALE LOT WITH 2 HOCSK ON WILDBEO are between trolley and ocean, 3500. Ad- come $10,000 net per annum. Boa Oil, TIMES LOAN BUT MORTGAGE. T.
WANTED IF YOU HAVE A SMALL BUNGALOW of 5 or 6 rooms with or without furniture that you wish, to diepese of immediately, at reasonable mice for SPOT CASH, phone MB. BUSH, Wllahire 6052. WANTED TO PURCHASE 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE near Oneonts, Park, state full particulars and location, price and improroiuenta. Address bus FOR EXCHANGE BRICK GARAGE AND "It station oa Washington near Culler City: D. CONTRACT, MS87 or 517S3.
Ml r. c. wood co. ramando 4th and Mala, rhona 64203. Orr'ice, pasanena areea OWNEB.
1644 Wellirjgton road, Loa Angeles. raTiflce, real etste. ROSE, run ssi.t: sn-Koou hotel, corner BRICK, lot rattiou; large iiiuag-ruoo-a, tsrse ei. -m Bxturea. cssh business: owner tt yesis; attit lail CITY 81 BURRS OR BEACB.
0-7-8 PER CENT. R. M. CAMPBEI.L, Silt Story Bldg. Main 6270.
close in. best furuished bouse in city, 50 per Agentg fot B. Laukenliiro, Owner. Angeles proiierti. Owner, GEO.
MchlliBOtv, cent private batiia. Rent. i mom, uusy corner: money maker, $3500. RYAN ft. STANMiY, I HAVE l.lflOO TO LOAN ON APARTMENTS 08 Waslilngton aud 33rd ave.
H.F.D. No. 7, toj, a. mi r.o ut to SALE sat ouiiaiog, csxua oiiooo. 410411 Grant Bldg.
aTor.l aura Hltjr INTKREST' IN AUTO BAT- Baa Pedro. nm rack ttwNK.R WANTED RESIDENCE OB INCOME, FOB 9-acro fruit, alfalfa, chicken ranch. Good income. Route 2. Bnr Kill HKSHfjk.NTl.
CAL. NOVICE OF ASSESSMENT. Twin Buttes Water Company, Arlington station, Biretside, C2l. N-th-e is beretiir given, that at a meatlrif of the Directors of th Twin Butted Water Company, held on the 11th day ot July, 1818, an assessment of one and b7t-100 dollar per shsrc was levied upon the located capital stock of tbe corporation, iiayabia on or before the 22nd d.i of August, lull), tti the Seoietary of the Company. La sierra Heights, Arlington, California.
Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on tbe 23rd day of August, 1819, tery shop. Ideal downtown location in the heart of the aiito district Owner, wants, a part BlUBANK HOSIESITEB. Money on galarlea and Chattels. Jan nn near nin anil tliaim ava. tai lovely EASTERN, NORTHERN PROP'TY lu For fale.
Kjchange. Wanted. For Sale. FOR SALE IN EL PASO, TEJAS, BAN1TOBIUM, for tuberculosis, completely furnished, accom--modate 8.5 tiatienta, street cars patut door, has half block cf ground, great opimrtunity for doctor specially. Must sell on account of removal, would take part Loa Angeles property, balance easy.
Address bur 18. TIMES OFFICE, Exchange. FOR EXCHANGE BEST APT. BUILDING IN rialt U.a City income 117,000 yearly all floors tiled io halls, kitchens, bath snd back uorciies; inside finish solid mahogany, sleeping porches; ballroom, billiard ball and exchange for hotel or aiKs. in California.
Addresa dqi 100, TIMES OFFICE. TO LET AT 227 OUVEB SAN PEDBO, apts. in double bttngalon-. Owner to be there ner who is willing to work and learn tue Pilil; TO LOAN ON CHATTELS, 1X1WEST BATES, WAN'TOD BUNOAIX1W BETWEEN ADAMS AND rooms, ground 1 sideboard, cost alio; $'iT0 takes evi-rvtlinig. Bent moDlb.
KLl- Burbank offeri yon ererythine for your suburban Jerrerson. not over S.it.slll. Must tia hanrmn. titufl. inveatigat.
eo until Titepday afternoon. Later, address B. A TOI10. Corona, Cal. ETONE tllO Oriind ate 818 CEXTBAta HIJKI.
14005. ome, nneat aim, pure aoit water, eteyation, near 148 to the cirri tine riewai race rwitrictiolip a. oroauwaj rtrss vv Tnrrrrr WITH WHOLE- rut-nismnga, pnvaie noniea pretermit. Money same day. Easy payments.
All business strictly satisfied rlieuts uur recommendations, Securitv left in rour poasension. WANTED 5 OR 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, FOB SALE CHOICE LOTS. MUST BKLL AT once, fee H. N. LANDON.
1G2 W. Pico. FOR BEST BARGAIN Today. 51 rooms fine furniture, close in, but and ItitlAK'tr I ENTKAL, ACKE8 Burbank's beat; 4tt -res. cut Into 3A bomeaitaa.
witb city water, gas. Mle coal merchant to handle our Gairleld i i. r. literal. tt tnera arailted US southwest or Hoi yw-ood.
stAte once, narticulam. Owners only. Address K. box 150. TIMES OFFICE.
sold water: nett ne Sijtl-S4iiy per moniu, evsti. Bdwy. 65S. LOAN DEPABTMENT. lectricitr, and obare in the pumping plaat.
Acres CENTRAL REALTY EXI ll't sccunry tsiog. WANTED 6 OR 7-BOOM BUNGALOW. WILSHIRE suite but union oil luu toe Angeles. will na delinquent ami miveruseu utt sate as nubile auction, and unless payment is mid Wore, will sold on the 13th day of Setitero-ber, 1010. to pay the delinquent aessmeiit.
to competitive rate. For Information, write THE GARFIEUI COAL MINING Qaorge Smitrt, Grand Junction, Colotaue. QOUSTBY PROPBKTY om Kaay terme. Next Saturday at n.m. in the biff oool barn FOR RA1.K10 NII ELY FI RNISHED ROOMS.
CENTRAL. ACRES tut eipert will give an in- district, near car line, garage, fruit, beau Address Z. box 470, TIMES BRANCH OFFICE. WANTED FROM OWNERS. GOOD 4-ROOM Diamonds and Jewelry.
kitchens, screened porch. Good income- sure, lo-s OLIVE, TO LOAN $100,000. TO LOAN-, rtnat tttta. eBowtna wnat can be done on an to in California; it will be worth your while be there. We take you out free.
Call or tele- house. Edcno-ale. SIMM. S1UO caah. SIS per FOB SALE mo Ktl.t S14 00(1.
MOUNTAIN HOTEL. IN- WANTED PARTNER. BEitT FAYING litblNlia in city. Pleasant. Inside and outside woik; unlimitud nrdflts.
Bueinese is too much for one and I must hate help. Small Investment, no ixueiifuce renulred. We ma todaF at Bokib 841, s. BHOADWAT. month.
WILSIIIRE 2S84. 'eludes ISO acres land, good fishing, on State gether wltrt coat 01 advertising ana expenses qe WU' ISABELLA 8ARGFANT, Secretary, Box 212, Arlington Cel. tb. coMiTON union urou tu-iarutr of for n.UT bone for Four Iran porta ti cm. highway.
A g'sid propoMtiou for some one. Let FOR EXCHANGE 1100-ACRE RANCH LINCOLN county, Oregon. Good buildings. Apple orchard, 100 acres cultivation. About 7,000.000 ft timber.
Price 40,000. Mortgage S18.0U0, st 6 per cent Owner here. Wants Southern California. B. C.
PRATT, 303 8. Hill at 63366. WANTED I1E-ST iiUNGA Mlttf IN WEST OB northwest to about $4SoO. Have cash and $1500 lot HENRY M1LLE3. .12885.
ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. $90 A HUNDRED ON LIBERTY BONDS, AT A LOW BATE OF INTEREST. We want your trade, call and be eoniiuced, Most secluded lon office In the city. BUSINESS 6TRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Loans can be paid off in email payments.
$200 AN ACRE. SO acres extraordinarily good deep loam soil 1RVINB BIGGAB, us rcii you noouv it T. FIT7.PATRICK, 605 S. Figueroa st FOB SALE BAKERY. 00 L'nlou Oil Bldg.
Telephone electric, pumping plant; Ore-room house; barn; 1-4 t-J tMtfl. absolutely DO Grammeter Multlgraph No. 3, fully quipped, at a necisl meeting July 30. 1I. at 2 p.m.
Tngj Vy'anled. Lots. Diamonds kept it, your own staled pAckageg cnnipetition. SluOO; terms, set $300 mouth. 611 WANTED GOOD HOTEL, EXCHANGE Bf-sT tinnri' reserves tlie right to reject any or ail una.
in WANTED SQUARE BLOCK PREFERABLE ANY- OB bAXJ oeponit vamt until retieemeu. rurmture. clearing over $4110 MiTA Ul.tlli.. -tliio gloiHtr. ps-h'iw D.
R. MYERS, Clerk. paving cate in sail retiru. pleura. Vietrolns, automobiles In storage.
where from 250x230 to or oier BOOiHOO FOR EXCHANGE NOT1CEI ACRES OF bsrd wood timber land in Osark Foothills, to trade for first-class rooming-house, with downstairs lobby. Must be a paying business. I will pay difference if place luatiAcs. Address JASL O. HOU8H.
Jsrbidge, Nevada. Bol 144. mile front on pared boulevard. Located with In 75 miles of Loa Angeles, In Kiverside County, monthly, small exrienaes. BUYS OU.
STATION ON WASUlNorON big profit, easy In. han Pedro. Cal. for hiisineM enterprise. Give exact location.
HALS' ACRE HOME. 187. TERMS $1 fiO CASH 1S MONTHLY. At close in New Bamona Acres. new handle.
Address N. bog 2S8, TIMES OFFICE. blvd. staging e.uo lagais't Fully equipped. Long lease, owntr leaving 7I1T tt-aahinnton city, ll OWTIi and dose to food little town.
For alfalfa, general EigMh and Broaflivay. Phone 12102. town. Bee this if you want a miod one. and 'dim-ted fy B.
C. SJIITH. It. F. BUBB an.
onse on level piece of eendy loam soil with FOB EXCHANGE ALL WE DO IS TRADE eastern aud California nronertr. A PARTMENT-HOU6ES 4- icor Kale. Kxchiuiire. Lease. TVented.
ERCHAN IS SAIJap vt'O tiraiis pio. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, rlAliiiiT. inaerrul suotintatn new. atdewalki, curM, ga-v CAL1FOHMA KA-STLBN ar-ALX a Liberty Bonds, pearls, allvea-ware and other ArreaEe.
WANTED Ar-RBAGB FOB FALL POTATOES 1XIR SALE Bill BAiiUAlN. THE UIO SEA swinir at Venice, doing big biurluea. Act farming, dairying or deciduous fruit, nothing better at any price. Easjr terms if desired. 2ti08.
b'uii rtsae time ecMtciby ana pateo. aireet in ana paiu tor. kuites' ride to p. K. atatios.
Idul location a ettr worker who wanta tn raiiu. hi mvn for Sale. WILL ADVANCE RELIABLE WHITE HOSE valuable articlea. Pledas kept tn bank rare deposit vaults. Courtesy, fair treatment, and confidence any our business policies.
Prirate rooms fot quick. Reason (or telling have other interest. Address box 8S5. TIMES BRANCH OFFICE. biekeoa And veectablw and rat the rltiing cost FOR EXCHANGE OUR ONLY BUSINESS IS TO trade eastern and northern properties lor California.
1224 MARSH f-TRONG BLDG. SEED TO RE.s-P0NIHLE PARTIES. 10 ACRES AND JfOBE. WRITE AT ONCE, PRESTON, 858 SRTH your convenience. Interest 1 per cent monta, Quick action.
Liberal loena References. unng. hee mk. muti witn Janw inv. 4 Qth and RmaHwav.
Phmia, Dunbar McDonnell, ITBONG-DICKINSON-HcORATH KLEttKlCAL SUPPLY AND CONTRACTING hn insa. inventory, clearing $-100 per FOR SAIJ! 18 ROOMS. ALL HOUSEKEEPING, close in comer, location, large front porch, yard and a homelike (We: rent $15, full price illlOO. RYAN A. STANLEY, 410 ill Grant BWg-Bdwy.
2474; 1S45. FOB EXCHANGE C1EAR NEBRASKA, 80, FOR Lis Angclea uu to ft 100. CLARK, Bocle 78. Will Jttud clctert Iniestigstiitn: principals only. atAntvvtE.i.L, a iJ S00 Citizens National Bank Bldg.
WANTED 2 TO 5 ACRES. SUITABLE FOB raising ducks, modern bouse; will rent with 0B ALU TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. WIUj Address owner, Bug 001, 1 pM's- Fifth and Spring ata. Phone 1579j. 0011)5.
1015 Marsh-Strong Bldg. Main 1278 FOR EXCHANGE- ST. LOUIS FLATS FOB LOS Angeles property. OWNER, 80154 Budlotig. wftiou vu uur.
ova tov. asuis tuoutca. suiuvu. i- it s- at a rcasonaoie price, oo good terms, tue llowintr described ijninertv. aitnatM- in nlnn.
falAMONDS. JEWEIJIY LIBERAL LOANS. FOB SALE FOR SALE 20. BOOMING HOUSE, misr; i.n, rent $30, price $1000. This I just what you want, 25 rbonie, cloae m.
rent $00. price $1S 0. This ia a good one. KOTSCH B.EALTY 607 kle, corner of Windsor road and Glendale $UiOO BUYS DANDY RESTAURANT DOING $50 and better dally, price includes, 2 Imildnur. Industrial PropertF akm in A fl.lHW cuurt-teti.
a You've heard of thai famous 2-crtm land of tre-t A beautiful borne, rooms and batu, DIAMONDS ARE SAP I.IIT WITB US. INTEREST 1 FEB CENT. OUR OWN MONEY. CONFIDENTIAL. 14 rears in same building.
Private rooms WANTED INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. OWNERS fine equipment, fine for man ana who. asti show you. W. T.
Fl'lZPATRIUK. 805 8. California. Santa Crux Valley of Arizona (sub- toilets, stationary tuna, cement cellar, cabinet tcben. alrnated on two Iatva Int.
each Kilv $. nm. room iau riume WILLING TO BUILD FOB QUALIFIED LES rigueroa st urt-an to -live city 01 Tucaun.i ttss o-crop latio, with an abundance of uiti-r at. SI FiO an acre. SEES.
CALL WM. M. GARLAND SPRING F0, covered with fruit and shade trees, orangpa. REFERENCES, any bank, hotel or jewelry flan. Diamonds kept Hellman Bank sate deposit vaults Wanted.
IsELUt Bill. Ok) NR. HATCH. CtlNFECT lONERY AND SODA FOUNTAIN; WIU, imiua, ii.tiaiuii, fcaciicn, apoieti, uiuiria ana First Grain crop; second silage crop; third fat trs; gcttctaa in park ways. Thig prniierty T00 iLATE ITne hour for eioaug the crilumn of The Times "liner" ssctiori ia 8 5'cuicjt m.
Subwqiient to this hour, oitelonniente otun occur in omuueraai and d.nestie arTun which nake stek qmck and eftective latoftcUy. Theraoretliia Too Lets to lasly" coluvt.n ettaa offer giwstei bsrgaitM snd wore rnonev makmg I sny tst.nar eoi'imu ol Tu Tum.J WW ARllON Tt Jt eaiarltg W) gsBona tw honr; cosrt IdoO: 'a-tlBtf $2l AJt one Naliitial register sai rilVce $75 Also one Bibint aut.nwtir' th, coer- mcriSi-e AiwJv E. LT TAN GI-AlllTCVXB TRAVIiJNtl IsAC, evertiltf 17H. ta Ttaupje at mar nf weht of Beaaiilr). lib.Ta.1 'w '-eid return of lg and t-i nteols.
Jlione JOHN F. iMfjIt, MS HoMngavorth IH''c Pico Vi Mam ftt.Wk TO Urf SI'TcE IN Plttl.lC MARKET UMtHlt ooimtrutiti'si. Waiic IsvUivy sot-fee tea tuid eplcea Bieiat nnytiuug at Pbsing WIST OSB TO DO PTiA.Tt RINiJ ANT) -latliimr rsi lacra -w Uilldme. Ph. 1VP-T IS ill.
No misrepresentation. No charity, but legitimate W'ANTED THB BEtT BOOMING HOUSE THAT CAN DIEGO PROPERTY For Stale. Exchange. Wanted. Ete.
FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE FOB MODE'BN Los Angeles bungalow, by owner, alfalfa ranch with modem 6-roont bungalow and other gixid improvements; 14 acres in towu cf Bamona, can DieHo county: elevation 1410 feet; excellent climate for persona erflicted with aatlima, lung or heart trouble; two pumping- plants; abtin-tiam-e ot fliit, Kater! ono blork from bunk and tening range, c-atrie on ensilage ana msse nana- car. a rwatirttui nime tor enutiu; cssn. Income Propert. exchangu for auto or tot: must, mi, am dlv; now dulng $1000 inonUi. eacnfloa price $77o.
tall f-10 I'eltii 420 8. spring. $1000 cash ana clear lot win ou. ut tvt'SEL LOAN CtlsirAN $06-7 Stimson BMg. Third and Spring 68208.
suoie twoot to 00 osys. uuiers are uoina It lance mortgage. Address box 122, TIMES BLDG. vnv not t-otir koii water pittviaie. Miucatioiiai rtlis.
ot i.s imi and social conditions ideal. Bumper crops of sll kinds of sraia. hsv. allane. fruits and vega- QUICK ANJ LIBERAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS, jewelry and Liberty Ponils; 'lit 1 per cant- Diamonds kent iu reparate sealed psckaire in vault of onTSTATiON.
CLtARlNU TO $1J DAY, HAVE FIVE ACRES FINE UABDEN SOIL about 4 miles thiA Hide of til b.rbor close in. WANTED WfLRTURN OR HOLLYWOOD SEC-tlon, flat buildinSE, bungalow court or other good Income property. If yon want to tell, give particulars snd location. Will pay cash: ha-e no trades to offer. Addresa CL, bor 808, TIMES tbl.Nj:s iSTMEXb-- tablea: wonderful dairvina aection: alock raising Tliia 1 a real neaurj.
tr. nueni. rquiinoo 11 (latum in i. First time offered (or sale. iciflo Electric Batlway, stores, schools, etc.
ona itf ni.wit. nroeishle Industrie of taller: ttutr- postxffice; riiisea six cro)ie alfalfa and two crops cm aud potatoes each year, call or write 023 Commercial s-'atl. Bank. We are absolutely responsible. Rank references, private room.
10 year lit same location. FBITCH-LAUGHLlN. 710 Grant Don't miss it $2500. CtaU 408 LAUGHLIN mo c.tir IN MUNN Bettng conottions almost stitbout an eauat. t-oc-i farmer commands almost unbelievable prices for nrosoway.
cot in tne nne or tne development around the irbor; ideal locution for suburban heme farm; riraticg and domestic water on laud only 'OTul. eiMA V.l.nu It 1 MTtlRY Loa Angeios, or lurtbtr aavA.st.o iter Siibnrbun and Beach Propertj. N.w. cor. 4tn gna ttrogaway.
rnone iotw, bis leoiluce csn't betriti to supply demsrri. In Hotel Company. A dlvlUond itfoitlcm with ouick chance of doubling value. cash. Locwtod in the center ut tbe buaitst and lest bis is a wondetfttl opiioitunity for anyone with vestigate tots monet-uiaatng opportuniij.
for free booklet containing letters from men SODA FOUNTAIN. NKAB, UhE AND lunch business downtown transfer comer, clearing aoi montbiy. modem nature, easy terms. Brut $S6. CairSWt DELTA 426 LIBPRAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS.
JEWELRY, LIB- WANTED HAVE- BUYER FOR CHICKEN RANCH up to $30u0. on easy terms. Another wants a erty Bocds. Lowest rate of Interest: courteous part or tne piiMiiess uwnici. a Olive at Puritisatira can vlio ate farmine thy- ral ev and netting rich.
SANTA CRUZ VALLEY FARMS, 233 Van NurB bargain not over $2300, all caah. Want more smau capital: surruunaipe iunaa ere beici at About double. I will show you the property it time. Address hot Ho. TIMES BRANCH f-FICB.
s. sitiing. buy other half if desired. jJtrtdJrWItl tOO.000.OuO AI RES FBEE LAND IN V. 8.
Lne Angeles, phone 8312:, pieces, t. O. GCjTUBlli. Vli Story For. SALE $1500, TERMS, BUYS DANDT CON- an ntionaS-.
tora Dtit latltS oiug oAta. FOR SALE YOUB CHANCE IS IN CANADA oa SALE If LblAESS CHANCt erhool, good equipment aud Una "The Hwneseeker," a 104-psme book with maps WANTED IPClSITIOfN BY Voting wonisn store or offlAt. 71171. AJ M.n Kinds WANTED ACREAGE. DWELLING, CAS.
ELEC- trictty water, nn long privilege to buy. Writ 201 W. 23HD ST. rent, a oergiiii, neiici- uitot, ana iiiustt-attoiie, titiowing minions ot acres or puo- ACBE hom*o AT BBLL. S0500.
UI BROWS. 1 02 s. spring. AN OPPORTUNITY IB OFFERED TO THB CHANCE OK A LIFETIME. UP-TODATK Hero la a etrictly modern ft-room buneslow ria-ht man tn aoTiira tba agency for the prod ith eun parlor fnd garage, all in excellent cfi- Rich land aand buainess opportunities offer yon Independence: farm lands, ell to $30 par acre; iiTigated lands.
Silo to $50; SO years to pay; B'-iOOP loan on improvements; taxes average nnder 20 rents an acre, no taxes on Improvements, personal property ar live stock, good markets, churches, schools, roads, telephones; excellent climate cropa and live stuck prove It Special homesteaders' fare certificates Write for ires booklets. ALLAN CAMERON, General Superintendent Land Branch, Canadian Pacific 2oil nets of a $1,000,000 steel company in Ute Slstea eery at ducount, Attire coat, fu. wsa pnw. Stock Bl.mt liasl. lase 10 pec cent.
No agente. Country and Ranch PrortertF- FOB BALE 20 ACRES NEAR CYPRESS frTATIOSf. of Oregon, wasiuuBtou, a-riftis sou r.r.... 1 a.u. anA Inirtf.
I lit dClliallda. SlSXt troflUl. 440a tun 1 11 fsttn. tlen, clone to city ana car tine, sit ut garden in, good chicken yards; $3000 cash will handle treatment. R02 TRUST ft SAVINGS W.
L. WHEDON, Alangger. Phone S4392. Money on Antomobtles. AUTO LOANS ONLY Xnt on $100 for 6 monthe, $3.50.
lnt on 100 for 8 moutlw, $4.50. Int on $100 for 10 months. $3.50. Ijirger amouut at same rate of interest We are the PIONEERS IN AUTO LOANS. We loan the most on your car.
Bring your papers, money st your diaporal at once. You use your car ag usust. LASHER BROS. FINANCE INC. 1410 Baku Detwller 412 W.
Bill st btt. Hill Olive. .11114: AUTO LOAN'S. 3H PER CENT. INTEREST.
For a Six Months' Time Lian. Qood buildings, cement undergroucd water sys Ity uiiuh sou li'SUNg teilUB. Founded on historical facts; DOES NOT MISLEAD. Read official, warnings. Eliminates crooked land agents.
Tells whereabouts of government land in Ariscna, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Idaho. Oregon, Montana, Utuh. Wa-shinklon and Old Mexico. Describes water, soil and climate conditions. All principal U.
S. land laws. A marveioul publication jut off the press Milled anywhere, $2. Address "The Homeseeker," Deirt. FOR SAIJ: OIL STATION.
BY OWNER. ili; a place. tem sua iz-tncn wcji. mre for quicit deal, $10,000: mortgage See MB. BALLMER, AUlity to organize ami sufltcleiit to handle carload of goods all that iu rauuweil.
L. F. motors company, 1042 s. Loa 1411 Bee OWNEB. 400 Central Bide, qter WM per mo.
clea' ptonte; any nni.t unit li-crsint death. Atiilrese POX Jrill fAlJ- IN AI.HAMI1BA. A NEW D-BOOM 207 Columbia 313 W. 3rd at. Phone liiUW.
NintH Calgary, Alberts. fiTO. Ti.Mia riaANtn Angeles st, Los Aiigeiea. GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR JERSEY MOSQUITO. There was a time not many year ago when the New Jersey mosquito coulfj look forward, with reasonablo certainty, to a long aijd happy career.
There was nothing of particu witn flii.f Ricrkv AN1 IIEUCATESSEN. ON moacrn rungamw, tiring enn oioiug-rvtds nn-ihed in old ivory, kitchen, bstn and two or-rl- A. Tilled nofjr. Grant iis Angeles, cal, iasiFl'ltCllASK THE BEST POOL HALL AND tiilAU STAND AT BEACH. 5 BBI'NSWKK- XR SALE buiy corner, good atocg ana r.xtur gotug Kima.
white enamel, screen poron wutt two WILL ADVASl'T. Bf.LlARLE YVHITK ROKE PKED TO HK8PONPIBLE PABTIFS. 10 At'BKR ANU W(pRE- AT t.NCS, PKEUXOS, 80S Et, must pell tills week, net Bttf week, BALKE POOL AND 3 Bll.lJAuD fABI.ES. GKT i-seh trays, brnom closet, large trult eooter, A NEW JKRIUATlOci PROJECT. Worlds of money will be made in tba Cr.sa WILL LOCATE YOUNG, HEALTHY MARRIED man on good 820 acres, free, who has $1000 or better tit help himself.
Investigate. Addresa nce. an ot. rt ni i L. rvryii ooleum.
screens ana snsnew. tracn, cemenr Grande Valley of Arlxona, willna next five ont uiivru Nt AO. FrXTUUE INCLCDED aorch walks and drive All kimia fruit trpte. OB SAIJ! LIPASE- ON ONE OF THE BEST iw i rrr. fOTK KXCHAXf.R- tO ACRES IMPROVED Tfl.ARE VN.
POX 21ltf, tirtlt K. IN THIS LOW PRICki IF INTERESTED CAM. years. Grester opporuinitlea are net to be found. Locsted on the main line Cspa earagea in Hollywood, aliout ainuu ut nx raiigrv, et'P'ev, 'vmvim.
i mu, ninj imolids. Apply to OWNEB. A. J. CHHlSTO county.
Ajrana ana corn, garden ton. ONLY $200, CHEAP BELINQt'If HMENT IN MT- AdJrrae ti, bos 151, tures and acceieon. la the eenter. 14 yeara in tee val Going ranch, dairy atid 1 WaUit city income. rase Vallev humMteaila and cheao deeded land E1R1.Y TO 10) S1HB TO GET THIS BARGAIN.
Olive ear hub K. Get gcquainted with BLODGETT and his lib-ersl AUTO LOAN system; juat like going to your bank for accommodatiomi: eame courteous TIMES IH-F1CE tna; Ceil tiATT, gives us unlimited experience. lar Importance to endanger him in lire mere ana can snow- you goon uargaius. 803 9. W1X at CIGAR STAND.
OWNER SAYS ''SELL OR BALE 21 ACRES WITH GOOD M0DE7IS hnm. olentv fnll bearlne aasorted fruit. Poultry or write 517 S. apt. 80.
consideration, nnvacv and aouare deslina. llir fliaiorwp urn my wil noivt on Monday and Tuesday, July Sth at A 211th, anil cut 'of trom prtca. tn aula ut eictii on huipnient for 1000 hens. A grand little income problems carefuNy considered, regardless of lb amount involved: no delay, no publicity: ynur life or limb, and, If he behaved hliTtBelf and did not take too many Do you want to make 20 per rent, and m-re on the aafeit mannfacturing prcponUon in and wilt be gum to give you Ife latat-t tewa T7EAXi ESTATli-FOK EXCHANGE TscaU'ei. Best location.
some inso. aoun) $41, 1311 S. BROADWAY. on this fast jrrc-wing slier. It ao unit lor la: uciHHioa Augelesf roouciog properly near aionmvis car uoe.
ill bear strict investigation. Also have several rrm Q.arrA A-icra ttlacea. aotns real bar- auto remaining in your poasessiou. Join BLoit-CiETT'S throng of satisfied clients, every one his PEART REALTY a. AJ- etrlungad.
Fullest investigation invited. "LIMITED AMOUNT OF COAST SECURITIES iS nar cent, .1 aiflht ceut. accuniil- chances with "the summer boarder, Casa Grande. Arix. NHIILIHATED triend and booster.
52i Luna, aU in same district. Also Sne nniinuroted dreas L. pox iu, ui nu latlve preferred stack lor Uie. Ai.plr 53i1 MAKjU- REALTY 111.1)0.1 6th and Hill. BBIiUWg.
st a IM PARTNER IN At TO RE- Foa ExniAaVnc or bale rancuf.s. gpa us firt. ('nn placa you. All nits, alt Vin.li. all price.
icruiisll m.Ill reage, an acre. follTHLAND REALTY CORPORATION. AI Kj LOANS i'110 Kill 7. Qlla PROPERTY jJFornlxcliiinge FOB LEASE NOW Is THE, OPPORTITNE TIME to invest la promising oil field iu West Texas. Write for map and ge-'li'gtc4 rriurt HOABD OF TRADE.
Mcrkel, Teres FOR SALE OIL LEASE 12 ACRES ADJOINING Meyer ranch, where gusher has been brought in near Nonv.ilk. t.MS W. AVE. 32. 81502.
psir shop snd vulcairuing buslneia. Owner has TTS4. 413 South HiU at lil-HE 8 A GENUINE BARGAIN ttltt We loan money EXCLUS1VELF on AUTOS. We Pico S.tW. A.
H. BAILEY, 1111 storr BMg. Klft HALE 860 ACRES FINEST LAND IN CAL, over 200 acres alfalfa, 80 years in alfalfa. $11,000 canal stock goes witn it, $200 per acre. 200 acres, river bottom, abundance water year rniu.d.
$250 per acre. Will guarantee $800 per acre in fruit, 4 jears. See Owner, 522 N. won't EMBARRASS SOU With INVESTIGATION. more wora man no wa ell euual half interest lor $8lKl, aome terms.
Experience not required. 403 LAUGHLIN Ailed wrreet. neat cottaaa. larea barn, trarsae. 1.
LAsKER 3SI0 Maiwu-Rluruv JWdf; couple willing to wora. tteiii-M- 01 suit ihmiii rmtm. rent $1S, cleso $45 51 1 Drila 42 Spring. BUSINESS lNVKSTMINT CO. fOR, EXCHANGE CHOICE ACREAGE NEAR BAN Diego; pre partioutam of what you have by letter.
P.O. Bn ISitl. Txfg AngHca. 815 S. Brosdwav 'Ultry runs, hog pens, sore alfalfa, AUTO WANS YOU KEEP THE CAB, PRIVATE water, a acres pianuci to irmt trees, sn.ua $3500011.
STATION, CLEARS BETTER THAN iuated Oliv. LOCAL MAM'FAtTURING CONCERN NEEDS MONEY. NO DELAY. 8TRA1TKH, MSO A--a r6 EXCHANGE TO TO BKJS WJUTX I0W the aouthweat, 12 ttiilea from 7th and 01: GHA.vtr.nt. i.
INGTitN rll.tiri THIHR A NO SfHINU. more caintal to take care of Increased business. invited snd references ex S.tOtt a mOtllU, new I'uuitra, uiw location. Juat what you uant W. T.
tin- ima wieair ov shjwju dim; a. A. Will suMivide. See OWNER, Soi. 6.
Olive FOR SALE OB IJ-ASE, OIL LAND IN THE wonderful Cumberland fleld. Wyoming, bsve acre-. Write for particulars. C. B.
McMUR-RAY. new Grand Hotel, salt l-ake City. Utah. PATItlt 0f g. FuTilnroa.
changed. Buainess well established end growing Uouaaa. 0B SALE 40 AC. ALFALFA BANCH, AN IDEAL WANTED fBt. AflareaS O.
no oo. ii'ian wrrti. nnph for a dairy; tn Burhank. nne pumping LUNCH COUNTER, DOING- $80 DAY, RV1NV $20, niglit and day house. Bus car baia trade.
$13110 take it. GRAVE) ft COMPANY. 127 WANTED RELIAM.B LEASTS BROKER TO FOR SALE 7Vi ACRES AT MOUTH RIG TE-itinga River, Stinland, all set to one-yrar-oid Valencia oranges, trees doing fine, very best of land, 8tt acres, terraced and 4 tores ievei. Irrigating and domenilc water. Pric S45HO, tcms.
Tliia is a very fine piece of property and cannot he enftaled in the State, north iniestiga'-ing. P. W. TULLY. Cntina.
at FOR BXCHANOE lant. cement undenzround irrieatinff slstem. good WANTED $10,000, AT Ust FEB ON close-in wholesale propel ty, to be uaed to bancue texa on snia "ta nsrv In tli. Ainsr, In fleld. Have unlimited louse, bam.
One s.ianJ of alfalfa, dairymen take investment rn-ig. Here is a chsnce you seldom get My client wants smaller houae in less fashionable difitmt. or will take good unimproved land, aood orchard looK. flics only per acre, some casn, amourit of screage. L.
at UOLLUUAN, Cana sponsible tetisnt on a 10-year Tease, owner paid alance easy- n. J. r.tL:ts. ou maca oiog. RANGE, I.EMON ANI WALNUT For Sale and Firhance.
Far Sale. FOB 1AM? OB EXrHANtVK lH-irBB OJt-tnga grove in fTottW-vs belt, 2 mile wnt of Riferdt! tiid 1 1-4 mtim infh of UiuirMi road dian. Texas. MEAT MARKET IN GROCERY STORE, BELLI NCI 8 to 4 beeves a Week: sll cash bvsliie; sell cheap for rata. $1100, Bargain, tall ami WASHINGTON HUltl.
ever eio.otit tor tne no cuuiiniasiou. vv. OB SALE "ARCADIAN FlNEnT FIT. FOB SALE CAN U'lS OBISPO COUNTY. 1:100 IVS lt.lt.
la. 1 a.l,,nl TOO GOOD TO LAST BETTER HURRY. I.fcwi. oio security mug. or vineyard up to $15,0110.
The home we offer is worth $25,000. what have you to oner J. 0. BHENniil.T. Etenlngs, 62057.
2.14 Investment Broadway (1112. buibsn pripcrty in s. California. Keaittiriiuy -ted. eacellcnc aril.
Ideal conditions: all con- WANTED he could anticipate a ripe old age with hla children and grandchildren gathered about him. But, with the advancement of acl-ence, all has changed and the Jar-, gey bird of prey now views the future with unmistakable feelings cf pessimism. Slowly but surely effort to annihilate this grand old stand-by of the comlo supplement are having their effect, and It ta predicted In anti-mosquito circles that befor many seasons shall have pttesed the mosquito will Itve only as a pink and swollen memory. War waa officially declared on the Jersey mosquito in 1905 and during all the Intervening years the battle has rafted with varying results. However, it now begins to look ft3 though mankind Instead of mosqui-toklnd would win this heroic light to make the world safe for low-necked shoes.
Jus across the Hudson from New York City lies a stretch of salt marsh of about 2S.000 acres, called the Newark Meadows. Not over 5 fisH GROCERY. $15 rER OA V. RENT BU acres, tw i-iw lakes nd stream gije abun.tance of gravity wa-terT Natural feed (or cattle and hogs. Many On good cotintv road near Creaton.
$150 cLnvr Hand, making $0 dally profit. stock Fine Bxtuies. Baniaiu. For psitirular WR tiPRC1St.l7.tt IN LOANS. nlcncc; closi in: low pricee.
MII'THLAND (Hi first caved road uuitiK ifiu.ii HMt at Aitar- ThereforB know of the ripiiortunitles worth while. with lltina-room. ensst ittciui.itia iiarHittu. Roi.ni Ml. 1311 S.
BROADWAY, KAI.TY tin rtiii rnone tunH cull Born 318 I RANT lll-im. fenced; 6-roofn house and barn. Price IllUtl IIATt.S T.I--J1 ti OB SALE- 5-ROOM MODKBN BLNOALOW, u.l.t-..ltvs'r PI Mi CAUL, IN BAN PEllltO, E. A. PATTtB ft 1217 Haas Bklg.
22H W. Seventh t. FB4S, Income PrortertF. siorutHBe Ml ST SELL ONE Of TUB BEST-PAYING SMAIO. neat markets la the city; well located.
Hit) ah or time. 813 8. MAKt-Nuu Al- ln, LAI GllLIN L. A. Uhone, Mi.tll WANTED $IUOO, FIRST MOHTGAtiE, PAY 10 umbra.
Cal; big profit. Small exriers. Clenrtng B4IK) munullv, moptly attuidy trade, 811 leasonatHe for cash. Comt. stay and see tlie biniueaa we ft.
WORKMAN. tier cent Interest for one year: security ta good OB 8A1JC--CLEAB RBRIDFACF, IiT. (TI.VE: lot nn piped strut, Paaadena; price $2500. Vine titUH EKIl-is HAVs) SEVERAL. STOCKS AND Fix City.
FLOH1ZEL CONFECTION EB.Y. 1214 W. tide. 1000 yMr nid Wftihinfftnii navHa, 4O0 TftleuotR. 6 vhti old; iwo gntpt fruit, 6 Tain fM; shtrra ut Witrr, 10 inchw ti7 month for bnun; food mod wo 6-room UmgAlow; btrn.
inTi.fi null and Unk bout; 1arg bjn. chirkcat home, tor? gw of piitr Utn around house, witter piped to good horn and garden. Jiitt paid $700 for pruoiog grove; houM newly painted. Price flO.OJO fur quirk deal might trad this. The bet buy In Southern CaMfuruta.
Coocrtt ditchea. H- owner on preinitK'S, W. ft. are doing. 42 BEACON nan ren.ro, ta bungalow ana court aiie.
yie ntat.a stunt. eventa. tsii BALE CRICK ELEGANT CONFIX- FOB SALr 4W) At HLs, FIN Kef RECLAIMED nest and retUetivant land: In cnltiiatjnn, 50 milos from sn Francieeo. abundance free safer for Irrigation, (-nioiu trlumbing; otlier buildings. tMndmill, water piped on Place.
Price f-00 pet acre. Phong 1 1 IJ.YWOOD 47B. 62JS7; 0B SALE 11 82-100 ACRES BETTA'KKN HOL- FOn EXCHANGE SPECIAL. CHOICE OFFERS, want apt. -houae to for good cltar protieity and cash.
Want ranch. So. or Berkeley district, to $32,000. for Wwtlake apt -bouse. 174) rooms, income $oV.
bank loan $18,000. Wsnt farm or land at McFailand, Kern county, for chificQ modern flat, caah value nitge. $4700, 8 years. 7 per cent Act quick. Owner tiling there next week.
Jamee Parizek, with DWABO D. SILENT ft 733 I. Hill. 100U3. tlonery atore at 121H W.
11TU clearing $24(1 nunth. Fixtures and stock cost $4500 when ture at rnviAc. Katlmaten prices irom Biuuu to B4ISI0. niAKHI.Y. 522 Grant Bldg, FOR SALE OARAGE.
(HEAP. WITH 8-YEAR lease. Doing good business. Owner leaving city. 4158 VV.
PICO. 71UH4. tvwooa and nereriy nuia. near uie nins. orau.
fnl view. A rich man'e home site. OWNEB, Hoi- put la. Bent long eai "we wooa i-a. WANTED MONET $900, FIRST MORTGAGE.
per cent, 8 veare, on improred Wiishire district lot, "Oil 30; loc4lion. 8rd adjoining the I.E. comer of W. HUi st Value $2oOO, Pcone Teacn you in uusiuvaa. I LBIlBT, pwuer; HiTwalde, Cal.
p. a. u. NO. 1 FOR BA HABRA o.
hmitevard. near acbool. P.V. car -nna 1 1 iu rftn-tPERous OIL TOWN. WEI AUhataVim.
kllK SALE snd stores; elegant location: orange groves on all tanoA i Ay. h. r. i.Ts. WAVm DIREI'T FBnM LENDER, E25.0O0.
1M- Krrwj ALU Xf OTTER ff RrvPIDENCTl eatabllshed cUanitig and dyeing, business Big mi fit on small investmctit Inquire J1J If. Log FRUIT AND CANDY STORE FOR SALE, GOOD tsying business with smstl investment, reason 'iJ'L iiii It- (will IlLVii IvitL'IT AND VsTtlfcTABWi sFaNII, clearing $21' tn--ntlil. tn location, nap. Bent B'-'iT fall Jvl Btvrtii-t TT'A'F. GOOD CAKE ROUTE.
WILL ILEAR tiiil a vAoma ana -a acres nranae trees, oa rront aiiiew tl per acre: tssnia. eta tw STERN REALTY flol S-8 Haas Htdg. Foil rXlTIAN'riE HIGHLAND PARK FLATS. Want 7 or 8 rooms Wilsiiire district Owner, E. U.
LEWIS, Plwiia 1300K. AM.E1.KS Analmiin, tat. ent driveway and walks, garage, no agents. See litediateiv. vary aesirai'l im.nire iniptoteu, ao, incnine.
Ling term if desired. No coiiiniissjon paid. Send sddrcss snd phoue. Audicsa bus Ifo. TIMES OFFICIf.
wner at place, select stieel. 1J S. ALAMANR1R $foigiO ONtS-THIHtl INTEKBsT MANUFACTURING Ainamprat i-at. One of tlte best teo-scrn Orange Groves at Giendora- Full bearlog grove iu the best of totWiiion Plenty of attrr for litigating lad do-BHMlia uaa. A inoiies- mal er.
BKMEMBKB Alast; Five acres st the same place, with plenty of wcier. tiood bouse, ami tlalsse, Notbiiig FRANK H. BROOKS, SOS Tra-t an'' savlnga Bii'lHIm phone bumness. luu uniw "wmu. s-in.
m-t. No etperlrnce required Will Bl'e tenia. BEV- Country Prnperty, iih aaI.K H-H mil UOIIFRN HI NOAIiOW. largs Hlrh cltn tJi'lricL B2oO0. SIK) FOR FXCBANOE MY CLIENT WANTS A SMALL Rltl.Y- 'treat wi-ttt.
f7oCTy.7ww acres iiomestead, desert ciitrv, 40 acres fenced and has bM undue eultivan.jn, well, houae. iein and nttier out-Itiiildings tVwith half aectii on main traveled road, svd cheap If taken sous, n.onr. P. o. BOX 1577 FwTMLS -BOt'THERN fACIFlC BAIlJlnAD Lands 'for aiaij-a.
fruits, cotton, mtrl.tvia lor CATTLE. GOVTS. BEE1 stb. GARDNEB. IJ.ul.
41 Hibarnisn Bl-Jg -WIIMIN I A ft MRir i n- keys snd chickens, by ltl owning 20 acre to tofijO. Will give In eichange 40 to aurcs land in Tulare cuuutv. on hlu'liwsy; w.rlh Beeertw, $100 per gr': plenty cheap pump water Pee DK WITT. 80S if Hill tt. BIH1M.
FOR BALE LEAVING UNITED 5TATES. TAKE nik Price $3u. ttargain. rst-ipii. 738 Hill st.
tlirATTSfAND. DOING $20 HAY. REST -0. auiitbrr on Mala st. rnt $15.
lor (IRAVlrsi ft COMPANY. 1. A. Iiivestinent Bl.ig. EARN jafssi.
80 DAYS' ample, atatillalied buainess. privt paitv pre, ferrcdAildreMjs.xtOlMJc SWEET II HOP. CON SLAV unnery, IteUno, i lving rountrv. Wrips L. W.
HIl.I'MAN or I JUNES. Iielano Imni-rited near lake Ellnore, t-niy snian raniuu Sn.lM AddrJlSOiMMmcR cTllrrOR''EnY AND SOt-T PRINK BUtlNEM, wiih liiiril-iooma and bith. In taw location, elsarlriB $150 monthlv. fri'-e $760. Rent $17.
JIV? seres. Inst riaclr Beverly HIHe, wonderful FOR EXCHANGE CLEAR RANCHES FROM $5000 A NTED-. MONEY' laN FIRST MORTGAGE. B150, 8 year. 8 per on lot with 6-room house, comer Johnson an-1 Agate ti.
aluB jApI-jv 210 Dot ULAS ltl.no WANTED lliiOl), 7 PKll 3 YEARS, ON char-in inrume property; ai'praistrd $14,000. FRANKLIN. WANTKIJ $00. WEST ADAMS StS'TION C. UHAMBERUtlN.
iVANTKlJ SIMS) ON 8 BOOM BtOALOW VviTH irarane. W. Pico Heights, prints partv. Addresa X. box SCO, TIMES BRANCH CieVlCFl Il.e advantage OT tni estpuonst oargatii, ito acre navela nd Valinclaa, Iww per B'-re.
Ik cost, you csnnot afford to inisa tliia, think of ll, at I'o-rrona Pnnne 15S20, pit) CHAMBER or COM- oaka end price (or to iirsioiju, lor city income, wiu tpmas or ui.r tataral contour tor suoaivivion, firtinore lu plants; utremely Int. Bldg. 1383. iSAHU, U1A a. I SO irr.t-t.atZ'ji'!,i..Z,-;.r-:.
gold o'n long term payments. OFFIC1 LAND 828 Story Bldf Los Angelas. jl7n PAIJi RANCH IN SAN BERNABDINO Mocntaine. 100 acres, about 2000 savple, cherry and near trees, commence bearing neat year. Plenty of water.
No trades. tliloVEB too LEY, Bug 897, tan Berasrdino, rat Ml RI E. 1'S sngciea, iVona 11300. 712 H. W.
HELIJUAr! BI.D0, wi-TiriksT CLASS TIRE STOHB AND VIT, per cent, of this land is now In use. Here the mosquito Uvea and rears hi lusty family. The tight against th pest has been centered in this district which Is crossed by no leai than thirty railroad lines and is within a few moments' rid of the. world's leading seaport and Ameri-oa's greatest city. Sine the tight against the mosquito wa taken up taxes produced from th Jersev marshes Increased from $7851) In to 338.6U ta im.
The extermination of the New Jersey mosquito la a cnmmendabi example of thrift. Humanity will belter off without his (Thrift MasMio. f0 LOAJi slioit doing a nl" business. Wor'H RESTAURANTS HAVE NF.VERtL AT PRKT8 from to $2500. See our list BEVERLY.
votie t.n.s to lnvt'at. Address bo 1142, FOB SALE-10 A. ItEB ALL IN t.YFS-tiU lencias, in Itroten L.tnrt; eomfortable small koo.e. close to Monrovia car line. This ta unquestionably ftne Iny.
Monay, 0B SALE BFJtl'TiFrfrMOtlEHN BOMlTlN Baverly Hills, ground 100I2O0 fret, lsrae vasts of fmit. ornaineiital trees anil slimbbery; 1 toorr-i 3 baths, rleei-lng norch, servauW uiur-'rs. OWNKB, phone WANTED- $7500, 8 I'KR FLAT SM Grant Blog FOR SALE- 40 A( BIS IN PEARS AND A 111 Ja1, MODERN FOK. PIAMllfcR, Real Fslate and Imrtrorementa. LOANS ON IT, HOUSKB, FLATS, APARTMENTS Ftii'tALE HAlRDIIKSt'lNG PARIJtR, GOOD nn.l.,tf r.r mi.
to teats old. falcated mil 'Hog. rur. mi. lorotns RATlim N.
4ST tHwy. T7I latfi-e cnmolete allnna. 418 South Hill at 07704, lou t-, lure iot snu no ttn-na. iiiacctt si it. ana on- -n n.M center.
Sir, rotnnelirroii. I V.nnkerahlrn, GREAT UAHRMN. TEN AIRES loung house, 'itilgalfig watrr. Near iiji.ein $i'Ca down. CLIFTON PLATT, In the coming wr dtftrtet.
Cash balance at 7 per cent. Three acres in cinr.inta pay for tba general upkeep. Crop goes With sale. Write J. A lliliihrirli.
T'hadietd, Cal a irr.nniT coMPI.ETrn 1 OENT1JC E. ri-ltirnilo -l ritsanpnw. man's poultry, gut and irrlen truck tsnch, II fluiloln, loins asncWally. iu) n.igs. told.
'J Ai-ply ROOM 210. DOUI.LaB BI.DO.. tai.An.gi jca J' 4" (. I'Bitilk ti "aoU I iiiinu avta v'tag VFi WIN, 1. 11 VI.
'Ii-lin-li-a HUl I uoa-Minfm. bnsinrss: Wl'l Pen cnestt iaiail av uttce. SEVETHsT. MI-vTk TlirATEH 11)11 RENT. PARTI tIJ Ft 14-nl-li't; ffivc Ip-pp.
SiVi month. Snap. A' I11C REtlTY 7SS Riltt; roiTsTi'-E c.Riii fry. rotoo iaxation, very )gey rent 0 w. T( fT Wr UUI SAW.
ESTABLISH ED AND Sins ahiHt on main traveled boulevsid. Pest -free, tJ miles imm inavrsnim, uu aiivuru Bania Ana eleitrut snd bouipratd. For l.ri-ntpcejhij. Grnve. FORSAI'.
lii-AfRK lTlt'Uf GRilVK WITH buildings, Bill titiieted. will he sold at batnln and oa aaar tatuu, BUN Vtttilki. KM lllR SALE HIO BjARu'AIN. 280 ACRES NEAR beiiletsrd an.l aliunda-ice of water. Excellent hog and altalfa ranch.
Only $123 per arte, easy terms. May take rice as part usy. gurstsntist lence wnvuiiiuiMisv. otwrt I nivtir wsnls to anil, otfers attrst'tl'e reasoa or ellln. For auuli sale, less MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY l'RG-RTT: NOf OM- Wt-lifi" baTlaM lltti I below coat.
Aililtasa CLsVl'li ftOOaM it av Aov, tpiw vfi-prt Bllatlon. Fraone vauiup uxiuamm sia, Brrsva IMoU. LluHlNER. kot OUndala, pel merit BIN WHITE, av i)kb atoca..