The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

ALL EDITIONS The Arizona Republic 2. Funeral ducted by Rev. Dennis Ramsey, 1:30 p.m. today. Chapel in the Garden, Mercer Mortuary.

Entombment Greenwood. JONES. Albert, father of A Alfred, Danny, Wilbert, Jessie-Mae Viola Jones. Son of Mrs. Julia Woods, brother of Jeff, Oliver Woods, Arlie-Mae Thompson, Rebecca Washington, Willie-Mae Smith Ethel Jacob.

Services Wed. 2 p.m. Webber Sons Chapel, Rev. Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1967 HUSSEY, Art.

Services will be con- 24 hrs. 1967 Capacity, acre feet, Available storage, acre-feet, 229,000 24-hr. discharge, acre feet, 800 Reservoir loss, acre-feet. 775 Irrigation Republic and Gazette Phone 271-8000 Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. 120 E.

Van Buren St. Phoenix, Arizona Mail Address: P.O. Box 1950 Circulation Service 271-8381 Branch Offices and Representatives Service- Phone Alo 387-7845 Apache Junction 964-5649 Avondale 935-9521 Bisbee 432-5154 Buckeye 935-9521 Casa Grande 836-5723 Chandler 964-5649 Clifton 864-4255 Coolidge 723-3822 Cottonwood 634-5701 Flagstaff 774-7472 Gilbert 964-5647 Globe 425-2002 Goodyear 935-9521 Kingman 753-5694 Luke Field 271-8381 Mesa 58 W. Main St. 964-5649 Miami 473-3261 Nogales 287-2910 Page 645-2654 Prescott 445-4181 Safford 428-0450 San Manuel 385-4471 Superior 689-2971 Sierra Vista 458-2652 Tucson 624-5177 Wickenburg 684 5516 Williams 635-1276 Williams Field 964-5649 Winslow 289-3298 Yuma 782-2323 Republic (Morn.

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Contract rates available upon appilcation. Phone 271-8766. OUT OF STATE RATES Copy received from outside the charged at $1.00 per line per day. boundaries of the State of Arizona Minimum Charge $2.00 A service charge of $1.00 per week additional for use of Republic Gazette "Blind Box" address. DEADLINES Ads received before 5 p.m.

weekdays and before 1 p.m. Saturdays for Sunday will be properly classlfied. Ads received after these hours may appear under "Too Late to Classify" the next day; thereafter under the proper classification. Check your ad the first day It a appears. In will event not of error, the newspapers assume responsibility for more than one incorrect Insertion.

The Phoenix Newspapers reserves the right to edit, properly classify or reject advertising copy. PHONE 271-8711 1-Meeting Notices Arizona Lodge No. 2, 24th Ave. Monroe. First DeAgree Past Masters Night 7:15 p.m.

visiting Masons welcome. Refreshments. Daniel R. Mace. W.M.

ORIENTAL Lodge N.O. 20 8 A.M., 25 South Center Street, Mesa. Third Degree 7:30 p.m. Visiting Masons welcome. Floyd E.

Bailey, W.M. 2-Funerar Announcements ADDINGTON, Delmar R. Friends may call to 9 p.m. this evening; Services 2 p.m. Wednesday, Paradise Chapel and Funeral Home Home, Interment Double Butte.

Raiph L. Sage, Director. BARNETT, Paul L. 4326 N. 25th St.

Famer of Mrs. Carl (Sally) Grimes, Phoenix, William Hemet, and Winfield Anaheim, Charles H. and Jack Barnett, botn of Phoenix. 7 grandchilaren and 8 great-grandchildren surviving. Brother of Mattie Stackhouse, Birmingham, Alabama, David of Burbank, Calif and Roy C.

of Los Angeles. Services 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Arizona Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. George McKinley officiating.

Interment in Resthaven Memorial. Henry T. Forman, direcior. Visitation 4 to 8 p.m. today BONNER, Albert D.

Services ducted by Dr. Edwin Reeves 11 AM Wed. in Memory Chapel, A. L. Moore Sons.

Entombment Green wood Mausoleum. Friends may call today. CARTER, Charles T. Survived by son, James Phoenix; 7 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren. Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m.

this evening; Services 10 a.m. Wednesday, Paradise Chapel and Funeral Home. Interment Green Acres. Ralph L. Sage, Director.

CASTILLO, Rita M. 6805 N. 56th Survived by daughters, Helen Ortiz: Margaret Hernandez: Ramona Capuchino, all of Glendale; Catalina Rodriquez, Tucson: sons, Perfiro. San Jose, Willie, Tacoma, Rosalio, Oakland, 46 grandchildren. 24 greatgrandchildren; 3 sisters 2 brothers out of state.

Rosary today 8 p.m., Lundberg Chapel of The Crimes. Mass Wednesday 9 a.m Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church. Interment Glendale Memorial Park. CHILDRESS, Arthur Mesa. Beloved husband of Pearl passed Monday afternoon.

ments. pending Gibbons Garden Chapel, 33 N. Sirrine, Mesa. CREECH, Theda Pearl. 2005 W.

Pima Mother of Judith Ann Benny of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Nancy M. Crocker, Barbara Breahears, Wanda, James and Michael, al' of Phoenix. Sister of Kenneth Fetterling, Portland, Oregon, and Mildred Clovis, Madora: Kansas. Services 10 a.m. Thursday in the Arizona Funeral Home Chapel.

terment Double Butte Cemetery. Heerv T. Forman director. tion 4 to 8 p.m., Wednesday. ET Linda Lee.

Arrange. monts pending, Larry J. Melcher Mortuary, FORTE. Katherine L. 425 E.

McKelPd. Mesa. Passed away Mordav. Funeral services and interment at Libertyville, lilin is. Friends may call at the Meldrum wary, 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m.

todav. Gore. Clara Frances. Survived by tohn Goss, Phoenix. One daughter.

Patricia Munguia, 3 grandchildren Rosarv 7:30 0.m, Tuesday, Messinger's Chapel. Mase Requiem 9 a.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Interment st Mary's Cemetery. Beaver Falls, Da. JACO.

Rev. Ira. Ansel Services Gunter 2PM conducted by today Memory Chapel. A. L.

Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. JOHNSON, Paul J. Services 2 p.m. today Grimshaw's Bethanv Chapel, 7th Ave.

W. Bethany Home Rd. Interment Memory Lawn Cemetery, 5-Funeral Directors A. L. MOORE SONS Services Today WILLIS, Francis JACO, Ira PETERSON, Ralph 1st Chris tian Church WOLFE, Rita Rosary Adams At Fourth Avenue 6-Florists DONOFRIO FLORAL CO.

Finest Flowers Since 1905 254-6761 Flowers express your thoughts in a manner that always pleases. SEE YOUR NEAREST MEMBER Allied Florist's Assoc. Lots and 7-Cemetery Services Deer Valley Memorial Gardens Non-sectarian Endowment Care TWO spaces, reasonable price, Memory Lawn Memorial Park. 278-0514. LOT in Memory Lawn.

Sacrifice $125: 939-7736 after 6 p.m. 10-Lost FOX terrier, small male. 32nd Avenue-Palm Lane Reward. 272-3756. $50 REWARD Very black, big tan German collar, tag.

Shepherd, Answers tan "Mike" 947-4526. SMALL black female cat. White feet. 33rd Way. 937-6892.

ALL gray male cat. Northern Ave. Butler Dr-16th and 18th St. Reward. 944-0668.

head. TERRIER, "Pepper." male, Reward. diamond on 945-2158. fore GOLD broach, small diamonds shape of leaf. Lost Sept.

15th. Goldwater's or vicinity or Compton's car wash. Sentimental value. Reward 277-8649. PINSCHER, Miniature red male.

$100 reward. Call 943-9738. TERRIER "Mitzie." small black. tan, white. Vicinity Thomas Mall Shopping Center.

943-9730. Reward. WALLET. Contained important A papers. 2900 block-29th Place.

CR 9-3806, 956-3851. GERMAN Shepherd female. Vicinity 43rd Avenue-Baseline. 9-13-67. Reward $25.

268-0110. ONE year old male bluepoint Siamese cat. Answers to Vicinity 7th Street and McDowell. Reward. 253-8881.

SMALL. dog. Part Chihuahua and part Terrier. Tan. No license.

Vicinity Encanto Blvd, 253-7310. A. Found POODLE, miniature. 272-2496. 13-Auctions SCOTTSALE AUCTION.

WH 5-0741. Phoenix Auction Center AUCTION THURS 7 P.M. Buy for cash or consign 2633 Ind. Sch. Rd.

274-8241 SOUTH CENTER AUCTION 969-4293 WARE'S AUCTION 4025 N. 38TH AVENUE 2 SALES EVERY WEEK MON FRI 7 P.M. We buy outright or sell on commission. 272-5918, 278-0489 Al Downard Sale Yard Big Auction Every Sat. 3000 S.

Cent STALCUP AUCTION 5144 W. GLENDALE Every Tues. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. We buy outright or sell on commission.

934-5392. DEAN'S AUCTION 9 A.M. 7 P.M. THURSDAY 2946 E. Mcdowell 275-5831 AAA AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY, 7 P.M.

We buy outright or, sell on consignment for quick cash. 5102 N. 27th Avenue Call 277-3812 AUCTION CITY We Buy or Sell For You 1708 E. MOHAVE "BOOTS" A-1 AUCTION 2949 W. McDowell 278-7068 TUESDAY 7 P.M.

We will have another big sale this Tues. night with same very nice furniture appliances. For instance: A nice late model 2 dr. refrig. (only 5 mo.

old), nice auto. washer out of ple the same bedrm house, beautiful 4 liv. pc. maset, a real nice room set, all the lamps, beautiful TV, the people are moving back east have consigned all this furniture to me. Also for the sale we have a nice selection of bedrm sets, liv.

room sets, TVs, stoves, auto. washers lots of other things too numerous to mention. Don't forget this TUESDAY 7 P.M. 2949 W. McDowell "BOOTS" BLANTON-AUCTIONEER AUCTION AUCTION 4001 NORTH 7TH ST.

WED 9 A.M. 7 P.M. NIGHT SALE 7 P.M. Big selection of fine furn ances. This will be a partial listing.

cabinets. Acrosonic spinet piano, several china Bdrm suites. 5 piece Span king size with king size box mattress. White gold Provincial. 4 piece maple.

Walnut. Several others to choose from. Dining room suites. New used liv rm sets. Platform rockers.

Occasional chairs. Chrome wood dinettes, chests, dressers, vanities. Some antiques. Cabinets. Rugs.

Sweepers. TV's. Lamps. Hun100. dreds hundreds of small pieces Late model refrs.

Apt. size ranges. Automatic wringer washers, chest type freezers. DAY SALE 9 A.M. Usual run of medium grade furn appl.

OPEN THIS EVENING TO INSPECT TILL 8:30 CONSIGNMENTS CLOSE 6:30 JOHN BRUNK SONS, Inc AUCTIONEERS 264-3204 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale BEAT THE DRUMS all you want in the bonus rm or 4th Br of this custom, Ear Am refrig home. Beautiful pool, double garage, spacious fenced yard, cov patio, best N. Central area. Low 30's xint terms. DON HEIPLE ASSOC.

4821 M. Central 264-4841 ON mountain side; Clean 3 bedroom home, School bus half block, 3BR refrigerated, family rm. Horse West Hadley a 254-7265 or 254-2281. small down, $75 per Mo. Broker 2001 privileges.

Eves 969-2016 DON DAILEY REALTY 947-4209 FURNISHED 3 BR. 2 ba. being sold out DESERT of estate. $400 down. GOLD REALTY 4124 W.

Indian School 272-7977 BIG 3 BDRM. 2 RENTALS R-4 close to Good Sam $21,500, owner will carry, hurry! Don Birney Rity, 279-3581 944-2417 GET? Large FAMILY ON A LOW BUDWe have a four bedroom with built yard in with Range lots and Oven. Fenced of shade. Walk to schools, shopping. and public transBuren.

portation. $300 Near 35th Avenue Van DOWN, Monthly, includes taxes and insurance. PROPERTIES. 4002 West Van Buren. 278-8362.

ARE YOU READY? Unheard of fabulous deal in Grovemont! Imagine Willis built 3 BRm, 2 bath, family rm. home complete with swimming pool fireplace for only $26,900. The hardboiled FHA appraisers say its worth $27.950. Better have a look at this one today, it won't last. Eves.

call Lee Mr. Marshall. 277-9195 TONKA VISTA 0 o-0-h what beautiful house with stone facing, located in N.E. Phoenix in. Madison No.

Camelback High district. Swimming pool? Of course! Fabulous family rm Three huge BRms, baths, well proportioned living dining areas. All elect. kit. including double oven.

Owners are really hurtin'. A real buy at owners price of but after you see it and if you don't think it's worth the money just let us have your offer. This is one where we might do some real negiotating. Eves. Call Chris P.

Hopkins, 275-5378. RUSS LYON REALTY CO. 279-4001 5133 N. CENTRAL AVE. OFFICE OPEN TILL 8 P.M.

TOP PHOENIX ESTATE Home guest house on 16 acres. Superb views. Total of 4 bdrms. 412 baths, 3 fireplaces, swim pool. This one-of-a-kind estate must be sold promptly, so don't miss it! TOM JACKSON ASSOC.

Real Estate Investments 7000 E. Camelback 946-5324 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale NO Qualifying! down! Lovely Many locations! Quick possession! "Broker, 254-6241 THE BEST $40,000 HOME ON THE MARKET TODAYI 326 W. LAMAR You compare ludge 34, maids, absolutely perfect. Builder Owner-Agent. 943.7208.

Eves, 266-7350. BY OWNER, Tempe Townhouse, near ASU, 265-8185. HOUSES FOR ARE YOU Personal service Is our specialty, US TODAY! 4521 ROBERTA'S REAL ESTATE Sch, Rd. 272-2688 LARGE NO home. Finest Park Central corner.

464 West Flower. baths, ST. FRANCIS Fireplace. AREA, 3 2 Refrig'd. Tile roof.

Dbl. garage. $1000 no qualifyina. Will trade. 264-4426 JACK V.

LEE REALTY. Eves. 274-0847 APOLLO FOR GOOD HOME BUYS REALTY 279-8844 SHEA SPECIALS FHA acquired. Huge 3. Br, 3 ba, very nice area.

Only $600 dn. Closing costs paid by FHA. 3 large Br 2 ba. Jefferies Built. Assume prox.

mortgage. Excellent buy at SHEA REALTY, 944-9661 GOOD CREDIT? MOVE IN 3 bedrooms, family room, like new carpeting, covered patio, large fenced yard. $130 monthly payment. KNIGHTS RLTY, 944-9679 3 Bdrm central location $12,500 C. B.

REALTY 274-6610 LOCATION LOCATION view golf course. Refrigerated 3. BR, bonus rm. behind dbl. carport, center entry, rear liv.

cov. patio, la. irrig. cor. lot.

Quick possession. ASSOC. 277-7644 -SOMETHING OF VALUEHomes with to the split bdrm. plan hard come by. Located at 4 341 E.

Wagon Wheel Dr. is our finest bdrm. with spacious living room and exceptionally Ige fam. rm 3 baths PLUS POOL. Horne is immaculate and is situated on a quiet cul-de-sac street.

Built by Del Trailor. Priced realistically at $42,9000. ED PIERCE REALTY 5252 N. Central 264-7095 NR. 19th Ave.

Camelback, real nice BR, nice shade, drps, carport. Only $9,000. ARISTATE REALTY 264-1828 $500 UNDER APPRAISAL 3 $14,000 Br, total for this newly, decorated 2 bath, fenced Walk to Desert View Most Holy Trinity. $450 down. HOWARD REALTY 944-2688 3 BR CATHEDRAL CEILING Low down, $132 mo.

2 ba. elect. bit-ins. carpet, fence. Ready to move in.

Call now Plaza Realty 4766 N. Central 264-6731 DOLL HOUSE 3500 cash buys one BR, comp. turn. lot, fenced yard. WESTWARD REALTY 278-7613 P.

W. WOMACK 6 NEW FLOOR PLANS MELROSE GARDENS NW 35th Ave. Peoria Ave. Phoenix 3 4 Bedroom (Ranch Spanish Architecture) From $16,790 to $19,890 PHONE 938-1280 Open Daily 10-9; Sun. 11-9 Desert Rats! Lookee! Frankly 1.

COURT ORDERS "Give-away" is more like it! Rigt nice fenced 8. yr old 3 Br big sep fam rm, vanity, cov patio, etc. Unbelievable, but first $6000, $600 dn $60 mo. gets 2. REF.

2 BR CUTIE PIE Carpeted. Arcadia doors 10 patio porch with gorgeous view. $9500 on very easy terms. 3. PALMS" A JOY TO BEHOLD 2 ba furnished 2 modernistic Br 3 duplex Br, Is this beautifully on Inland 70 lot.

Try dn. 937-3517: Western 264-6231; After 5:30 WI 3-1378: 266-0587 Vacant-Urgent Cortez Hi, Refrig'd 4 Bdrm On a pretty corner. Big, bia family room, 2 baths, 2 car Block wall. Carpeted draped, garage. $16,900.

Low down. Surrarrer-Burk, Realtors 277-5757 400 W. Camelback Call 24 M. hours daily 264-2284 LESLIE HANSEN REALTY REALTOR WANT A BIG LOT? 3 Bdrm, 3 blocks from on yard. a 17 cul-de-sac.

Shade Redwood fenced grade school bac ing paid trees. Sewer for. Look to appreciate. Down. $10,750 Total.

943-7275 co*ckRILL REALTY 8839 N. 7th Street To West Side Employees desiring work short trips between home REFRIGERATED who want a lovely should 3 barm home, call us. We have one with oodles builtins, of covd good features, like walls, enclosed patio, furred out painted. Seller will Day closing newly garage, costs at FHA appraisal. HEAVEN STILL PROTECT THE WORKING MAN 3 Bdrm, bath, intercom.

House newly painted in out. Fenced yard. Only Walk to schools shopping. $108 per mo. cheaper than rent.

Don't miss this--call today. NOBLE LEE REALTY 274-3696 5800 NORTH 19TH A AVE. Member Multiple Listing Service Country Club Living Or. a magnificent acre of grounds on DISTINGUISHED WILDER ROAD a truly great large family home in which to live and entertain graciously. Ranch contemporary styling carried out in soft grey with dusty pink accents and shake roof.

5 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS AND 39 FAMILY ROOM with wet bar, facing the SWIMMING and outdoor living area. The home shows to perfection, and has every custom appt. and refinement and PRICE HAS BEEN DRASTICALLY REDUCED 10 "lowest-sixties." ED POST REALTY 277-1444 5060 N. CENTRAL REALTOR OFFICE OPEN 'TIL 8:30 P.M. TERMS LIKE THESE CAN'T BE On the South slope of Camelback Mt.

among homes costing up to $100,000 this custom-built 5 3 bath home can be yours for just $59,500 with as little as 000 down. 3550 sq. ft. livable siump. bik tile roof-2 fireplaces -20 x40 fenced acre plus beautifully landscaped grounds Hopi School Arcadia High -St.

Theresa. CLEMENTS REALTY 279-2337 5029 N. 7th Ave. call 24 hours daily for apt. or Trailers, near Phoenix 253-3457.

Motorola. 1248 40th Street. 2, 3 4 Bedroom Homes For Sale From $12,100. REFRIG 2BR RED BRICK BILL BADGLEY RLTY 279-9280 OWNER MUST SELL SOON Appraised $24,500 will take $22.000 Privacy citrus galore. Fireplace.

dbl garage, dishwasher over 2000 5a. ft. liv area. Call Broker 253-7981. Eve 273-1919.

DEER VALLEY Hallcraft Executive model. 3. BR, fam rm. Refrig'd, plus all built-ins. thruout.

Luxuriously Patio, carpeted draped auto. sprinkler sys. Close to GE Sperry. Only 15 min. to downtown.

Priced to sell. Eves. call 266-9748. HALLCRAFT REALTY 3517 W. Bethany Home Rd CAN'T DO JUSTICE To this charmer with mere wordsSo we'll just have to state the facts, ma'am: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new carpeting draperies thruout.

Big patio with cheerful planters, kitchen. Huge cov'd flowers galore. Spic span as a model home lust $14,000 with FHA financing. BRODERSEN REALTY 4516 N. 16th Multiple 279-2355 Member Listing Service IT'S LOADED! Yup! This lovely 2 ba Hallcraft FHA has extras galore! Nice arca.

$11,500 $350 total dn. VA no dn. $105 mo. J-Z Realty, 264-0251 Eve 274-7720. NICE 2 bedroom Ba block on large lot zoned Industrial $8590.

Ask Mr. Newhall, agent, 939-9709, AM 6-8870 nites. 5 HOUSES to Homes 120-Phoenix For Sale CLOSE IN Most convenient N.E, home area, we offer one of the most appealing homes In the neighborhood. Roomy 2 BR with tiled bath and kitchen, central heat and 2- speed cooling. Fenced and well shrubbed lot.

Perfect for retired couple or new family becoming established. Very low teens and FHA financing available. Open 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. GARDEN VIEW MANOR 5542 N.

10TH ST. GOOD POTENTIAL very best location near shopsn offices, transportation and the works. We offer here an attractive duplex, 2 BR one and 1 BR on other side. Refirg. erated.

Carpeted and draped. Both system units well furnished. Sprinkler front and rear lawn. This owner realistic with midteen price and FHA terms if desired. DANA NICHOLS REALTY 1100 E.

Missouri 277-1471 TENDER LOVING will put this 3 bdrm home CARET condition. Under Cov. patio, fenced $10,000. 655 W. FIRST Indian PHOENIX REALTY, Sch.

264-0657 2609 W. MADISON Take ba, a nice big roomy carpeted 2, Br, add 3rd Br. bath good family room put a "givewe'll away" price of only $9000 on it, try $500 dn $95 mo. This can't last long. Inland Western 264-6231; After 5:30 WI 3-1378: 266-0587: 937-3517 "CASA MARBELA" MODEL HOME 4515 No.

35th Street (Enter off Campbell Ave.) OPEN DAILY Shake roofed 4 bedroom and family room home with sep. dining rm, "push button" kitchen; fireplace, cathedral beamed ceiling, covered patio and every most wanted feature, custom crafted by Traditional Development o. priced as low as $28,500 with 90 per cent financing available. Sales by ED POST REALTY, 277-1444. Del Webb Built Beauty Walk to Heard re grade.

St. Gregory from this REFRIG. ERATED 3 2 path spic n' span home. Family room and kitchen combination, cov. patio.

Fenced. At FHA appra sal. Adaptable Family Home Refrig'd 3 BR, 2 ba, 4th bdrm. for suitable use at family room or guest room, dal garage suit. able for work shop.

$16,500 price includes stove, refrig. washer. FHA terms. PAUL HUND REALTY 3509 N. 19th Ave.

277-5709 NO CLOSING COSTS Very clean 2 Br retirement home near in, lovely lg screened ent porch, lot, well landscaped. $7200 tot. 5,250 down payments. 31G BEAR REALTY 956-0350 $1000 buy this 3 bedroom Spanish style home, beamed ceilings, 2 cur garage, sitting well landscaped lot in one of Phoenix' finest areas. ARE YOU A discerning buyer? 3 king size bedrooms, kitchen built fo a chef.

For. dining room for the visiting VIPS, large -o'ner lot with grape arbor and covered patio. makes you smack your hos call US. JEFFRYES, REALTORS or 967 2025 FURN. OR UNFURN.

Large luxury type home plus all purpose room, 19x20. 3 baths. Very nice all tiled pool. 3 car carport. Mad.

No. Camelback High Schools, Listed at $45.000 $42,500 respectively. Deluxe regulation size POOL TABLE included in furnishings. Eves, call Vivian Froom 266-9350. WALT BROWN REALTY 955-4300 3240 E.

CAMELBACK P.D. down! Emerald Trust 277-4771. TOWNHOME FOR SALE Located In Dell Trailor's BEAUTIFUL BEEKMAN PLACE 26th STREET E. OSBORN ROAD This elegant townhome, Lot Plan C. Three Bedroom, bath, separate dining room, magnificent two story living room.

$42,900. CONTACT MR. ED GROSE SALES MANAGER Home 946-0810 Bus. 279-6206 Dell Trailor Construction Co. PHONE 279-6206 CENTRAL-Camelback, 2 and den or 3 bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace, formal dinina area, 2 car garage, mature trees-shrubs, $19,500.

Keith Thompson Realty. 265-2607, 274-2551. OWNER MUST SELL 3. Bedroom, 1 bath home. Equipped with range, carpeting, 2 speed coolina.

Mortgage payments $53.96. HOWDY REALTY 3525 N. 43rd Ave. 278-3551 PICK YOUR AREA FHA- VA reconditioned homes. Low down No closing No pymt 'til Nov.

1st 1967. Stop for free list. HAROLD HARRIS RLTY. 4515 W. Ind.

Sch Rd. 272-7905 Open Sunday- Dallv 9-8 MUST SELL CLOSING COSTS ONLY NO DOWN PAYMENT On Qualified Credit All Homes Reconditioned Like New! 1427 W. DESERT COVE-3 BR. 70 2010 DIAMOND BR. $120 3805 W.

CYPRESS-3 BR 85 1412 W. 7th BR- 5235 1ST AVE. 2 BR $80 3510 POLK-2 BR $90 2734 GLENROSA-2 BR 598 39 E. RIVERSIDE-2 BR. $70 MOVE IN NOW WE HAVE OTHERS TRADE IN YOUR HOMEI Office Open Eves to 8 p.m.


HEINEMANN REALTY AM 4-9088 Eves 266-3490 664 W. CAMELBACK RD. 4 BDRM $134 MO CUSTOM 2 FAMILY HOME Would you like to own a nice custom built duplex located near 7th St. Camelback? Each unit has 2 large bdrms, deluxe baths with vanities, nice living rms, beautiful kitchens. with attractive cabinets, ranch porch, old.

double carport. of Just 3 yrs Owner's out state and his loss is your galn. It can be yours for only $16,000 with good terms. Tony RIMSZA Realty 6517 N. 7th STREET 264-1881 $12,600 FURNISHED PAYMENTS $104 PER MO.

3 has Br, 2 bath, fam rm home. Kitchen garbage disposal. Citrus lot, close to GE Sperry. Call RAY, REALTY EXECUTIVES, 264-0605; eves. 942-3185.

BUDGET Rent free bedroom with 2 rentals! Only $150 Large home, excellent area built in range oven, disposer, fenced yard. Owner wants action. KNIGHTS RLTY, 944-9679 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale 800. OWNER. $650 One $47 bedroom month.

frame, $4. down. Four bedroom brick. 253-8192. LOW NO CLOSING BEDROOM HOMES DRIVE BY FOR HEINEMANN REALTY.

AM 4-9088 EVES. 664 W. CAMELBACK RD. SIX rooms $6,000, 1502 East Garfield. OPEN HOUSE SUN.

AT 1223 E. CHRISTY WHILE YOU'RE THERE ASK THESE EXCEPTIONAL BUYS A TOO CHARLIE TO TELL YOU ABOUT Ask Him. About These Specials Too 1240 E. Christy, 9402 N. 15th Street 116 E.

Wagon Wheel Drive 9419 N. 14th Street 9431 N. 14th Street 1327 w. Shangrila Rd. 3921 Culver 7210 W.

Cinnebar Ave. 3531 Vista 1527 W. Chipman Rd. For Rentals See Class 70 Office Phone 278-5511 Ext. 226 Eve.

Phone 939-2427 QUALITY HOMES SELECT AREAS HUGH WATSON REALTY. 264-5961 4. BR. 3 ba FR-4315 Sahuaro Dr. CUSTOM HOME OPEN DAILY $34,200.

KACHINA Const. Co. 943-9439 BEST HOME BUY HORSE PRIVILEGES Are you looking for an tional buy custom home, located in Madison Meadows Central Hi district? It has a large bdrms. 2 baths with vanities, center entry hall. Huge rear living rm with dining area.

Nice kitchen with loads of cabinets. 30' covered patio, shake roof. New refrigeration heating system. Professionally landscaped acre lot with mature shade trees. It's completely fenced with plenty of room for your horse, underground irrigation.

Now here is the best news yet-it can be yours for only 875 with FHA terms. Tony RIMSZA Realty 6517 N. 7th STREET 264-1881 ROYAL LANCER 2 Huge bedrooms, carpeted throughout. Silver ash paneling- dressing rm. Marble lav tops.

Huge buf. fet. This demonstrator will be SOLD THIS WEEK. Phoenix Trailer Sales 3500 E. Van Buren TWO 2-BDRMS ON 1 LOT R-5 zoning.

Live in one rent other both rented now. $10,200 or submit 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 254-3338 Drive "PRESTIGE!" Swimming pool. by 1005 West Amelia, $400 move in. FHA-VA. $139 monthly.

Then call RAYDELL REALTY, 944-3501. TWO Bedrooms. Two baths. Extras, $7000-Terms. 253-1385.


4 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS $470 DN. 35th AVE JUST N. OF NORTHERN 10 a.m. to9 p.m. Phone 939-2807 CUSTOM built.

Three bedroom. baths, dining room. Garage. Fence. Shade.

$13.800. Range, refrigerator. Carpetina. No down veterans. SEELY Realty, AL 3 BR PLUS OFFICE $200 DN.

To Vet. 2. ba. fenced, bit- in Walk to school shopping. No ina costs.

Plaza Realty 4766 N. Central 264-6731 LOVELY HOME WITH INCOME 2 Br brick 1 Br lovely rental. Flexible terms. $13,900 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 939-2476 $200 DOWN Immed. possession.

Redecorated 2 bdrm. Lae. storage rm. Lg lot. $8900 total.

Kachina Realty. 947-7205. Eves. 948-2474. MELROSE ESTATES Lge 3 bdrm, 2 fam rm or separate dining.

Carpeting, drapes, water softner, central vacuum tem. See Carl Mosier Bill Herman 264-3403 REALTORS MOSIER RLTY. 3600 N. 19th Ave. BARGAIN, 3 bdrm.

iewel, the price $11,750, anxious sellers, finance FHA or conventional. COLONIAL REALTY 258-3539 934-0926 3-BDRM FREEWAY PARK HOME 2-bath, carpet draperies chin Ik fence, cov patio. $13,500 $400 dn. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 944-3011 "FANCY closing. THAT!" No qualifying, no Right party.

"GIANT" four bedroom, West Flower. monthly. RAYDELL REALTY, 944-3501. ANGELUS This beautiful 10x55 front kitchen, expanded living room Angelus has natural hardwood ash paneling thruout, the finest of Spanish furnishinas. Color 501 DuPont nylon carpeting.

coordinated lined drapes. This mobile, home delivered ready to move into for only $8995. BANK TERMS TO 7 YRS. TRADES GLADLY ACCEPTED See this beautiful Angelus Demonstrator today as it will not last at this discount price! Phoenix Trailer Sales 4500 E. Van Buren $25 PER month.

Thret bedroom house, corner lot. Mortgage balance $2500. Make offer on $1500 equity. Will trade for house trailer or other valuable. 2445 West Yuma.

278-0915. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! excel cond 2 Br to 5 bdrm homes. Low down payments, no qualifying. Globe Realty, 939-9709 eve 945-6207 $250 DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN 2-bdrm newly painted inside out. New RF.

$8200 $80 mo. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 956-1034 4 Bdrm Fam Rm BILT-INS 1,775 SQ' LIVING AREA No Down-No Closing Costs FULL PRICE $14,700 13 closed baths, Patio, Big Kitchen, EnGarage on Cul-De-Sac, Close to schools Shopping. Make offer. Joe McGarry RIty 265-3878 or 265-3595. 1419 W.

IND. SCH. RD. 4 BRs $15,800 No qualifying Make an offer! Baths, family rmkitchen combo, covered patio. Priced just under FHA appraisal.

carpets, drapes, water softener. Arcadia doors from master BR suite to patio Royal Palm grade, Cortez Hi. Pretty house, pretty lot. Eves call 937-6424 32ND SHEA AREA A clean-cut exterior with heavy shake roof trim desert landscaping enclose this sharp 3 BR Fleetwood home. Family rm, all built-in kitchen, baths 2 car garage patio.

Walk to Cholla grade, bus to Paradise Valley Hi. Priced low, low 20's. Eves call 943-8193. TOM JACKSON ASSOC. Real Estate NORTH Investments 6000 16TH STREET 279-1671 DECORATOR'S DREAM Heres a sharp 3 br, refrig, Early Am style ranch home, fam rm has beamed ceiling, deluxe kitchen all bit-ins, Ige double garage, lanai, sparkling POOL.

CUStom BBQ pit too! Mid 20's xient terms. DON HEIPLE ASSOC. 4821 N. Central 264-4841 10 CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER Yes Xmas in this mature gracious home would be something special. Deep in the heart of Encanto Park A jewel at $25,000 or makde offer.

258-8051 Johnson Johnson 272-6160 5-STAR DUPLEX One of the best duplex values we have seen. Located close in No handy to everything. rental problem. Rear unit completely furnished. 2-car garage.

Each unit has 2 bdrms full bath. Large livina rm. Sep laundry rm. Underground sprinklers. Owner will carry down.

BUD MELCHER 264-6767 ASSOCIATES 5114 NORTH 7TH ST. chain THREE room cabin. Needs repair, link fence. $50. Down $29.95 per Mo.

Broker, 2001 West Hadley 254-7265-254-2281. LOOKING NORTHEAST. Two bedroom plus den, which could be used for third bedroom. Screened sun Street. $67.50 PITI.

$300 DOWN. porch. Close to McDowell and 24th $6,750 TIES. TOTAL. AMERICAN PROPER4002 West Van Buren.

278-8362. 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale NEWLY DECORATED $98 MO 3 Barm fam rm or 4th bdrm carpet'd draped. $11,275 $375 dn No cl costs 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 266-9744 You Won't Find Another 3 large din bdrms, liv. rm sep rm. drapes, ern kitchen service HI dist.

Beautiful lot. cellent NE loc. Madison Camelback to appreciate-lower $20's. RAY DANIELS Rity Inc. 5332 N.

7th Ave. 264-1318 Ev 265-2716 LUSH LANDSCAPING and that ain't all! An interior more than comparable to the exterior. Center entry with up front living room corner fireplace. Sep dining rm a kitchen, loaded with all the "goodies." A solarium extending completely across the rear with arcadias opening to an inviting swimming pool. Carpets drapes complete a decor to satisfy your taste.

BUD MELCHER ASSOCIATES 264-6767 5114 NORTH 7TH ST 80 W. HOLLY Close-in location. Older type, 4 bedroom, 1 bath residence, Price $16,500. For further mation. Your Broker or Trust Department Valley National Bank 261-2621 NEAR ENCANTO PARK 2 BR plus 21' family room--dining room too! Pretty double lot with huge brick fireplace BBQ.

Only terms. CLEVENGER REALTY NW Corner Central Thomas 279-5505 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1319 W. MISSOURI MORTGAGE LOW DOWN REFRIGERATED BUILT- -INS Priced in teens MURRAY THOMAS Eves. 274-3929 IMAGINE ONLY $300 DOWN 3. BR, 2 bath, family room, home.

Lovely carpet drapes. Kitchen has built in range oven. Double garage, too. REALTY EXECUTIVES 264-0605 Eves. 942-3185 ST.

FRANCIS PARISH A roomy 3 BR 2 bath refrigerated home in walking distance of church, school! (Central, St. Francis, Brophy) shopping transportation. Bill in oven range, family rm, fireplace, drapes carpeted dbl carport. EARL STOWE REALTY 279-9325 274-4542 5136 NO. CENTRAl, Homes 22-Phoenix For Sale Northeast Area (N.

of McDowell, E. of Central) BY owner, refrigerated, three bedroom. bath, large family room. Large fenced citrus lot. Covered patio.

Carpets, drapes. Exceptionally clean. Assume VA loan. $23,. 250, 3810 East Coolidge, 955-3092.

NR 24th St. Osborn-custom brick 3 BR home. Cpts-Ven. blinds. New roof -new cooler.

etc. Vacant. Only $11,775. Evs. 277-2952.

ARISTATE REALTY 264-1828 LUXURY Park Central home. 265-1224. 4125 NORTH 44th Place, three bed- room, bath. Broker, 955-2543. MODEL SPECIALLY PRICED Beautifully carpeted draped by Warners.

3 Bdrms, formal dining room. separate family room with fireplace, on large citrus lot ready for immediate move-In. NORTH CENTRAL TERRACE 8500 NORTH CENTRAL (5 blocks north of Northern) MODEL OPEN 12-6 P.M. GOLDEN HERITAGE HOMES MADISON 4 BEDROOM 2,000 sa. ft; refrig'd, 3 bath, fam, carpet, drapes.

$21,375 appral. sal, sell at $18,950 for quick sale. Owner -Broker, 277-6277. NO QUALIFYING beautiful 3 bdrm 2 ba. dble.

carport, patio, workshop, fence, small pool. New Pioneer 264-9706. POOL-SCTSDLE AREA 3. barm, 2 bath. refrigerated.

Beautiful new carpeting. Lge. fam. Range, oven. Pool is fenced, viTa is fenced.

Nice desert landscaping on corner lot. Only $19,350. STATE REALTY 956-3260 THREE bedroom, bath, carpeted, near Most Holy Trinity. Excellent buy. Edgar Scheibel, Broker 943-9297.

OWNER, three bedroom, refrigerated. $15,800. $600 down, refinanced. 275-2887. 2520 North 38th Street after 5:30 p.m.

weekdays. TIRED OF LOOKING? You MUST see this beautiful 3- or 4-barm home in a most desir. able N.E. location. REFRIGERATED with good carpets, drapes, extra builtins other goodies.

Pay cash to mtge or go FHA and MOVE RIGHT IN. Appraisal is $24,900 but owner says, "LET'S TALK TURKEY NOBLE LEE REALTY 3206 E. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. 956-2350 Member Multiple Listing Service Gorgeous 3 bdrm, 2 bath home, at 20th St. Osborn.

Corner carpet, drapes, newly painted. All fenced. Lge. hobby shop. Only 900 tot.

Offer on dn. Owner carry $100 monthly, FLINTRIDGE CORP 2024 E. Thomas 264-2828 2 BEDROOM Close in location. Needs some work. $5000 total.

Kachina Terms. Kachina Realty 947-7205. Eves. 253-6091. STILL LOOKING for that good country, have it.

4 Bdrms. family room garage; sunken liv. excellent carpet draperies--out where you can see the stars. Ideal for GE Sperry Rand folks. CLEMENTS REALTY 955-4600 3601 E.

Campbell Call 24. hrs. daily A REAL SWINGER Walk in--just start livingEverything is here. Huge living room with bay window. beautiful drapes, separate formal dining room, 4 big bedrooms, baths, family room 22x14 with a fireplace, breakfast area 11x11, double oven, dishwasher, disposal, 2 car garage.

Former model, only one year old. Reduced to $27,500. And owner will consider lease option. Ask About Our Exchange-A-Plan 959-1850 HENDERSON REALTY 4225 E. Camelback Rd.

BY owner. 2 bedroom, 2112 East Glenrosa. Madison elementary, Camelback High. Excellent condition. Wall-wall carpetina, drapes.

Refrigerator, range included. Only 475 beina $500 below FHA appraisal. financina UD to $10,000 able approved credit. Shown by ap. pointment only.

Phone 253-1179, 944-7949. 20TH Street and Osborn. Two bedroom furnished. A nice home. FHA, $8750.

Donofrio's Realty, 253-8560, 258-5153. 3 1 SPLIT ARCADIA Unusual attractive shaped plan, 3 bedrooms off family wing, large separate master suite. Living areas look into patio, formal dining, large family room. Arcadia Hi. Low 30's.

Ask About Our Exchange A-Plan 959-1850 HENDERSON REALTY 4225 E. CAMELBACK RD. THREE bedroom, brick, carport, fenced, carpeting, Creighton School. Small down. Low monthly.

$12,500 FHA appraised. 2940 East Culver. 275-4088. CENTRAL High one block. No qualifying.

Three large bedrooms, garage, low down. Crown Realty, 274-2473. Spotless bonded brick 3 br. home. Newly painted in out.

Dbl. port. Finest 30th Osborn area. $12,800 tot. $1500 dn.

$120 monthly. FLINTRIDGE CORP 2024 E. Thomas 264-2828 1125 E. MISSION Lane (9200 North). Sparkling clean refrig'd family home.

Sunnyslope, Assume high mo. or low down, $97 mo. FHA. Broker, 277-5709. REFRIGERATED, Drapes, partly furnished.

One bedroom, guest house, bath. By owner, immediate occupancy. Lease or sale. 274-1856. evenings.

CALL NOW. HOMES $5 to $12.000 ALOHA Rity. 956-1000 or 947-9632 22-Phoenix For Homes Sale Northeast Are (N. of McDowell, E. of Central) SELL or lease three bedroom, family room, baths, refrigerated.

citrus. $23,500. 947-4522. POOL WITH A VIEW Exquistie taste this finest quality are keynotes of lovely mountain view home in desirable indian Hills. 3-barm, 3-bath, fam room, fireplace lg kitchen EVERY CONVENIENCE.

Beautiful carpets, custom drapes thruout. Lg utility could be 4th bdrm. Covd patio. Automatic pool. Block fence.

Everything, want or need for xint financing. NOBLE LEE REALTY 3206 E. INDIAN SCHOOL 956-2350 Member Multiple Listing Service NEW STARLIGHT MODELS- 3 BR, subdivision sold out, $19,200 to $19,600. Builder. KACHINA Small dn, no qualifying, dandy 3 bdrm.

home, carpet, nice kitchen, carport, storage, fenced yd. Immediate possession. Positively can't last. Call 273-1651. Open Eves.

Inc. 36th St. Campbell. Sharp 2 bdrm, 2 bath, fam. rm.

Refrig. Corner lot. Fencd. Carpet drapes. Immaculate thruout.

$21,200 tot. Low $152 Incl. FLINTRIDGE CORP 2024. E. Thomas 264-2828 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ANXIOUS SELLER Owner purchased larger home and has vacated this 4 bedroom former model home.

Large family room, electric kitchen, becutiful carpets drapes, clean as a pin throughout. Walled garden, beautiful landscaping. Cocopah Saguaro Hi. $27,500. Give US an offer.

Great for G.E. employees. EASY TERMS 4 PLUS POOL Most anxious seller owns this 4 bedroom, family room, 2000 sa. ft. home.

Newly painted, block fence, enclosed patio next to a sparkling pool, wall to wall carpets and drapes. Owner transferred and wants immediate sale. Easy access to Black Canyon highway. Priced at $24,950. ED POST REALTY 955-2860 4917.

N. 40th St. Realtor 2 BR Well built block -Carport $350 Dn. CARL'S Rity 252-7551 Eve 275-3109 NEAR MOTOROLA Enioy cool refrigeration with this just redecorated spacious 3 BR. 2 bath home surrounded by $14,900 for neat clean in quiet.

NE area. Only cutie. BILL CLINE, REALTOR 4426 E. OSBORN 959-4505 TWO bedroom, corner block house. R-4.

$9,500. No down, closing costs only. Call after 10 am. 997-4309. NO QUALIFYING 3 ly Bdrm.

painted, bath, fence, newvacant, move right in. Make offer on down. Shepard Rity. 278-6237 Savings Loan must sell. Arcadia 3 Barm, 3 bath, fam.

rm. Pool, sprinkler. All bit-ins. 2 fireplaces completely equip. guest ho us e.

Fenced yard. Hundreds of extras. Well below market. $48,500 tot. Try $3500 dn.

Vacant, move in today. FLINTRIDGE CORP 2024 E. Thomas 264-2828 NICE Ige 2 BR cptg stove goud area nr 16th St. Osborn. Make an offer.

Agent, 264-1828, Ev. 277-2952 MODEL OPEN DAILY 6216 E. Lafayette Blvd. 12 NOON to 6:30 P.M. Large Arcadia citrus lots.

A sensationally new really functional floor plan, superbly designed for gracious modern family living. 3, 4 5 BRs from $37,950. MODERN BUILDERS, LTD. 946-7895 or 266-8417 CONSTRUCTION EARN $480 PER MONTH? YOU CAN OWN AN ALLIED HOME IN Prices as low as $13,200. Monthly payments as low as $105 V.A.-No Down Payment.

Total FHA Move-in Cost as low as $450. Every home features all-electric, GE kitchen with dishwasher, disposal, oven, range, venthood. Every home has lifetime copper plumbing throughout, IXL kitchen cabinets, Formica countertops, white cedar fencing. Clearview Is Open Now! CLEARVIEW SHOW OPEN EVERY DARNED AM-8 PM 24th Street Cactus Rd. Phone 944-2107 OFFICE SPACE With this exceptionally sharp refrig 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fam rm Allied.

Fully equipped kitchen eating area; except br, carpets drapes thruout. Outside boasts professional landscaping, fenced yard. Cov patio BBQ. Excellent buy at 959-1700 TOM FANNIN, REALTOR 5103 E. THOMAS RD.

OWNER. Camelback, Madison Schools. 3 bedroom, family room, 2 baths, perfect condition. $20,000. 4511 North 30th Place.

3 Bedroom, family room, carpet, drapes, range, fence, old shade. Good N.E. area. Low down. Agentowner 264-1828.

LOADED WITH TENDER LOVING CARE You will be proud to own this immaculate 3 Bdrm, Refrig'd home in Arcadia Hi area. Priced in the midteens too! Eves. 942-4805. HALLCRAFT REALTY 3709 E. Indian School Rd.

955-1800 lawn, NICE fruit two trees. bedroom home. Nice Pay $2600 CTM, $52 month; balance $6800. 943-8281. By owner.

BEAUTIFUL 3 BR, NE N. of Indian School Rd. in nice area. ba. Lge fncd yard.

Priced at FHA appr. $14,500. $450 dn. Call for appt. to see.

BIG BEAR REALTY 956-0350 WALK TO THOMAS MALL 72 shops- distance. everything within walking carpets and Lovely 3 refrig. fine drapes T-0. 134 lovely old shade trees. Quiet neighborhood.

Priced in midteens. Call today ED THIRKHILL REALTY 24 Hr. Serv. Ph: 947-4266 REFRIG'D 4 BR W-W carpet crapes, lge patio. refrigeration.

dn1erms. Strout Rity 4113 E. Van Bur. 275-7687 "STOP" $95 month pays all! Lovely modern brick 3 bedroom covered patio, down. $10,500 carport, "No" qualifying, $550 total.

Emerald Trust 264-0706. NEW LISTING! 3 bedroom Cream Puff! Fenced, Papago, Saint Agnes, Tower Plaza, $12,500. $400. Down FHA $116.37 month, A-Bar-K Realty 275-0141, 273-1149. VIEW OF CITY 2 Bdrm refrig'd.

Completely furnished carpeted. Neat clean. Extra lot included. only $11,950.1 dn. No qualifying necessary.

CARLISE BROS. REALTY 2711 24th 264-1738; ev 266-4536 3 BR. 2 Bit-in ba. large kitchen LOVELY REFRIGERATED area. Well kept Fenced complete.

inside out, $19,000 REALTY 279-3561 3 Bedroom, clean nr schoois $11,750 Small dn. Agent 275-6274, AM 5-6568. MOTOROLA AREA, Refrig 4 Br Ba. 30 Fam Rm. Carpet, Drapes, Cov.

Patio. Trees. Cp. Fenced. $400 Dn.

$150 Mo. 947-2715. PROPERTY SERVICES inc. 946-6019 SPACIOUS LIVABLE Huge refrig'd 3 bedrm 4th bedrm or Den Fam rm Bitins 1-car garage Huge irrig'd lot Horse privilege STEPHENSON Rity 959-3300 273-0244 TO SETTLE ESTATE. Very nice 2 bedroom home in beautiful condition.

Completely furnished. Under $9000. Agent. CR 9-3400, C.R 7-5604. NICE 3.

BR home-N. Phx. Vacant. Only, VA down to new FHA or OR assume qualify for existing VA mtge. Aristate Ritv 264-1828.

Evs. 277-2952 "SEE THIS" big 2 bedroom could be offer $350 Workshop, dowr, carport $7950, Osborn area Emerald Trust 254-0706. TIERRA MADISON PARK 2 BR garage VERDE CORP. 956-14601 122-Phoenix For Homes Sale Northeast Area (N. of McDowell, E.

of Central) 2239 N. Edgemere FHA appraisal. 10,500. Try $9,500, $300 Down AvaIon Realty FOR SALE BY OWNER This beautiful 3 bedroom home located on an extra large citrus culde-sac lot, 2 blocks from Central Avenue. This makes this the Valley's best home buy.

3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room and dining room. Carpeted, draped, refrigeration. Can be seen between 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Today.

125 E. LOMA LANE (1 BIk. N. of Northern) $23,900 CALL 943-7987 A. C.

Handy officiating. Burial at Double Butte. Visitation 2 p.m. today, KING, Edgar D. Survived by wife Vivian Phoenix; daughters Mrs.

Joe Hawkins, San Marcus, Mrs. Jeffery, Mesquite, Texas, Mrs. lone Wruch Mrs. Billie Coley, both of Houston, Texas; one brother 2 sisters out of state. Also 5 grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren.

Services 2 p.m. Chapel in the Garden, Mercer Mortuary. Interment Greenwood. Friends may call after p.m. today.

LANDERS, Edgar E. 1015 N. 19th St. Services 7:30 p.m, today, Camelback Sunset Chapel, Pastor E. Clark Robb officiating.

LEEPER, Oren Jackson Sr. Father of Mrs. Barry Wyatt, Eugene, Oregon; Mrs. James Critenden, Battle Creek, Mich. Oren J.

Leeper, Baxter Springs, Kansas. 3 sisters 3 brothers. 7 grandchildren also survive. Services 3 p.m. Thurs.

in Memory Chapel A. L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. MAGERS, Katherine N.

Survived by husband John Phoenix, sons, John Minneapolis. Homer, Birmingham, daughters Mrs. Katharine Haupt, Scottsdale, Mrs. Barbara Dorn, Las. Vegas, Mrs.

Dorothy Baikie, Metairie, 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Private family services Wednesday Green Acres Mortuary, Scottsdale. Interment Green Acres Memorial Gar dens. Visitation 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today, The family requests no material remembrances.

MANN, Thomas Alvin. 86. 5337 W. Thomas Rd. Father of Mrs.

Lillian Gardner Mrs. Katherine Jones, Willard Charles Robert. Kenneth A. Mann, all of Mrs. Lois Rhodes, Redland, Harry L.

Mann, Tucson. Brother of W. J. Mann Mrs. Docia Cartwright, Phx.

Passed away 19 grandchildren 36 great grandchildren also survive. Services conducted by Mr. Kenneth Marrs, 3 p.m. Wed. in Memory Chapel, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. MATHENA, Raleigh L. Jr.

Husband of Mable C. Father of Wayne, Lavar, Mrs. Janetta Biladeau. Mrs. Raleine Allen, Lavon and Leesa Mathena.

Passed away Sunday. Funeral services conducted by Pres. Roger Evans, 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Lehi LDS Ward Chapel. Friends may call at the Meldrum Mortuary, 4-8 p.m.

today and Wednesday noon until service time at the Ward Relief Society Room. Interment Mesa City Cemetery. MATTOX, Kent. Services 10:30 a.m. today Grimshaw's Bethany Chapel, 7th Ave.

W. Bethany Home Rd. Interment Memory Lawn Cemetery MERCURIO, Vincent A. Survived by a adughter, Mrs. Florentine Duble, Cleveland, 5 brothers, Frank, Charles, Anthony and Peter of Cleveland, GUS, Los Angeles; 2 sisters, Mrs.

Margaret Boardenaro, Mrs. Anna Spikuzzo, Cleveland; grandchildren, 3 great grandchilthe dren. Chapel Rosary of 8 the p.m. Roses, Larry J. Wednesday Melcher Mortuary; Requiem Mass 10 a.m.

Thursday, Christ the King Church. Burial Mountain View Memorial Gardens. McMULLEN, Joseph F. Golden Mass today Door Lundberg's Chapel, Youngtown. MIDDLETON, James F.

Survived by wife Piney and son Ernest, daughters Mrs. Roxie Bibly and Mrs. Pauline Wieland, all of Phoenix. Brother Calvin, Kentucky, sisters Mrs. Lucy Stout, Miss May Middleton and Mrs.

Nellie Wynn, both of 3 grand children. Service time pending. Green Acres Mortuary, Scottsdale. Interment Green Acres Memorial Gardens. Visitation 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

today. MILLER, Fred. Services will be conducted by Dr. Edwin E. Reeves, 3:30 p.m..

today, Chapel in the Garden, Mercer Mortuary. Inter: ment Greenwood. Family suggest memorials to the cancer society in lieu of any material remembrances NABORS, Edward Lee. Husband of Betty Jean. Father of Jerry L.

Nabors, Phx. 1 brother out of state. Services conducted by Lowell Megorden, Minister 12:30 p.m. Wed. in Memory Chapel, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. O'MALLEY, Thomas. 1110 N.

16th St. Brother of Bartley O'Malley, Phx. Rosary 4:30 p.m. today in Sacred Heart Home Chapel. 1110 N.

16th St. Mass of Requiem 10 a.m. Wednesday in Sacred Heart Home. Interment St. Francis.

Whitney Murphy. ORABUENA, Nellie B. Requiem Mass 9 a.m, today St. Anthony's Church. Mortensen Kings Funeral Center.

ORTIZ, Anita A. Survived by mother Mrs. Eleanor A. Ortiz; sister Mrs. Lucille Sanchez; grandmother Mrs.

Arnada B. Elias, all of Phoenix; brother Charles Scottsdale. Requiem High Mass 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 4715 N.

Central. Interment Mt. View. Friends may call after 4 p.m. today at Mercer Mortuary.

PETERSON, Ralph Wilton. 69. 3552 W. Echo Lane. Husband of Doris.

Father of Mrs. Jay E. (Sandy) Hammer Ted R. Peterson; W. Lee Peterson; Palo Alto, Calif.

Brother of George; Alliance, Ohio Harold Peterson; Columbiana, Ohio. 5 grand children also survive. Services 3 p.m. today in 1st Christian Church, 6750 N. 7th Ave.

Interment Greenwood, A. L. Moore Sons: RANDOLPH, Juan Diego. Rosary 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Carr Memorial Chapel, Tempe.

Requiem Mass 9:15 a.m. Wed. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Interment in Guadalupe.

SANDERS, Grace Chandler. Sister of Mrs. K. M. Chandler; Mrs.

Guy Schooler, Carlisle, la. Memorial Services 7 p.m. Wed. Church, Rev. George M.

Randle evening, Ch Methodist officiating. Friends may call at Bueler Mortuary from p.m. Wed. Cremation. SMITH, Nola Mae; Kerby, Mesa, Services Wednesday, 2 p.m., Mesa LDS 13th Ward Chapel, 316 South LeSueur, Mesa.

Bishop LeRoy Beech. officiating. Interment, Mesa City Cemetery. Friends may call, today, 4-9. p.m.

M. L. Gibbons Garden Chapel, 33 North Sirrine, and Mesa, Wednesday, one hour prior to services at church. STARR, John G. 3607 W.

Orangewood. Services 8:30 a.m. today Grimshaw's Bethany Chapel, 7th Ave. Bethany Home Rd Interment Resthaven Memorial Park. STEPHENSON, Hugh J.

Age 73, resident 2242 North 12th Street, Phoenix. Survived by wife Babb, Daughters. Mrs. Anna Schultz and Mrs. Catherine Wilson.

Services were held Monday at the James W. Reardon Mortuary, Oxnard, California. STEVENS, Mabel M. 145 E. LaMar.

Mother. of Dr. Robert H. Stevens, Phx. Sister of Mrs.

D. G. Wheeler, Chicage. 5. grandchildren also sur.

Rosary 7:15 p.m. today in Whitney Murphy Chapel. She will be taken to Rochelle, Ill. for additional services burial. STOTTS, Eli Harrison.

Survived by Elizabeth, Phoenix, sons Har. ry Point Barrow, Alaska, Virgil Roseville, daughter Mrs. Mildred Petree, Baton Rouge, sisters Mrs. Nettie McMillen, Phoenix, Mrs. Hila Harris, Lincoln Mrs.

Essie Houston, St. Mrs. Essie Houston, St. Joseph, Mo.r 11 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Services 11 a.m.

Wednesday Madison Baptist Church, 6202 N. 12th St. Rev. Rudolph Loidolt officiating. Interment Green Acres Memorial Gardens.

Visitation 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. STRAUWN, Hiram. Services 10 a.m. Wednesday, Bloom's Chapel.

Interment East Resthaven Cemetery. one daughter Mrs. Lydia Cooper of Phoenix, one grandchild. SURRATT, Kenneth. 6837 E.

Diamond; Scottsdale. Passed away Sun. Arrangements pending, A. L. Moore Sons.

WAGNER, Frank L. Sr. Mass 9 a.m. today at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Interment St. Francis.

Hansen Mortuary. WILLIS. Francis M. Services conducted by Rev. Virgil Gondwin 9 a.m.

today in Chapel of Memories. A. L. Moore Sons. Interment Glendale Memorial Park.

WOLFE, Rita O. Rosary 7 PM tonight in Memory Chapel, A. L. Mocre Sons. Requiem Mass 8 a.m.

Wed. in St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church, 6200 S. Central. Interment St.

Francis. WYATT, Virginia Lee. Services 10 a.m. today First Baptist Church, Glandale. Dr.

C. 1. Tucker officiating. Interment Resthaven Park. Brazill- Whitney Mortuary, Glendale.

Charles R. Whitney, George Menke, Directors. 3-Cards of Thanks THE families of Mabel Brown, Tycine Taylor and Frank B. Nelson express their sincere thanks for all cards, flowers, and other expressions of sympathy. 5-Funeral Directors Larry J.

Melcher Mortuary CHAPEL OF THE ROSES 43 S. Stapley Dr. WO 4-4537 CANNON FUNERAL HOME "Serving the Westside" 935-4231 MERCER MORTUARY THOMAS RD AT 16TH ST Phone 266-4473 Private Parkine TEMPE MORTUARY 405 E. Southern, Tempe 967-1643 FORMAN'S Ariz. Funeral Home 376 N.

3rd Ave. AL 3 3-2332 MORTENSEN-KINGS FUNERAL CENTER AL 4-3119 PARADISE CHAPEL RALPH SAGE, DIRECTOR 3934 E. Indian School CLOSE TO MOTOROLA 3 BR, 2 baths, refrig, home. Car. peting, drapes.

Sep utility room, Refrigerator, a washer. yard. Walk to East High. Call today. FRENCH REALTY, 956-3750 3015 E.

Hr. Service MADISON CONTEMP. Heavy ceilings, builtup rock roof, 3 bdrm, bath, redecorated, screened lanai, fenced. Citrus pecan shade. $15,000.

RAY DIDLO RLTY 264-4851 TRANSFERRED OWNER 3725 E. AMELIA Monte Vista, Lutheran Camelback Hi schools, a really quality red brick 3 Br with huge fenced yard, midteens, assume loan or new FHA. MR. REAL ESTATE OF ARIZ. 510 E.

THOMAS 264-5361 FHA VA ACQUIRED Low dn. no closing cost, 3. 4 bdrm. all areas, like new inside out. Why pay more.

Come by for list or info. 314 E. Cmlbk. Rd. New Pioneer Rity 264-9706; Eves.

937-8315. RED BRICK BEAUTY 3 1 ba. has terrace in grill. Ideal for outside living, dbl. garage.

Priced to sell. Harold Harris Rity 272-7905 Open 9-8 MADISON Refrig 3 Br, fam rm, fireplace, fenced citrus lot. $18,500. LEW BROWNIE REALTY 266-9208 BATH $12,500 Large brigs, home, $400 for down. It's a lovely home money.

Just give us a ring. THUNDERBIRD RLTY 275-1412 2541 E. Van Buren Eve. 253-9329 ARIZONA C.C. 3 Bdrms, 2 baths.

Beautiful carpeting drapes. Like new priced in the 20's. TOM JACKSON ASSOC. Real Estate Investments 7000 E. Camelback 946-5324 2 BR HORSES 2 Br, 1 bath home, carpets, drapes, covered patio, corrals, stables, tack room, citrus, riding lanes and other extras.

FRENCH REALTY 956-3750 3015 E. Thomas 24 hr. service Home. 24-Phoenix For Sale Northwest Area of McDowell, W. of Central) BR HALLCRAFT $400 dn.



Highland, Maryvale. rooms, family room, garage, 0 DOWN, 4 bedroom. 2 bath. 939-5253. NO QUALIFYING REFRIG.

3 br, 2 full ba, Disposal, dishwasher, drapes dryer hookup. 18x22 patio. 2 carports large lot, fenced. Terms. REB REALTY 939-8397 8-4 BEDROOMS NORTHWEST Some with refrigeration, fences, pa tios, drapes carpets.

Ranging from $13,900 to $19,875. Call now for friendly information. Citizens Realty Trust 2836 W. Camelback 264-9555 $100 Down, three bedroom, 2 baths, carpeted. draped, fenced, Agent, 939-8333.

SUNNYSLOPE real nice 3 bedroom, bath. $13,000, $91 month payment. Will take $2500 down, and will carry balance. Will talk price. 10002 North 17th Avenue.

REAL CLEAN A 3 BR. 2 bath. N. 80th A Ave, then call GUARDIAN Fenced yard. Carpet.

Drive by 4059 REALTY, 272-6771. 2 BDRM GEM RARE You must see this home with big bedrms, patio, sewer, large irrig. lot. Close to everything. Just $94 per month.

No down to Vets. Citizens Realty Trust 2836 W. Camelback 264-9555 LARGE, 4 264-9315. bdrm. Owner carpets, -Agent.

drapes, 3 BEDROOM, bath. 934-6165. BY owner. Four -bedroom, refrigerated, carpet, drapes, fenced, large screened porch. Water softener.

Close to schools and shopping. CTM, assume $13,300 mortgage. 939-3082. 2 BR, refr, Carport. Fenced yd.

$12,500. $88 mo. Bkr. 939-9844. REFRIG'D CORTEZ HI 3 br ba.

xlent carpets draperies 14x17 sep 10x25 Cov patio. Block FENCED. FHA terms. REB REALTY 939-8397 4535 NORTH 17 DRIVE 3 Bedroom. triple carport.

Shade, fenced, cul-de-sac. By owner 265-2563. INVESTMENT, two lots. R-4, house. $8500 Near back.

939-5047. 3524 WEST Pierce. Two bedroom, $4250 total. $200 down. Crown Realty.

274-2473. COMPLETELY FURNISHED No Qualifying, nice 3 br, 2 ba home, close to grade school. HOWDY REALTY 3525 N. 43rd Ave. 278-3551 Hurry! 4-3 Bdrms Left We have 4-3 bdrms, bath homes under $98 per month.

"No down to Vets. $350 down FHA. Citizens Realty Trust 2836 W. Camelback 264-9555 REFRIGERATED three bedroom, three year Hallcraft. Large fenced yard, brick front, 27' family roomkitchen combination.

Fireplace, covered patio, ash built-ins, drapes, carpet, Cash to mortgage. 4620 West Claremont, 934-1480. $8.995. $350 DOWN. $75 Monthly.

No qualifying, Immediate possesison. Large three bedroom, possible fourfamily room. Trees. Fenced. Not fancy, but decent.

Close Carl Hadven High. American Properties. 4002 West Van Buren. 278-8362. NO QUALIFYING Furnished home with swimming pool, drapes and carpets throughout.

Under around sprinkler. ome shows extremely well. Low Payments. HOWDY REALTY 3525 N. 43rd Ave.

278-3551 TRADE FOR TRAILER 1 Bath home. Fenced. Close to grade school. Low payments. HOWDY REALTY 3525 N.

43rd Ave. 278-3551 NO DOWN 3 drapes BR. 2. Clean bath, as fam, rm, carpets, pin. car cot.

Home Ex Rity, 264-9511 272-7991. 4202 W. ROSE LANE 3 2 ba. elect. kitchen, carpet family rm.

shake roof, dbl. carport. at FHA appr'l. Harold Harris Rity 272-7905 Open 9-8 PAINT FOR DOWN PYMT 2 BR 1 ba. on Ige D-3 lot.

$6500 total price, $50 per mo. DESERT GOLD REALTY 4124 W. Indian School 272-7977 Hilltop Horses! 5 Acres fenced horse facilties-3 BR Refrigerated home on top with gorgeous view Phoenix-close-in-Just north of Northern near horse trails. (After 7P.M. 939-0878).

CLEVENGER REALTY NW Corner Central Thomas 279-5505 BIG HOME SMALL PRICE Over 2100 ft. of living space in this lovely 3 Br, bath, fam rm, with carpets, drapes, builtin TV -Stereo, Native fireplaces lots of paneling stone work, built in desk, cabinet work plus work shop lg fenced backyard. Only $15,500 is close to schools shopping. 4 BR UNDER $13,000 A sharp clean home with builtin beautiful wood work cabinets, chain link fence, excellent neighLuke borhood, close Good for Western Electric, Year personnel. HORSE SETUPS GO BY AND SEE THEN CALL US.

2235 W. Vista $14,500. 2931 E. Danbury $16,500. STATLER REAL ESTATE 937-1975 Eves.

939-3886 or 937-0052.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.