i ALL ED ITIOWS 1 a A 11 139-Sportlng 137-Bulldmg 141-Appllances i c9aMuniif numsi tat fXTrJA nice, Hemslee, washer, 2 mcs. taka 199. 11 Central. IE wasKar. like new.
$65. 9394779 FRIfJfb A I new refrigerator cross-top freezer. Coppertpne color; has sliflhtlv dented side Take 1128 or sa.w rnontniy. Dealer, oj soutn tin 9 p.m. VACUUMS GALORE $4.95 up.
Free estimates 0,1 repairs. Specials on Kirby ALL MAKES VACUUM CO. 2040 N. 7th St" 253-5460 Used Kirby's-AII Models Factory re-ou ti witn guarantee Klrbv Dlst. Co.
2311 94th St. Prices start $49.50 terms. 273-1277 GE AUTOMATifTfTiter flow wash er, z-speea wash ano wear cycle. Large tub, Reg. $129, take $68.
Still under warr. Dealer, 805 S. Central, Bedroom Set.was$199 all 4 pes. Take $99, $1 wk. Globe, 3333 S.
Ceri. FRIGIDAIRE 9-daor rrfrld frp7Pr cu. tt. cost sn. wk.
Dealer, 805 E7, ioro aa or i-entrai, Tin pm TrrSTuiUATne cnnmiiiMii freezer combo. Used but In perfect conaition. Reg. $599, take $148 or $10 imomniy. yu aays warraniy.
peaier, W5 soutn central, till 8 P.m TlOTPOINTfTJftSFJTiTfSf It cu. ft. refrio. 1179. Port, dishwash.
er $104. 14 lb. 2 speed washer, $157. Many others. IjOBINS, 1635 IM.
7H1 5t, 254-7071. APPLIANCE crnnc fl ranaps at cost, 1-display kitchen at cost, refrigerator $29.95. Dealer, isa w. inoian scnooi Kg. 49-yM4.
Globe, bunk beds make Into twins only $29.95. 3333 Central Ave. FRI6IDAIRE (GM) Freezer 12 cu, ft. des an. Never hut hn riam, age on side.
Cost $239, take $88. Has regular unit warranty. Dealer, 805 auutn ventral, tin p.m. 3 YEAR old a a wringer wasner, excellent condition. $45, 967-0628 after 4:30.
ADMIRAL refriaaratar. cross too rreezer in Avocaao coior. iaxe $88. Dealer, 805 South Central, till 8 p.m G.E. Double door auto, defrost ref.
Cfiu etlll Ba "nAa uiiinj api -n APARTMENT size gas range, ete. Take $35 or $2 weekly. Com-Deal- er, 805 South Central, till 8 oaa has riant nn tod. nas a mo. warr.
s9 or S7 wk. Many others to choose from. Dealer, aus soutn central, open till 8 p.m KIRBY VACUUM $39.50 Rebuilt, like new. Agent 252-2802 Globe 4 rooms of furnrincludes reK, washer, range, TV. $2B8, 3333 S.
Cent i Arr an electric range witn dou- pie oven. Z77-OH0 arter 6pm. Vacuum Cleaners. Many makes and models $4.50 up. Crown Company, I6uu w.
van Buren. al B-1223. WASTE King Unlvprsal unripr counter dlswasher, $75. Waste King Universal garbage disposal, $35. Lg.
selection of refrigerators 8, wastters from $29.95. CHIC MYERS 1514 E. Van Buren. TAPPAN RANGE CLOSE-OUTS ALL MODELS COST 4- 10 Gobins, 1635 N. 7th St.
254-7071. GAS Stove. TV. 277-93'ii. REFRIGERATORS, two late mod- eis, $4o, $60.
Automatic washer, SJS. 'Z4-4Z63. MAYTAQ automatic washer. Hi. 272-4782: LIKE new Mayfa*g automatic washer.
Excellent condition. $60. V460V4t 3 PC. foam uetlnnal tufa will take wk. Globe, 3333 S.
Cen. FRIGIDAIRE upright freezer, like new, si w. yjy-ey. GE portable dishwasher. 942-5853T LIKE new electrle dryer.
$100. 964-0053: APPLIANCE clearance 8 ranges at cost, 1 display kitchen at cost, 1 used refrigerator, $29.95. Dealer, isw w. inaian scnooi ko. -zy-VM4.
MAYTAG wrlnaer washer. $25. IUU west urcnio Lane. FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER, onrt. able, cutting board top, $115, Kelv- mater eieanc siuvt, automatic oven, almost new.
$150. Whirl pool REFRIGERATOR, automatic defrost, bottom freezer, $285. 265-9946 Maytag Wringer Washer was $239 3 mo. war. left.
Take wk. Globe, 3333 S. Central. GUARANTEED used refrigerators. freezers, washers and ranges.
$29,50 up. moaern Appliance, 275-7133. 3220 T.wasnmgton.. LADIES shoes 10'? B-AA. 265-0588.
ONLY 3 LEFT Chambers console ranges. Clearance pneea. Keg. siyj-Ngw $349. PHIL STONE BUILDING MART 2121 ndlan School 277-4734 MUST sell GE dishwasher Make otter, an 6.
Mngs Ave, apt 3. 3 PC. Liv. Room at wac 11119 taka $89.95. $1 wk.
Globe, 3333 S. Central. HOTPOINT washer, GE dryer, electric. $75. 4202 N.
10th Street. 265-5292. ELECTRIC range; double oven, nearly new; $65. Clothes dryer, $40. t-ioor pousner, $iu.
y4ui72. n-brE tviciini aiuvc, uiviu- ed chrome top with griddle. AM65542 A'icccc a AUTOMATIC washer duluxe. ex cellent cond Ition, $55. 934-5918.
SACRIFICE! Avocado apartment size refrigerator ana stove (electric) StOVe eCtriC mat iuj automatic warranty. Was S974. Week, Globe, 3333 WESTINGHOII! a Sarvlcat Topperi il8j E-Z 1 io iwvtr iraiier. 2o-aee. HUNTER'S 8Pela1rCamprfraT- 1 iuur na screen room unnviiriicilf, lirm, 7O4-0OUO.
vi-imni. camp Trailer, 16' sen win Tane rnie in traoe. iJi 939-9103. 140-Boats Mottrs A SUDPllM DENSON MARINE DURACRAFT Boats JOHNSON Mtrs. 2168 W.
MAIN MESA 964-9585 AFFORDABLE FUN FOR EVERYONE 15 USED BOATS PR. $395 UP NEW BOATS AT EVERY PRICB AND OUTBOARDS DIFFERENT MODS. IN STOCK 1. If STEVENS. 90 HP Jahman It io uLAoorARi au nr jonnson a Trailer $1295 14' FLEETFORM Skt boat, 40 HP A Mercury Trailer $775 4 IS WHITEHOUSE, 50 HP Johnson Trailer $795 S.
14' BEACHCRAFT i5 HP, Trailer i up WJ brORTSVILLE MARINE 4631 N. 7th St. 266-5657 67 GLASSPAR. UC-JM? T5' FIBERGLASS boV5 hp'SviK rude elect start motor Jt traflpr- Ready to go. Real nice $650.
4486 tfrano Hve. lv-SSJl, i A DJ ASJJN 6175:4151 mCLULLULM.f UN )M NkD MISHEY BOATS 2872 Grand Ave PRE INVENTORY SALE Starcraft 12 ft. aluminum ear top boat. Weighs less than 100 lbs. Non shrlnkable, IS vear guarantee.
Regular $172. On Sale $142. 1 ft. Starcraft Sportsman new. Mercury 70 HP used.
New trail-ar all aluminum hull, 15 year guaranty. Special price. $1495. Jti 9ass runabout 50 HP Mercury and trailer. Close out special $1295.
15 ft. Starcraft glass I.O. runabout 50 HP Mercury Cruiser. Lounge seating, Bilge pump and blower, deck HDW. ER.
1967. Close out now. $2395. 15 ft. Starcraft explorer Delus.
First as the fisherman's boat. Center steering, live bait well, rod racks, tackle locker, Used Mercury Elect. Dilly boat trlr. Complete, ready to go. $1195.
motor mount 277-9450. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL I DISCOUNT ON CUSTOM BOAT TOPS COVERS sea Biro, twin 120 OMC tra pr tAAOC 2 Sea Bird, 150 OMC, Trlr $5495i 23" Sea Bird cruiser, 210 Chrysler trailer $79951 16' Century Inboard, trlr 695 143 Glasstron, 90 h.p. Jonnson, trailer, radio loaded $1495 2-14' fiberglass boats, ea 150 DESERT MARINA 3427 E. McDowell 275-3701 SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY RENT-A-BOAT MARINE 4931 E. McDowell 27M561 1 MAHOGANY boat with trailpr, 40 HP.
Mark 55, 1960 Mercury engine. Convertible too with sida cur tains, water skis, tow rope, ski oeit ano life cushions, after 3 p.m, 325 Westfall Apt. No. 2, Temoe. 21' ARKANSAS Traveler cabin cruiserp exce ent condition.
Vo vo- penta 1-0, 40 gallon gas, sink, head, bilge pump, other extras. Must reil immediatelv. 942-6896. See Saturday and Sunday, Slip number 6, Saguaro Laxe manna NEW 14' aluminum boat. $195 Save $75.
AT MAIN DOCK Enioy a ride In the world's softest riding boat SEAFLITE 24" SPORTCRAFT THE SENSATIONAL SKIBARGE SPORTSVILLE WEST 3911 W. INDIAN SCHOOL 276-6234 SMALL boat, motor anri trailpr. BOAT trailpr. Wlft nnunri ranarltv. spare nre.
$au. 947-6890. ELECTRIC Trolling motor. 10 soeea, so. usea 7 mes.
snmn 7th Street. 276-1320. after 5 p.m. All nay aunaav. 1964-28 HORSEPOWER Evinrude with controls, $350.
1034 North 27th avenue. SOUTHWEST MARINE SPECIAL SAVINGS New 19611 17' IMP Dees V. A ual All vinyl Interior, ski racks, folding table, storage compartment, 2 spot lynu, ouai norns, speeao, compass, bow rail. New 1967 1 00 HP Evin rude, new tilt trailer. See tiis 2233 E.
Main, Mesa 9644663 v-ircm eveoiiwijs i IL 14' SkllMR hnar uilth 9361-2285. 45 HP Mfcufy, X0- OFFSET Press, AB Dick No. 320 (Small). Exeanent ennd tinr. 070.1 mi v.rc -JOJU.
16' BRUNSWICK and trailpr. in. board-outboard, 80hp Volvo. 445-7654, nc 3LUII, 15,000 FAMILIES WILL BUY A NFW I ARSON. WUVt Design stvlha -I- ruaaed con struction.
Coupled with performance give Larson an unbeatable price valuequality ratio. In most Larson models you get a complete boat package with equipment such as an all weather too included in the standard equipment list. Check the oniy roar witn -Minion BUDPie Rioe and 52. years boat building exper ience at MESA MARINE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS 1449 E. Main Mesa 960583 Airrl SKI rjoat Hvflrnrratt Pan.
tasy. Mercury 800, trailer, extras, 17' EXPLORER fiberalass. 80 HP Mercury. Tilt trailer, full controls. txcenent conaition.
Must sell 2-I6W. 16' CATAMARAN, two 45 horsepow er Mercurys, electric start. Little Dude tilt Trailer, 1326 East Almeria. l.r GLASPAR. 40 Mcrcurv-fullv eauiooed.
Trailer. LOTS nf evtras. snarp, sacrifice. Also new Evinrude power prop, private. west tn- canto Boulevard, after 5 p.m.
141 xxx ROY SCHIERBAUM'S MARINE SALE OF SALES STILL GOING STRONG Picked un If mora Inbnard-nutbnard at factory, will sell at same price as advertised before. Also '68 model 17' Centerline Gulf Stream, 120hp Merc cruiser, 6 passenger, reclining seats, beautiufl boat with all the trimmings with heavy duty trailer complete lust Myyo. wny ouy an ouiooaror '68 Model 20" Gulf Stream, 160hp Merc cruiser, loaded with extras, big wheel trailer, 6 Ply tires, has Mercury tut a trim potn, tust $3s. Berkley Jet with 210 Interceptor mo tor, tne very latest. sate-Fasf-Si Beautitui.
nuga Discount. One Mark Twain If, 150 ho Merc cruiser, on Sea Ray 18, one Gulf Stream 19', special dep ocean going boat with Merc cruiser 160, All at hug discount. As we ar distributors for MARK TWAIN SEA- HAY. GULF STREAM. TRAVELER MFG boats.
These ar not cheap wars, Ttiey are me dcst lines cneap, as wa know how fa buv so can sell at unbelievable price. Our service is supreme 13 Years In marine business, vrs. In valley. Shop th town then see us. wa win oear any oeai.
2651 S. 19th Ave. 54-1890 open weexaay ya.m. Bo.rtt. Sat.
Sun, 'til. 5 p.m. 141 'Appliances GENERAL ELECTRIC large 2-dr. refrlg. freezer combo.
A new box with full factory until warranty, hat aeni on siae taxe fist or ss rnontniy. Dealer, 805 S. Central, till 8 p.m, Kerrigerator wcross top freezer. $35 auto wasner, 5U uuar. uei.
276-5720. Garner Appliance. PHILCO chest freezer was $239. Still has 9 mos warranty. Take $119 sz wx.
Giowjiwj KifiBY VACUUMS factory rebuilt. guaranteed. Used vacs. $4 up. Klrby iwf e.
inoian scnooi na WOOLCQ DEPT. STORE R1COND, WASHERS TVS REFRIGERATORS 130 UP. 33RP AVE. AT OHAN Good.refrlas freezers, 819.95 up 1H5 WEST MCUUWtLL WHY buv rent washers, drvari. refrigerators, fmnrs, dishwashers.
ueaier. eja wesr wenrow. z-si. Big John's TV Appliance Outlet Guarantaari Used-TV's. Rafrlaeratarl.
1 39-S porting Republic 120 Cycles Salts, Service Blcvchts-Motorcvciei-Scooters TWISTER TRAIL SCOOTERS RUPP MINI BIKES 10 down-bank finance. We need used scooters-come In trade. Larae inventory nn hand. 7th St 265-9842 rebuIiTengihe Best otter NORTON-DUCATI MOTO GUZZI NEW USED TRADES WELCOME SALEM'S MOTORCYCLE HQS. 3839N, 7th St.
277-6764 '67 HONDA Scrambler 305, must sacriTice, j4w4-o4u atter pm 58 YRlTOPOlgerCub work. Will run. 254-5571. 305 HONDA Scrambler. Perfect.
$470. 275-3024. BMW, R69S, 1967. Immaculate, neany new, tun grass, oeautitui, MUST sell tote-gote, $100. 276-1904.
DUCATTI, 250 Scrambler, 1967, $700, all equipment, heavy-duty forks, skid Plate. 946-5911. 947-9110. condition $130. See at 4001 East Camelback.
1964 Duo-Glide 74 $795 1961 Duo-Glide 74 .1595 BUDDY STUBBS ARIZONA HARLEY DAVIDSON 175-7677 2507 E. McDowell SCHWINN BICYCLES NEW USED. TRADES WELCOME SALEM'S SCHWINN CYCLERY 3835 N. 7th St. 277-6764 68'S ARE HERE LARGEST SELECTION SEE THE NEW SENSATIONAL Honda 125 Scrambler At Western Honda 907 fLMcDowell Rd.
947-4287 "1965 HONDA 150. excellent condl-tlon. $325. Extras. 4721 West Mlnne- zona.
ALL NEW HONDA 125CC SEE THE NEW HONDA 125CC SCRAMBLER (In Candy Apple Colors) NOW ON DISPLAY AT SUNNYSLOPE HONDA 943-5342 HONDA OF PHOENIX 800 N. Central 258-6161 BACK TO SCHOOL SALE New X5cc Scramblers $695 New 90cc Scramblers (real Buy!) Large stock ot TRAIL 90's 160cc SLKAMHLtKS. 1963 C110 HONDA $99 50 WE DELIVER ANYWHERE FREE 100 FINANCING SAVOUR NEW COMPLETE BSA HEADQUARTERS A buuKi A6 Hustler, 1967, blue. 550, Suzuki 120 touring cycle 1967, black $300. 944-2929.
North 27th Avenue, 266-8665. CHRIS cycle, miril-bllciT Weil fpeeo. iou. raua west Larxspur. BICYCLFFrench terrot 16-sneei center-pull brakes, pedals wtoe ciips.
very gooa conaition. $45. TJ-UIO. ON 1963 Hnnria Dn (nur hnrto side, kick trail machine. 4 custom maae aeer carriers.
275-8753, 1962 CUSHMAN Eagle, very good '65 YAMAHA fralT15Helmet nd extras, siso. aw 5-5504. '57 Honda S-90. 838 miles, $25U 966-8323. '64, Sprint" H.
1 2 2-Aircraft Sales 4 Service 1250 Dn. $41 ner month. nlUA FLTC-hT CLUBrTwo Cherokee 140's. Cherokee 180. Cherokee 300 seven passenger.
Comanche 260 B. no aues, assessments, or uaomiies, V4-U7V. 265-1 J. DEMONSTRATION FLIGHTS NOW BEING SCHEDULED In the new Aero Commander 100 200. Call Dan Kenney 273-1201 for your demo flight.
MERCURY AVIATION CORP. MULTI-ENGINE TRAINING CHARTER Ply a high performance Cessna 310 4anour soio. FALCONAIRE FLYING SERVICE FALCON FIELD. MESA 969-1712 est J-3Tn the state. 936-3434 Now pay only $39.33 per month for a private flight course.
75 hrs of instruction Includes 35 hrs in a Beech 23,. Arizona's biggest trainer. Cutter Aviation, Harnor Airport. ACCELERATED PRIVATE PILOT COURSE TO QUALIFY VETERANS FOR Gl BILL FLIGHT TRAINING ENROLL TODAY NO DELAY CALL AL ROVEY MERCURY AVIATION 273-1201 LEARN TO FLY Private license. $280 Including grnuna scnooi.
956-jto, GROUND SCHOOL 19 classes for Private and Commercial. Begins Sept. 18. Mon Thurs eves sawyfp srnnni np aviation Deer Valley Airport 942-1333 $190 Complete flight, ground sch 942-47341 56 CESSNA 172. Clean and emjio Bed, must sell.
Best offer. 966-1898. LAtE model Bonanza 620 hrs total time. In mint condition. $19,500 owner ni-iia.
PRIVATE pilot course, reasonable, W5-3ZV4. AIRLINE ground school. A Mechanics, written and practical exams. Approves flight engineers, and ATR's. Call 942-3941, or 274-7852, any time for Information.
4 place Beech Musketeer, 1590 hrs TT, 590 hrs since factory new engine, 60 gal tank, KX150A full pane Beecn New-Mat qm con trol, 35 amp. battery, alternator, full dual controls. Grimes beacon. Annual from date of sale $7500 firm. Cutter Aviation, Sky Harbor Airport.
MEMBERSHIP1 In Arizona Prop Chasers Flying Club $175. call Den- nis atter pm. at LICENSED A MECHANIC FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR FALCONAIRE FLYING SERVICE Falcon 969-1712 COMMERCIAL pilot with SM Instrument, instructor rating. Look ing tor interesting flying lob. Avail-ajilejmmediatejy.
963-7651; '57 CESSNA 182. Full panel, dual nmni, 700 smoh, fresh periodic, new Interior. $7800 firm. 445-4970. Prescott.
Aeronce champ X'cohd. 936-3434 Beginners courseFAA approved. No money down, $10 mo. 936-3434. Co-op Program guarantee ms' In-expenslve way to learn to fly.
FAA 125-Mobite Homes Sate "VIKING 8' 35'. Good condition. Call after 5:30 for details. 936-1720. NASHUA 48x10.
2 bedroom, center kitchen. In nice condition and com-i oletelv furnisned. on sale rnis weex for only $2388. full price. $200 down $50 mo.
Better hurry on this one as it surely won't last long, consolidated Mobile Homes, 1800 E. Van Buren, 252-6138. New or used for your company, will sell or lease 8 wides or 10. widei. Discount Mobile homes 275-0474.
"BRAND new 1967 Beverly Manor n1? frnnt and rear bedroom. P4 bath, center kitchen, carpet, built in nvn and ranqe. Nice wide re' vercpd hall, with carport door, niiimned fnr automat washer. Com pletely furnished. You will buy this terrific bargain If you see it.
At enlv $5295 full price. $450 down de livers. Payments of only $84 per We also have many used 8, 10 and II wides to choose from. Consolidated Mobile Homes. 1800 E.
CLOSED 5UN. "Arizona's Largest Dealer" VANS for VALUES COME SEE WHY MOBILE HOMES PISPLAY MODELS ARE COOLED for comfort, one is refrigerated. Vanderbuilt-Star Sun Valley National NOW ON DISPLAY 15 models of 12 wides 3 models of 20 wides 1 model of 24 wide From $3490 To $9950 TRAVEL TRAILERS ORBIT OASIS KIT FALL SALE $995 TO $2690 VANSvalues. Wkdys 9to9 rot EAST: VAN BUREN WASH. 2754404 LATE 1962 Detrolter S4'x10' wide Sroando house trailer.
Phono 474-3437, ox 15. Piyson Arizona. i The Arizona. to E. i9S.MnhIU Hum CioMJWlTliMl SPECIAL- kitchen AMERICAN, lux furnl.
tyre, glass, door, nylon carpet. $4710 oeiiverep set. up, KAINCM TRAIL- ER SALES, e. ven Buren, Phoenix. 275-6286 Sa bMb ETf YTSea ler enalTrlr Sales 2435.
W. Main, Mesa 33x8 TR'AVELITE. Good "condition, fully furnished, 276-1447. FLEETWOODS 10, 12 20 wldes 39' to 60' loni JOHNSTON MOBILE HOME SALES 2255 Main, Mesa. mi 20 WIDE- 16970 dRlTversd anv.
JOHNSTON'S 2255 W. Main, Mesa SELL OR TRADE 12x60 2 BR mobile home, carpet, caiir nnji, Turn, rruni or center kitchen. Delivered set-up at no extra cost. Can use 3 BR house. zmi or zu474.
ueaier. i It I itut hHftb NEW 12 WIDES BEGGING AT $3995 HANSON TRAILER SALES lim Van Rnrr Weekdays Till 9 Weekends 10 to CASH DEALS AND HOUSE TRADES GIVEN DISCOUNT PRICES DISCOUNT FACTORY LOT 2347 E. Van Bur 275-0474 TAlDWAY trailer 50x10. early American. 40x aluminum ewnlng, loaded.
Space 11,4522 Grand Avenue. NEW three bedroom, 12x56. Guar. anteed. Cost, no dowa Mohawk, 2811 East Van Burea 1965-3 BEDROOM l'i baths, fur- nisnea.
Delivered free anywhere in Arizona. $3150 Midway Mobile Homes e. van euren. zJ-osso. VAGABOND GOLD SEAL Finest of Them All 12, Wide SEE THEM NOW I TRADING POST SALES OPEN 7 DAYS 9-6 2323 E.
MAIN. MESA 969-6012 AVION -AIRSTREAM SALES SERVICE Tucson Land Yacht Sales 1320 E. Benson Tucson. Aril. upct v-e weeKoays a-aai ELKHART MANUFACTR'S 2242 E.
WASHINGTON KM7X6 HrXtf? COMPLETE CUSTOMIZ- HOME BETTER MOBILE LINWOOD KENTLEY ELKHART KENT Totally engineered for year round air tonomoning comtorr. ciKnarr built mobile homes have many features of outstanding aualltv Inter est to the prospective mobile home buyer. VISIT OUR PLANT TO SEE HOW BETTER QUALITY MOBILE HOMES ARE BUILT 1968's ON DISPLAY Phoenician Glen Aire 12' WIDE MOBILE HOMES Also Terry Boles Aero TRAVEL TRAILERS Glendale Mobile Homes 4401 W. Glendale Ave. 939-0231 FRONT kitchen 2Teirrom 10x50 Mobile home, full bath, central heat, carpeted, $2950 or oest otter, pnone 275-2926, On all new travel trailers.
Will hold for 30 days on small down payment. Just a few left. USED TRAVEL TRAILERS IV 1967 Travelpze with refrioera tion cooler, never ouuea. New $5470 NOW $4350. 26' 1967 Traveleze demo, double, new Um Now $3480.
26' Twin Traveleze, 1967 demo new $4310. NOW SJ4B0. BARLOWS 909 W. Main, Mesa 969-3912 Close out Eastern made Nanco 52x12 PAINTED DESERT (MARLETTE) 2177 Apache Blvd Tcmpe 967-0010 6660 Apache Trail Mesa 985-1990 20x55 DEMONSTRATOR 1 Rdrm. Int modil.
Completely car peted, walls ceilings in natural ash. 10" floors. 10" roof rafters. 4" of fiberglass Insulation. 4 Ton refrigeration air.
This display model to be sold at cost, Terms, trades giaoiy. PHOENIX TRAILER SALES 3500 E. Van Buren 10x56 FRONT and rear bedrooms, I'; cams. iJi.ii). 2a-iJVB.
17ti' DALTON. modern. $1050. 16005 Norm 32ng street, space za 12x60 MOBILINER. three bedroom.
wt oatn. sis Norm szna street, space izi 1967 MARK. 3 twdroom. New condition. Will sacrifice.
2605 West van Buren. space a-ir. DEOlar. 1966 two bedroom. 12x62 all carpeted, unfurnished.
701 South uooson noiiaaiy village no jut, Mesa. FRONTIER CITY DAYS ARE HERE 4 DAYS ONLY The stage Is set for fantastic savings on nai iy aavertiseo quality coacnes. ARTCR AFT CHAMPION NEWPORT All will be sold In the next 4 days, beginning thur, Sept. 14 thru Sept. 17.
for Instances: new 12x60 oeiuxe Artcratt, vi Datns, carpet, the works. 3 on v. Reoular price was $7150. Now only $5850. You save $1300.
New 12x56 Champion, d'lx, was $5995, now 1 only, at $4650. You save $1345. Many others In comparison. These will be sold for cash, trade or terms. Bann financing with low down payment available.
Free delivery and setup In Ariz. Open 8 a.m. till 10 m. FRONTIER CITY TRAILER SALES 4220 E. Van Buren 275-5872 UNBELIEVABLE A mnhTle hnm that moves as an 8x38.
vet has 532 3. ur living spate wnen set upr This GENERAL EXPANDO does. Brand new. onlv $4794 at RANCH TRAILER SALES, 3924 E. Van Buren, pnpenix, 2e.
1963-10x55. 2 BEDROOM furnishrd. delivered free anvwhere In Arizona. $2950. Midway Mobile Homes, 4777 E.
van buren. 273-oao. SSSJSH jss SS Si JSSSSSS 16TH ANNIVERSARY CLEARANCE SALE In full swing selection! iti I good savings on quality units at prices never offered before. DETROITER PALMER BROOKWOOD -GOLDEN WEST AMERICAN Only i limited number en hand don't put off until tomorrow what you. should do today and that Is VISIT RANCH TRAILER SALES 950 N.
Ariz. Chandler 63-6321 1966 CAMPFP trailer lhnir three Including one Tent Camper. $1095 to $1595. $100 down delivers any one of these three late model campers. Choice of more than 60 other 10 and 12 wides to choose from.
Sarwark Trailer Sales. The MODiie Home center of t. van Bur, en. 1610 E. Van Buren AL 8-6071.
1959 TRAILETTE 8x42' 2-Bdrm. new paint, cooler, delivered set up tor only 11685 this week end at RANCH TRAILER SALES, 3924 E. van Buren, Phoenix, 275-6286. 22x8 CLIPPER partially self con tained travel trailer, all aluminum outside just like a Spartain. $1188 full price.
$100 delivers. Payments of $45 per month. Choice of more than 60 other beautiful 8, 10 and 17 wide tn rhnnp frnm. sarwaric Trailer Sales. The Mobile Home Su- permart of E.
Van Buren. M10 van buren al 8-6071. 71' AIRSTREAM with nlrkuh. rdv roll. $3,000 or, consider car, or wagon, cash.
260s Wist Van Buren, Lot H-148. 1967 12" WIDE $3885 Full Price. De- llvered anvwhere In Arizona. MID WAY'S BIG DISCOUNT LOT, 4037 Van Buren, 2734673. Mh' 1 1 Trillin, mm Service heavy' duty.
7x12' enclosed, electric brakes, 967-4269. weekdays after 6: TEARDROP vacation canvas top vacation trailers, pickup campers, tents. Beldon Rents, 2130 East inaian scnooi. UNENCLOSED van, tandem tralT er. 278-6237.
TTaM trailer windows, patio enclosures locauy manutactureo, Telephone estimates. Aluminalre Standard Glass, 5321 East Washing TOP, i3-Httl. 1 28-Wan ted Trailers Mobil Homes CASH" FOR TRaVEORATUERS VIRGIL R6GER J7S-4764 will puy ouirient or sen tor von. Trader Blue, V-P'lJ. Wo Pay MORE than Market Price for used Coaches Joolln Trailer Sales, 252-7666.
2301 Buckeye Rd. Want trailer from owner; Pay cash AL 3-B3Z, EVBS. 10, WANT older trailer from private owner. irs-ifi or Eves, y55-053 HIRH dnller Bald fnr iserf trailer Dares lyiooi le nome. llUU.
TRAILER wanted. Individual I need 50 used a 10 wide for run. tals. Tod cash pel. Id.
Thunderbird Mo- bile Homes, 275-3321. Nltes. 969.854). HIGHEST cash oald for rlean uteri trailers. lll-iKi.
8' WIDE, reecnnehle. P.O. Roy mi, rnoenix. "TRAVEL TPTSTlTfR WlnrllSIrKTST. 15-17 no older than 1965, Must be excellent condition, y5y-iz47, WANTPD uuirla housetrailer this week.
272-0173. 1 30-Trailer SPACES Rent or Sell FREE mnvlnn. arlnlt anri famllu wtiiun, moaern. zi4 west Broad 'ar. CHOICE 'krle T.
TRAM FD t- roisi iM-fO I GARDPNDAt fS Cnm lofrT kiA 26th Plate. BMIltiflll rnt Utilities at lot line F7 forme SCHUMACHER REALTY 264-2247 dwn. Twilight trails. 967-6592 'HOENIX ScottsdA PaTkC7a month's rnt. Mrvitrn fsrllltlA owner Management.
16601 North 29th AlDjSE7yal(ey' Mobile Park, 16606 North 31st trMkt. larna tnor-ce Bouble spaces, evervTacillty, walk location; 525 N. 76th St. 0J7.1M1 8208 N. Black Canyon 943-7863 MOUNT A IN UCADOUC DADl Pwn Your Own lg His, Dry Trailer Lot Nr Mts 12 mln Phx.
Pav Side wama. MOUII, BTTennon. OK 6- 3 ONE OF PHOENIX FINEST Large beautifully landscaped lots for buy sito mooiie nome. us up. LAKKI MOBILE PARK 3rdAve.
4 Rpoievelt 272-6392 S9. NEW COUntrv narac HI-VlPW i ttraa cnarac DaaI iZ'jif iyprjmnyenye.4430 lucdpll. tin Yft 1WA41' w.m nn cono MOBILE HOME LIVING AT IT'S BEST Build and equity while making payments as low, asS40 jer month In lovelyjMesa Mobile Estate, Under- arguna urns, raveo streets, slde- woik tan vaa-ewu or vey-uze. ci. i EKrKlabj, inc.
Extra, Ige fr lot BigCanvon HwTat ueer vaiiey ko. Brkr. 264-2247 1334 WEST HstrhPr Pnrt AHult parn. M-iiuo, CTADtMICT I modera rates. Kinrth 5Kt Aut.
nue, -31 to. HALP arrp a fn, AAnhlla Homes, ww r-noenlx, Agent, ONE full aerp trailor Int All Utilities In oAiri Unrca rnrrak caoana cement s'ab several varieties ot snaae truit trees, 57,000 with SUM V2 al trai er ot. Hftnt. nrpr vaiiey. yjy-r4.
CHOICE Inratlnn Clean anri nnlar ii KOQnJin.aireei,jj.iMZ. RENT trailer nart nncinpec mn- Ing. 956-0584. YOUR MOBILE HOME ON ITS OWN LAND Buy-pay like rent. We have fully developed ready to plug-ln-your trailer lots.
From 60x110' up to one half, acre. Pay $392 down, $35-mo. Li i Augustine, office 16848 Cave Creek Rd. Tell 942-0551. OPEN DAILY SUN.
ENT Srnlr. nrlvata. fcww-prl lor, ooupie patio, iwi East Sweet- water ira-ags FREE moving. Count r.liih. cast i nomas.
RANCHERO TRAILER PARK 321 NORTH 35TH ST. TIRED OF THAT CROWDED PARK? CHECK THIS Va to '2 ACRE TRACTS GRANADA ESTATES 67th Ave. ml south of Bell Rd. Good fast access to Phx vicinltv out. of smog low down pay like rent.
see tnis weekend or write P.O. Box 702. Glendale. 9a.fLlK. Fvm CR 4-6291.
HEYI Whv Bav ront? Own uniir own lot for the same cost. 943:9679. BY owner, trailer lots, 75x100 and larger. I TRAILER LOT W7 RAMA DA $3500 COMPLETE WSEWER HOME Ex RltV 26M241 135-Machinery 1 Vjiiudv Alb rrr- UillhViGIW 3 I1BW Used. Emll's 3255 E.
Wash. BR 3-0300 IAAT STB I TfvT ABCJtenfals 1802 N. 27th Av 264-7631 Internationa l-Rust. New-used. Shelby inrtuiii i in I l-PJ0-04.
Used Loader Backhoes From $2,950 Gal I ion Motor Grader, good $3,000 new case Diesel 450 Crawler Angle Dozer with hoe $13,500 Maricopa Tractor 258-7035 PHOENIX-BUCKEYE IICEn i tl.M3irui.IBjn imS'VS "yninery. tox wacnin- wti jom weal oroaoway KlirnlllC MriCA Cni-tUn M. nfcrha. na. Vallee Surolus Hli Van Rurpn HOUGH loader model HF, good condition, $1500.
Light plant Witte diesel, 10KW, $1250, excellent condi- Tinn AAanru'cKkCswa 1010 inw coal wasnington New 225 amp Lincoln welder $96 Wayne Welding 2615 40 St. 276-7383 nlfolrAv rnifllA- ir rtrV Inhn naai-A Intamatlnn-il vwibf ii'ici nanuiioi name brands. New, sell out 55c, also other pans same savins, uasa wanoe CASE 530 Construction King, loader harlrnruA. Avrolliant mn Inn AriHIIIrin 4. TWm4i.
CONVEYOR RENTALS Move concrete, dirt, lumber, Blocks, bricks, easier faster. C1C HU SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT AL 3-2116 in, i.i-rn.i an aLI a I ii 1 crswM 1 lunML DacKnoe w-sKipipaaer, oucxets, 12' fligglng oMati irjitxea5pnapieJjjii5Jo. 'TQMrV nan. D1U 1A vi um rain, iuii, avwvi boom, USED If" Southbend eng. lathe, ,40 TON punch press, good condition.
Qulck sale $625. 254-1938 or ENGINE for 99 John Deere cotton Miinei. jivCVTO-aoiUHIIC. KfdSUndDie. Casa Grande, 112-836-7647.
HARIG tnnl and rnttar pranQ new. y.M-Mte. FOR rpnt Case 53n rnnstrnrtlnn Mng. zj-ujvu. SMITH'S weldina torch with tanks dolly cart and accessories.
$125. Al- most new, vw-vm, y3-v234. USED parts. Crawlers, tractors. combines, cotti cotton pickers, all other farm machinery.
aneioy uranum Used Parts, Casa Grande. 112-836-7847 Michigan 175 Diesel Loader $3,775 Barber Greene 879B Diespl Pav 4.850 jonn ueere Loaoer eackhot 2,25 Case 800C Hydraulic Dozer 3,650 LBKoi eo am compressor 250 WESTERN MACHINERY CO 820 N. 17th Ave. 258-8531 HfTsP AND COUPLINGS Thunderb'd 2255 M'Dowell 848874 CASE 830 Dsl tractor CASE 504 Plow, new $1500: ww equip, ivm nw orang yjt-jMi. ONE horsepower air compressor, very good condition, with new air regulator, long nose, ig.
ifj-Qtv. SMALL Oliver Cletrae tractor and disc. 937-1810. "TWO Mlchloan loaders, internatlon- al TD-14A crawler loader. A.
C. HD-5G crawler toader. two cat D-7's with dozer. 278-0773, 274-8244. 137-EuHdin? Materia It CHAIN LINK FENCING BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY WITH A T.HAIN LINK FENCE AVAILABLt IN -72 HEIGHTS CALL FOR, FREE ESTIMATE.
MONTGOMERY WARD Chris-Town Mary vale 272-2331 Thomas Mall FREE LUMBER! 2x4'j, 4x4's, plywood. Etc. 35th Avenue and Lincoln. 278.1794. 7 a p.m.
12 6-Misc. 7THiTTB I I Material Yau Need BullHInn Materials for Your Corrals, or Need Help Planning Them, Just Give Us Call. We Have Large Quantities of RR Ties, Gates, Corral Lumber, Pipe, Sucker Rod. Water Trouah. Horse Feed Boxes and New and Used Galvanized Sheeting.
Statewide Delivery. CORRAL LUMBER CO. S224 6 wasnington, ji-um. MASON ITE SIDING 46 $3.95. 4x8 Shrathing Plywood 4x8 $2.19 2x4-8' good 29c better 45c best 64c MASONITE 4x8 Redwood fencing 1x3-6' ea.
19c Bldg bd. Black $1.89 White $2.29 New nome tor county 2 15th AVE LUMBER CO OPEN DAILY 8-3 276-2424 Doing Your Own Wiring? FREE INSTRUCTION LAYOUT BY LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Romex 12-2 wground 250' Roll tt49J Galvanized Water Pipe 16c per ft 30 as Wtr Htr in vr nia t-n(n Hoods 2 speed with light White only $14.95 oauy Sunday EVERGREEN HARDWARE 1715 S. 16th St. 254-6477! fFNCH sale. faTlar anH rhafn'llnlc Tree estimate.
WMyft. V44-5B27 AMERICAN PLUMBING 30 gal. 10 vr. glass wtr heater $39.94 4" Orangwood plpa 38c ft. Steel shower stall completa $39.94 4" clay aewer pipe 69c t.
i 253-0613 2950 Grand Avt. 253-4335 UStU 2X4, 2X6, 2XB, 4X6 5 Steel Sash with or without glass New Vs" Mahog. plywd, New 30" Hollywd doors $16 ea. New .17" SDI in rnra rlnnrt Ariz Wreck 1242 7th St. A 3-5681 REDWOOD FENCING 1x3-' RUSTIC 99c LIN.
FT. 100 FT. OR MORE CAPITAL LUMBER 200 S. 35th Ave AP mbu' KQPPt KrirV Ah- tit*a k.TTijT-j wv-v hi winei vara tvuiiuina inaterlalt, 723 East Jeffersonx258-1274 AHA AxA tlmhAr. tfQi inatk Tgo-aw.
MTier 3 p.m, ci nribccrcMT condition, large quantity, 48', 2- lomp. w.y w.ra. i uon inciuaea. Mr P-J43, 90 LB. ROOFING $2.89 235 Lb.
3-Tab shingles 15 vr $6.95 runi ILL OUAKU 4x8 std-hardboard regooara 1x8 Sheathing $49.00 IS Lb. Felt $1.79 30 lb. $2.39 Truck-uty Lumber Co. Open Daily 8-6 Sat tilt 500 E. Broadway, Phx.
276-5518 New Low Discount Prices We honor 1st Nat. V.N.B. charges OPEN SUNDAY 9-2 Alum, screen doors comp. ea. $8.95 2x4 Studs 8' Ea.
24c 'A Plywood 4x8 Sanded $2.29 Portland Cement $1.12 exce or loo er kaos nr Celllna Tile sev. patterns ...50 nfl rormica or never mar 43 on Marllta Panels 40 off Marllta Panels Shingle, Whit Slate, ngrsq. 1x8 Spruce V-lt LinTt. Sheetrock 4x8 $1.29 Steel Clothes Pole, pair $6.95 rretimsnea piywooo panels 1-bNLINB WAItKIAL MUUIKS. FRFE DFLIVFRV vle, txctPT CS.C iitws HANco*ck LUMBER CO.
1929 West Glendale 279-3052 2016 E. Washington 253-8750 FACTORY CLEARANCE Awning Sale 40 to 70 Off Aluminum Patio Covers 10 Off MONTGOMERY WARD Chris-Town 279-5341 Marvvala 27J.M.11 Thomas Mall 959-2100 PLYWOOD Wx4'xB' $1.99 Mahogany $1.49 PKc-rlNlantD PANELING Reoent-Dark Mahooanv $1.49 Ranch White Oak $4.99 t-fcNLfc AAA I CKIAL Beautiful Pine ea. REDWOOD 59c Reawooa pine Fir 29e ea CORRAL IUMBFR Random Length Foot WATER HEATERS 30 gal 10 yr Republic glass 2-Only New 20" Sensation lawn mowers witn grass caterers, reg. price $104.95 ca. Sale Price $69 ea.
1-Onlv usari very little Sensation Lawn Mower wgrass catcher $59 LUMBER 8, HARDWARE CO. 35 6. wasnington sr. Z75-mi DAIMT nri.na C1nO mini, auDiaiiiGG, J.I IZ! aeiocr wjsi, aacnriL Tor aiuvu- TT-IWJ. CARLOAD DOOR SALE Flush doors 99c 24, $3.95 Solid core $6.95 5 Bath Tubs $9.95 UP New Toilets $17.95 Lavs $4.95 30 Gal.
10 Yr Glass Htrs $39-95 DON'S BUILDERS SUPPLY 1514 E. Washington AL 2-3335 APPLIANCE clearance 8 ranges at cost, 1 display kitchen at cost. used refrigerator, $29.95. Dealer, 1829 west inaian scnooi Ra. 279-9654 BUY FROM CY SAVE 30 GAL WATER HEATER $16.95 30 GAL HEATER 10 Yr glass $34.95 WHITE BATH SET Comp $69.50 ROMEX 12-2 WOR 250 ft.
S13.l FIIRNACFS-ClosPt Wall $12.50 UO 4609 So. Central CY'S 276-5631 CUT RATE 7 DAYS 8-5 1x8 Sheathing unit $59, thous ovi? Rouen corrals unit $35. thousand Formica 2Sc sq. ft. 2000 Pieces prefin paneling $3.49 upj 3036 wasnington znmi PAYLESS ANNIVERSARY SALE Aluminum Patio Doors 4 $56.86 ALUMINUM SLIDING WINDOWS 2 ft.
2 ft $7.58 3 ft. 2 ft $9.44 a ft $11.0 5 ft. 2 It SI I.OJ 6 ft. 2 ft. $12.91 ft 5 ft $12.91 vinyl Asbestos Floor tiis 12x12 ix 9 ft.
12 ft. Rugs $4.99 4x8-" Insulating Brd white 4'4" Plasterboard $1.23 PIterhoard 25 A Purpose Joint cement sz.sv 250 ft. perta tape RprePri 14x24 Med ne Cab. $8. Tnh Pnrlncnrp Wirp $31.41 White Stool Lav.
WFixtures $45.20 White ceiling Tile ea. PAYLESS CASHWAY LUMBER STORE 1711 S. Rural Road Temoe 967-3386 Hours: Mon. thru Frl 8-5, Sat. 8-3 GATES Wrought Iron, regular $28 etoseout $15.
American Fence Co. 400 E. Roosevelt 258-1547. 139-Sporting Geods 4 Services OAS tanks, built for olrkur 3150 tast wasnington. zn-n4.
SURINAK camper trailer. Good Shape. 277-ysiu. CAMPER. Insulated, lined, for long wneeipase.
946-3788. PI AYBOY CAMPFRS Hunters stieclal 68 models are here we traae 4jiu crana Ave. ar camei- pack or 1317 5. central, CAMP trailer 196. ir! Tffllat.
praxes, extras. y4z-zo43 after s. IOMF PINE CAMPERS 5201 W. Glendale Ave. 934-2191.
PJCKUP camper, 997-0153. USED 19A0 Field and Strpsm house trailer, 14-. win traoe or sen tor long pes camper unit, inquire BR 6-9293. COUNTRY BOY CAMPERS Quality construction. Lifetime quar.
Top value stamps. VNB credit cards. Prices reduced thru Sept. 17 '67, Substantial savings on all campers. 4618 GRAND AVE.
939-1091 MOTOR home. Self contained. 30' custom built. Good mechanical con dition. Best otter over $2,000.
r4-UI04. L. C. SMITH 12 aauae. new REM 700 BDL 22-250.
new Winchester mod el 70, 225. Winchester 12-16 full pauge. Neea jonnson io horse out board motor. 947-6403 after 6 p.m. oniy, REMINGTON 12 aailoa automatic $116.
OK 5-S2U5, 1967 F.250 Ranaer. olv tlrps. camper soecia Cruisomatlc. refria- ranon, loaaeo witn extras, 13,000 miies. vjijuu.
wt-ua. 4x4 JEFP afhr ih tad Filmore. Temoe. 1 '67 TELESCOPIC cam Bar anri GMC V4 ton truck. Many extras.
Excellent trailer rig. Save one mousano, aao n. 15m aw. DWIl-l-lll VOHipvr 9IK3II, TUB UflW. long wide bed.
4131 East Van Buren, space u. I960 FORD schonl bus. rnnuprtad to camoar. Must ha sapn tn ar.Dra- ctate, will sacrifice. .409 E.
Malibu, lempe. 303 RIFLE. $20. 266-0141 WADE'S Gun Room 1 open until 9:30 p.m. Friday evenings.
3151 East mcuoweii. '67 SCOTSMAN vy Camp trailer. Sleeps 6. Butane stove oven. 75 lb.
ice box. Sink water supply. $845. GENERAL GMC 1408 E. Camelback 264-9076.
SLIGHTLY Damaged. 10'V slide-in fully self-contained campers. Toilet. shower, hot 4 cold running water. Butane-electric refrigerator.
These normally sell for over $3000. Now $2295. Only 2 in stock. 1401 E. Cam-elback.
264-9076. Dealer. lmduvcr camtvr, wor. aim dinette, used 5 "times, $865. 939-6746, wanted: uh guns oenietieia relics.
275-3053. WANTE tent trailer, 946-1700. t'rin Manufaetur. Ina, 946-5331. "Bear'' hunting irrows $12.95 dox.
Nelson Bros. 4630 N. 16th St. Service 1J' Sportsman" ramalna iniiu. for sal.
Bun's Rants, 2 North 7th CDsW made a f.nl,.-Ja. ud 97tiii ni.iXAl wfDE'S" custom camper shells. East McDowell. OPEN ROAD The- world's, largest manufacturer of slide-Ins, house cars, motor homes on display at GENERAL GMC 1408 E. Camelback 264-9076 CUffffM Steel frame truck campers, shells.
Kits jB. parts. Bank Financing Tow-Eze Mfa Cn fan Hth Aua bESlRTAMPfRiprsVeel tram alum, campers. Wt stock alum. meets, winoows, parts, tamper coots, qauchos.
E-Z trms. 3504 W. McDowell ELEcmrt ooirT8iirTiisffi (UP 31 'Bet. TWlprfpTece7matched goH club set, $50. Woman's bolwlna, ball and uojv.
aw norm isr Avtnu. fMLL salci sparkling Campers and Camp Traife all new tip irai ars. fiim. mer stock was sold out.) Covers, Shells, Slide-ins. All styles and immediate free mountina a to oniy uamageg ineiis mow menu- taciurers costi t-inaneing on vour pood credit or VNB Credit Card.l Universal Camper Service and Suo-I "Pacne bivo, lempe.
967-4600. OPn 8 to 6:30, Thursday iu k.iii. ounuHYa. TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS America's safest most practical campers. Many models to choose from at: RAY KORTE RAMBLER-JEEP 2331 West Camelback Phone 264-9741 SEE THEM ALL West' largest selection Ford, Chevrolet, Dodoe GMC motor hemes.
All sizes now In stock and ready to roll. From 11 ft. to 27 ft. From $4995 to $16,000. Trades Okay.
Bank terms, visit our factory direct out- let. 1408 c. camelback. Dealer. SAVE ON CAMPERS LOWEST PRICES EVER Buv direct frnm faetorv riictrirHitnr lot.
King the Road Roadmaster campers. 8' non cabover sleeper, ice box, tiled floors, huge cabinets mirror, completely equipped list $695, sale price $475. 8' full cabover, ROYAL COACHMAN CAVALIER WESTWAYS OVER 40 MODELS TO LMUUSt r-KUNI GUUD SfcLLLIlUN OF PICKUP TRUCKS. 100 BANK r-INANLINlj. SAFARI TRAILER SALES 4486 GRAND AVE.
279-5537 SPORTERIZED ffllK German mauser witn weaver scop mounts, 94W92L CALLING ALL HUNTERS Now-i safe, sanitary, portable toilet. May also be Installed In cabins, campers trailers. No water, no electricity, no Dag to bury, no chemicals to renew or cloanout. Ttw corn- tons or nome, uses rxirane gas, Direct factory sales now in effect, Call Crematoilet Mfg. Ina.
997-0921, CAMPER SHOW Public Invited Free Admission Special Show Prices Show Open 9 till 9 Mon-Frl. Show Open i till a Sat. 4v Sun. Campers Motor Homes Walk Thru's Housecars Self Contained Accessories Customer Fit Chassis Mounts Camper Equipped Trucks Ford Chevrolet Dodge Camper Specials. ton V-6 4-speed, Split rim wheels.
H.D. Tires. H.D. suspension equipment. Heater seat belts.
Emergency flasher with any camper purchase. $2495 I FAMILY SPECIAL I 1967 Ford Vi Ton pickup. Open iuou L-inuiRQ auM' ply. Must see this show special. $2975 Housecar Show Specials OFFERING th fabulous OPEN ROAD HOUSfcCAR with fold down patio sliding safety glass doors.
INCL. a NEW GMC 1 ton dual wneei special equipped truck. FOR ONLY $4295 TRADE-INS WELCOME 5-YEAR BANK TERMS GENERAL GMC 1408 E. CAMELBACK 264-9076 GUNS! NEW USED PAWN-FOR HOME SPORT TRAVEL REVOLVERS .22 $13.88 $17.88 32 Snub Rev. German 22 Western Single Action $27.88 a wesiern nrome sjj.i 25 Auto German 22 Derringer spec, Kev.
2 ft 4" $39.88 USED "DFAI 6.5 Italian rifles $12.95 303 Br. Enfield in 30-06 Enf. Springfield $39:95, mm mauser wscope $7.96 Dn. 270 J.C. Hig.
(Mauser) $7.95 Dn. 30-40 Krag Sporter $5.95 Dn. FAIRWAY LOAN Est. 1930 21 45 S. 1st.
Ave. CAR-OVPR ramnpr tniA f7 Caprice. Extra clean. 2341 W. Ber- nJ9B uane.
Jay Hawk Camper Sales SAL El Reducing Inventory, all kinds 4550 GRAND AVE, AAAMO SALT- 30 carb 86.95, 304)6 $4.45. 308 $7.95, 303 $5.95, 7mm $5.95, 8mm $6.95, 9mm $4.95, 45 auto $5.95. All prices per iuu ros. A-INTERNATIONAL ARMS 25 N. Central, 9 a.m.
to 7 p.m CAMPER. 8' Port-Q-Camo. ran- over, aluminum frame construction, aemonsiraror, discounted $30O, Pritchard's. 3409 South Central. 276-3181.
GMC HOUSE CAR Open Road Belmont. Sleeps 4. Completely self-contained. Shower, hot water. On ton chassis.
Dual wheels. Automatic transmission. E. Camelback. 264-9076.
$5795. 1408 uea ealer. fopd hdiisf rso New Open Road unit. HD chassis, Camper special deluxe, V8, automa tic, Kitchen, dinette, toilet, family pertect. S44VS.
hactory saia priced, i auo e. LameioacK. ueaier. L-I50 snoisnen reloader, all com-! ponents. it aluminum Boat.
969-8559, COMPLFTE tM anlf rlnKe A vyuson woods, iu soaiaing irons, Bulls-eve putter, bag and cart. $100. 265-5664. 18' SELF contained trallr. Clean eno soup, iwu mooei, snuu.
ZQ6-5Q7I. '67 FORD F-100 CUSTOM Refrigeration, lot 4000 miles. Warranty. Must sell. Make; ptter.
urn cast moianoia. OVER-UNDER, golden snipe. 20 gauge. 3" chambers. Auto- $150 Colt.
AR-15. seml-auto. .223 Caliber, Like new $100. 271-7200. wiim, iipw tj i ofj.
BMIMftTAM l. na 821 West Broadway. Tern dp ANNUU'NUNG PUMA rnma tap 4fla n.u, nHi MaiwiUK trailer. Complete camping rig at MtbA fviAKINt 1449 E. Main, Mesa 964-0W3 v.mrcs sneil witn SprlnQ COtS gym, iiucibiow.
7JlmW3l. TAAADCD Dllfi IMkir! i'llVcDl .1 Metal, windows, mouldings, ice box es, stoves, etc. Pritchard's, 3409 soutn Lenrrai, 276-3181. Evenings til APACHE TENT TRAILERS Outdoor Sportsman, Inc. 3515 N.
31st Ave. 252-8791 AQUAlung, $30. 278-6735. FACTORY AUTHORIZED STATION COLEMAN. SHAKESPEARE, ZEBCO rHK la a.
Mt-fa(w 547 E. Dunlap Sunnvslgpe 943-1201 SMITH and Wesson nictnls fnni model 48, 22 caliber magnum, 6" barre ton nvwipi vr til raiihar TOfirajm, vnr oarrw). Jim Bryan, 274-8577. VACATlrtNINfi fl.irlno west i. Cavalier.
Showing of ''It Mod- DOCK'S 8815 7th St WINCHESTER irwU 71 Ua nil. bar, like new. $175. 942-4526. 1.
j4-nouscnaia pr $.1 Danish modern couch Chett of drawers, end tables. Miscellaneous. 943-4013. S-5 SaJurdayenJyar MAYfAfTauto washerTheavy duty large tub washer temp water level control. Still under war.
Reg. $289, take $79 or $2 week. Dealer, 105 S. Central, open till 8 p.m. Large selection orcustom draperies.
144'x95" long, lined, $39.50. WOLF'S DRAPERIES ft CARPETS 5432 W. Glendale Ave. 937-881 "GEN, ElE'C- new freezer all the deluxe features. Reg.
$469, take $149 or 12.50 week. ueaier, boss, tenirai tin p.m. AIEpps, 20th St. 4fMcE)owell Al Epps, 15th Ave a. ina, sen.
Maole Bunk Beds $29.95 nrfSfiNGHOUSE heavy, duty wosner, still unuer warranir. pres. $249. Take $38. Dealer, 805 S.
Cen tral, upon tli 8 P.m.. Sets start at $39. Klngslza quilt top sate. $109. complete selection.
GOBINS, 1635 N. 7th St, 2547071 7fTiinn. 70th St. i. MrDoWell Al Epps, 15th Av.
Jnd. Sch. Box Springs andJ5attress i25 TCittWBellvttereo mb comb. Big speaker system, under war. Reg.
$489 take $2.50 wk. Dealer, 805 S. Central till 8 P.m, Al tnn. ntK St McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. Ind.
Sch. $50,000 Color TVs Must be Sold CARPETLAND WHOLESALE Nylon Tweeds Nvlnn.ftnlrf. Ava. 2.90 Sq. Yd.
2.90 Sq. Yd. Herculon 3.90 Sd. Yd. 501 Heavy Tweeds 3.9? Sq.
Yd. Low Nylon 3.49 sq. nVFP ROl LS IN STOCK .3.49 1117 E. Van Buren 252-94H RCA Whirlpool, 16 cu. ft.
complet-ly no frost refrigerator-freezer comb. Reg. $439.95. Special $198 or $10.75 mo. Dealer 805 S.
Central till 8 p.m, Al Epps, 20th St. 8. McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. 8 Ind. Sch.
$188,000 Stock Must Be Sold Box Springs Mattress Heavy Duty, Full or Twin Slz $29.95 Per Set LEADERS FURNITURE 1205 E. Van Buren OPEN 9-9 1 TO 5 SUNDAY PHONE 254-0733 Al Epps, 20th St. McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. 8. Ind.
Sch. AIIWashersTpday 30, 50 Off. MODEL APTS. FURN. Model Home returns, houseful Includes 2-pc.
living rm. Nylon comb. 3 tables, 2 lamps, 3 pillows, triple dresser, bookcase, beds, huge chest, Innersorlna mattress box sprinq. 2 dresser lamps, pillows, 2nd bed room, dbl. dr.
mirror, innerspring and box spring, famous dinette, formica table i rubber oatio chair. Originally sold to builder $1,368.00. Now only $489.35. No money down, $4.39 wk. 1st payment December.
9-9, Sat. Since 1928 Sunday 12 to 5 Al tpps, zutn St. Mcuoweu Al Epps, 15th Ave. Ind. Sch.
88,000 Iventory Slashed MINISTER transferred to East. must sell houseful of furniture. Sacri- tice. 25J-W5I. Al Epps, 20th St.
McDowell Al Fnn. 11th A UP. Inri. Sch. New K.Arm Sofas were $149 now $88 LEAVING dfv.
Very eegant fur niture and accessories. Will sacri fice. .279:7209. NEW carpet cost 10 pad new and used. Installation $1 yard.
253-1030. Al Epps, 20th St. 6. McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. Ind.
Sch. 1968 Color TV $288 -trade Smoke Water Damaged FURNITURE SALE We lust bought an entire warehouse of smoke water damaged furniture, mattresses appliances and you can buy this stock for nearly nothing. 4 pc sectionals only TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS Per PC. 2 pc living rooms lust TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS J. FIFTY CENTS per pc.
Bedrooms completa with bedding only THIRTY NINE DOLLARS. Dinettes iust EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Gas ranges only TWENTY DOLLARS. Refrigerators. THIR TY DOLLARS.
Automatic washers, TWENTY NINE DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS. TV sets, THIRTY FIVB dollars. $75 chairs reciiners, only THIRTY TWO DOLLARS. One to customer or ueaier. dib eiw lamps only TWO DOLLARS NINETY FIVE CENTS.
3 room outfits, reg. cost $500 includes living rm. bedrm dinette yours for lust ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN DOLLARS. $1000 Highline deluxe houseful Includes living rm, 2 hprirms. dinlna rm.
lamps, tables. CflaV mairs oil OMMiiantw, DOLLARS. No money down. Instant credit to most everyone. No payments until Nov.
20th St. 8, McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. Ind. Sch. Dishwasher was $188, Today $124 DISHWASHER, Hotpoinfi Kitchen Aid.
GE. Westlnghous, Kenmore, most any make in pert. cond. I under warr. Tak only $79 or $8 mo.
Dealer, 805 S. Central, till 8 p.m. AL Epps, 20th St. McDowell Al Epps, 15th Ave. 8, Ind.
Sch. 30 50 Off on Display Fumltur FACTORY SURPLUS BEDROOM SET (COMPLETE) $69.95 BLONDE OR WALNUT-LEADERS FURNITURE 1205 E. VAN BUREN OPEN 9-9 1 TO 5 SUNDAY PHONE 254-0733 Unpainted Furniture SAVE on Chests, Desks, Bookcases, Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Stools Headboards, Vanities, Cabinets, etc, WILLS NATURAL FURNITURE 1513 E. Thomas 26M151 MAYTAG wrinaer washer. heavy OUtv.
48 or .50 WK Guar. Deal- er, 805. S. Central, tll8 p.rjL ONE Or ARIZONA'S LARGEST JSSSSSSSJ OVER 40 YEARS IN PHOENIX ssss tl sssss sssssss FURNITURE 3333 S. CENTRAL GOLD contemporary couch and ottoman.
Very good condition. 946-6921. $35 TAN ATT wnftl rarnpf ll'2Xl5'4, plus large remnants. Good condition. Just cleaned.
278-0489 3 Rooms of Furniture $99 yeaier 960 Evan puren pajiy til 8 ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS Hollywood head boards $1.00 t-oam sectionals Dinnette set Guaranteed Refrigerator Complete Bedroom Sets 96" Couch $21.95 823.95 126.95 Hollywood beds, complete. rooms of furnitura $99.00 NO CREDIT PROBLEMS HERE CLUNUMT rUKNITURE 960 E. Van Burpn. Oppn Til MODEL APTS. FURN.
MEDITFRRANFAN Snankh Model Home returns, includes a DeautifUl wood Arm Spanish sofa, 2 decorator End Tables. Cofffee table, two 46-ln. alau base lamna 1 rue torn, occasional chair. Bedroom In cludes triple dresser, 72-ln. with vertical mi rmr nprl.
maHrapa anal hv springs, e-pc. decorator dinette 36x48 x60. Save up to 70 per cent. Sold Slr640.3B. Now only $595.50.
No down payment. Pav- mets as low as $4 45 per weak. 11 payment In December. FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN "MEVERY0i5rE W5T FRED STEIN FURN. Wt Mon.
thru Thurs! 9-9. Sat. MODEL HOME FURNITURE NEVER USED Stanley Walnut dimnq room, with buffet 5 chairs, $395. Lane Walnut co*cktail table, extra larqe $88. 4 piece dinette formica too.
$58 2-33 gold bed-spreads $55.90. 2 sofa pillows $2.98 each. Plus several arrangements low prices. yards of good wool car-wting $1.00 yard. Call 265-7390.
AManSeott Aots. 5150 N. 20th St. BEDROOM set, French provincial 8rtbl TV) Fl FrTBTr alnua, too; new gold triple twist carpaf nylon sheer window eur- ains. za-ooyi.
air conditioner, new. Emerson or Gibson special $98 or $2 weekly. Dealer, 805 S. Central, fill p.m: two oeoroom. Nasnua, wxw, one bedroom.
Baraalm. SOI North 7th streeT. ira er sa u. 1 ISH Rembrandt 3 hed- $470 down, per month. MIDWAY'S BIG DISCOUNT LOT, 4uj e.
van Buren. zj-uaj. SPECIAL 60x12' Two TIAr rkl.l tnrntthrt th one It brand new, and we will deliver It set up for the unheard of price of only $5760. RANCH TRAILER sales, 3924 van Buren, Phoenix, 275-6286, Phoenician 55x12. 2 bedroom.
front kitchen, carpet, arcadia door, overhead duct cooling, vinyl asbestas tile, Completely furnished. The Phoenician has been proven to be one of the best Mobile Homes on sale In this area. We have a special sale price of only $4695 this week. You oav $350 cash down and payments of only $84 per month for this lovely quality Mobile Home. We have 50 other mobile homes to show you.
Con solidated Mobile Homes, ibw t. van auren, hz-bij, 1964 MOBILE home 10x55' one bed room. Room refrigeration unit and circulating cooler. Call at office 1119 rJgrth 46th Street, 1959, 8x36 Hicki trailer with awn- ing ana storage sneo. New coucn refrigerator, furnace and cooler Ex, ceiienr conoirion.
rar-eait, AU0 TO 35' Travel Trlr American 4181 E. Van Buren 275-1514 170, vi wife, ivuiMieieiv rur- shed, delivered, set uo free in Ari zona. $6875. Midway Mobile Home 477tyan auren, 273-om 1968 RAMADA 60x127 2" bedroom Front kitchen, beautifully furnished. $5595.
$350 down delivers. As little as $83 per month. Choice of more tnan 60 other 8, 10 and 12 wides to choose from, and more comina in every day. Sarwark Mobile Home superman, loio t. van Buren, AL 8-6071.
AS LOW AS $795 SEASON CLOSEOUT NOMAD TEAR DROP PROWLER it irmu it mew UK USED '67 BEECHWOOD MOTOR HOMB REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Barger Trailer Sales Inc. 9317 Grand Ave. 934-0782 '66 NEW Moon 10x51. 1 hrirm center kitchen. Immaculate condition, must be teen to aporeeliits $150 dn $70 month.
4211 W. Roose- VBIT, UOt M. BOA kin hmi, 14 4 onnnu lien iroo. it muc, I bedroom positively beautiful. Only one left In stock.
Better hurrv nn this one. $3788 completely furnished. $250 oown delivers, $65 per monm. consolidated Mobile Homes. The Mobile Home Supermarket of E.
Van Buren. 1800 E. Van Buren. Choice of more than 60, 8, 10 and 12 wides to cnooseTrom. iXt-biM.
KFNSklTL ft, KAROTfS'EFl Twin Knolls Trl Sales Mesa 985-2469! Trailer wTth overhanq. Fully self contained and completely furnished, in real good condition, at a special sale price of sijub. sman oown, win finance balance. Consolidated Mobile Homes, inuu c. van buren, zsz-eiag.
I PAE nPTlhM 1. i. or 3 BR IV to 60'x12' new tot up Si delivered. Hawaiian Village 4125 E. Van Buren 1040.1 DCrtDftnAA delivered free anywhere In Arizona.
$4444. Midway Mobile Homes. 4777 is. van Buren z05itt 10'x55' Nashua Expando LIKE NEW PAY BALANCE AT $75 MONTH No Down Payment To Property Owner Ask for Universal. Loan Co.
trailer storea ar sun trailer sales 3000 5, VAN BUR FALCON .1 twrlrMim. rnr kitchen, beautifully furnished living room, large master bedroom. $2788 full price, $250 down delivers, $65 per montn. sarwarx iraner sales, the home of the most liberal financing In Phoenix. AL 8-6071.
1610 E. Van Buren. Choice of more than 60 new and used mobile homes to cnoose trom, BRAND new '68 Beverlv Villa 60x12, 2 bedroom, circular kitchen, beautifully colored appliances, $5995, $450 down delivers, $88 per month. Choice of more than 60 other 8, 10 and 12 wides to choose trom. sar wark Trailer Sales, 1610 E.
Van Buren, AL 8-6071. Better hurry on tnis one as it sureiy won't last long. 50' Long, Front Rear Bdrm. S29V5 Western Coach 3001 E. Van Buren LONGVARK It's Better to Buy A LONGAAARK Than To Wish You Had 3939 E.
VAN BUREN 5095 W. CAMELBACK 2750 E. MAIN, MESA Phone: 273-1633 Open Daily 8 am to 9 pm DEL ORO MANUFACTURED BY ELKHART OF PHOENIX FAIRVIEW BY KIT OF CALIFORNIA 30 Yrs. Manufacturing Exp. ALKEN 3035 E.
Van Buren NEW MOBILE HOMES COMING OFF ASSEMBLY LINE DAILY Sea your mobllehome being built We conduct tours dairy upen mon ynry sat. Call 967-7870 for Eve app't. SPORTCRAFT MOBILEHOME MfO, rcKKT LANc, -TfcMPt 1967 REMBRANDT IV Wldo. FTnfTt rear Bedroom, $395 down, per montn, Delivered anvwnere Arizona. MIDWAY'S BIG DISCOUNT LOT, 4037 t.
Van Buren, 273-0673 1961 CHICKASHA 10x55 Awning, storage room. 943-1990. 10x42 TWO hprirnnm. Exreltant Convenient toASU 967-5443. 60x12 REMBRANDT.
completely turnisneo inciuoing large cooler Front kitchen, arge master bed room, carpet in living room. S4568 full price. $350 down delivers. $74; per month. This is only one of the many outstanoina ouys on our large Jot at 1610 E.
Van Buren. Sarwark iraiier sales, alb-40i COMPLETELY fnrnUhwt mnhlle nome iik new. oown. Present ly $99.50 month. Assume balance.
Prescott. Arizona Phone Mae 273-1WJ TWO bedroom. S437 WestCleim unve. wo. u-n.
MUST sacrifice, leaving town, best otter, trailer and canana. iM-tstj WHEN IN DOUBT Always Try Esta Villa Mobile Homes Featuring Shatt. Plrehall Kit 2453 E. MAIN, Mesa 969-3125 12' Wide 1 BEDROOM S7VS Western Coach 3001 E. Van Buren 45x8 BUDDY.
2 bedroom. This weex oniy ji4a run price. $150 down delivers, $15 a week. Choice of more than 60 other 8, 10, and 12 wides to cnoose from, sarwarks Trailer Sales. The Mobile Home Supermart of E.
van Buren. leig e. van AL 8-6071. I 9elli. Salts I fcU-miavi A Service Aluminum Storaae Rooms Reg.
$79-4x6x6 now $44 assembled Keg iuy exoxo now 4 an sizes. Patio Awnings 8x20 $99 PArTADV 1114 Aranri Aue 252-474S Open Sun. SALE REYNOLDS ALUMINUM STORAGE ROOMS LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SEfc AT WAREHOUSE AWNING SALE ALSO OPEN SUN. 2020 w. Mcdowell rd.
1962 Alrstream Internet Innffl lenrf Tacm, ci excellent completely selfontalned, 22', conaition, wm sacrifice, $2,585. 941-2955. SEARS i Wheel Flathed Cnnctrnr. tion iraiier, I4S. y4-IB49.
ONE ton chain hoist, rirefect rnn. anion. i3ayu. TRAILER House 8x40354TUr ALUMINUM and CANVAS AWN. INGS.
Free estimate Wiknn't iiun. Ing Company. 2250 West Sierra. 944-1375. HARDTOP tent camoiia trailer opens-17' Sleeps 7-ice bc, s'ove, sink.
Used 5 months. $850-6631 East Cheery Lynn Dr. Apt C. ALL steel utility frailer. $65.
LUXURY in travnl or (ie'ld nHIre" 1967 Concord Traveler. 35' full self contained. $100 or what vou have tor my st4oo equity. Refinance my JJ400 paiance. 24-5854.
15' TRAILER, 1966, $1100 or trade tor oioer trailer ano casn. ym)765, ELECTRIC BRAKES H4l3Eashingipjt27W774 useu trai er windows. dooK. hii. fane lights and bottles, toilets, refrigerators gas and electric, and miscellaneous other used and new larts.
Kraft Trailer Repair, 4006 ven puren. CAMPER, traiferwlndows. cm tin enclosures locally manufactured. Telephone estimates. Aluminaire- Standard Cast.
171 fit. Washlnntnn. 275-8551. I Both $90. Avocado deluxeiTWO HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT automatic washer-electric dryer (2, units) $60-565.
Both $110. washer-dryer combination (one unit) $75. Coppertone electric apartment stoe $29. Above items look new. Private party.
765-1645. 142-Household Furnlshlntf For Sale sssss JSSSS sssss ANNIVERSARY sssssss JSSSSSS sssss I sssssss sssssss OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. $138,000 INVENTORY HAS BEEN REDUCED 50 Living Room Furniture Bedroom Furniture Refrigerators Washers Dinettes Color TV's BlackWhite IMPORTANT CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY Studio Sofas $35 Box Matt $2,5 25" Color TV's Were $595 Now $395 21" Color TV't $297 BlackWhite Portables $69 With Trade. NOTICE Unclaims Layaways -Special Orders Cancelled.
Furniture With Slight Damage Will Be Sold Below COST SPECIAL CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED FOR THIS DISPOSAL SALE AL EPPS 20th St. McDowell 15th Ave. Ind. Sch. Rd.
Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frwzerj MCFARLAND CARPETS Terms. 1542 E. Thomas. 279-18011508 N. 24th St.